The Righteous Player(s)

Chapter 52: Old news from forty-five years ago


Annan is still not very clear about the specific use of this number of vows.

So his thoughts are not too strong.

But if Annan finds out that this thing is really useful... he will definitely reactivate it and explore this idea.

"... Such a simple curse."

On the other side, Salvatore choked when he heard Annan's curse: "Is there no additional request?"


Annan explained: "The kitchen knife must be the kind that is in use, and it needs to be cut a day ago to count."

"That's still too simple. Your curse is basically impossible to be used by others. It's much stronger than mine."

Salvatore smacked his lips, looking very envious.

Annan was slightly taken aback, realizing something.

He tentatively asked, "Can you tell me? How did you choose the senior?"

"It's okay to tell you directly, anyway, you have almost guessed it."

Salvatore sighed: "The curse I chose at the time was [must go to bed after three in the morning and get up before nine in the morning every day]... But I actually don't want this curse.

"I saw it in the shape of a person who seemed to be sleeping. I thought the content of this curse was to let me sleep more every day, but I didn't expect it to make me sleep less. And I am a person who likes to sleep very much. .”

He sighed again with a sad face: "I feel very annoying now. Very annoying... These days are too bitter, and life is boring."

"I can understand..."

Annan nodded empathetically.

His colleagues continued to work overtime, and when he came home from get off work early, his colleagues looked at him to pack up and go home, and they should have a similar mood.

But Salvatore was miserable.

He was forced to work overtime...


It turns out that other people can't see the specific content of the curse under normal circumstances

In this case, there is an explanation why the great wizard Benjamin chose a conflicting spell.

Because he could only see the general type of spell—that is, the bubble. Through the bubbles, he can roughly deduce what type, what field, and what the spell is related to.

But he also didn't know the specific content of the curse.

Annan suddenly realized that this might be an advantage for him. Although it may not bring any benefits... But at least it can guarantee that you will not be cheated.

For example, if you can't see the content of the curse. So an eyeball, a kitchen knife, and a person with a backstab, to be on the safe side Annan would probably choose that eyeball—the one that looks the least bloody.

But that eyeball is actually the biggest problem.

The curse above does not necessarily happen when. Once the enemy finds out, the scene of "digital assassins squatting in shifts guarding Annan's sore eye curse triggering" will easily appear. Or it is also possible that when he is doing something delicate, he may suddenly trigger a curse to interrupt it...

"Then I'm pretty lucky."

Annan chuckled and said, "Even if others find out about the content of my curse, they will have nothing to do with me.

"If they could control me so that I couldn't get a kitchen knife, or touch a human being for thirty days...then they could have killed me. There's no need to do it."


Salvatore nodded in agreement.

He thought for a while, and asked, "Speaking of which, Don Juan... have you heard of saints?"

Annan shook his head calmly.

Don't ask, you just don't know.

Anyway, you have asked me in this tone, which means that this knowledge is not common. And according to Annan's behavior, even if he really knew, he would pretend not to know.

This is Annan's unique chatting skills: using words such as "yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, so awesome, so awesome, so awesome", combined with adoring and serious expressions, it is easy for the other party to brag about it, and can't help but reveal something. Things that shouldn't have been said...

And when one's social status is higher than the other party's, the power of this technique will be multiplied. If you have a good face, you can double it again.

Under Annan's bluffing offensive, Salvatore quickly poured out all the knowledge in a daze.

As expected, this is really a valuable hidden knowledge—

In this world, there is a special kind of transcendent called a saint.

They are those who Salvatore said before, "have a true heart of justice, and the motivation for gaining extraordinary power is to help others".

They will make a public oath to disclose all their curses to everyone, and let the whole world be their own secret keeper and supervisor of morality, so as to obtain the most powerful oath power. In this way, even if they keep dying from the most twisted nightmares, they will hardly increase the erosion.

In this way, they can travel through various nightmares to purify the most terrifying and dangerous nightmares.

Oath and curse.

Order and Distortion.

This is the duality of all supernatural power in this world.

So it turns out, the meaning of the attribute "Current Formation Vow" he just obtained is actually this.

Annan's expression became slightly serious.

Then he really has to start preparing for it. Even if you don't become a saint, at least you have to find a way to tie the players to yourself...

"By the way," Salvatore reminded, "Remember to complete the information in the nightmare. Write down the part you still remember."

"... I will get angry when you say this."

Annan suddenly felt a toothache: "The information you gave me is totally wrong!"


Hearing this, Salvatore was taken aback.

"It's really wrong."

Annan explained: "I did it according to the above content, but I almost died infinitely... I changed my mind to purify the nightmare after realizing that I had died several times."

"...It turned out to be like this."

Salvatore frowned slightly.

But he thought for a while, and added first: "But I still think that the priest is not malicious..."

"I know this."

Annan narrowed his eyes slightly: "I will also mention this to Priest Louis later."

He could actually see that Priest Louis didn't want to harm himself. Because he recorded a lot of dense information in the strategy for Annan, and most of them were useless details. This is obviously a memory that he worked very hard...

But unfortunately, Priest Louis still couldn't help Annan.

Because he is not acting. He is a real dish.

Of course, there may be another possibility...

Judging from what Salvatore said, it seems that all of them enter the nightmare for a limited time...

This means that it is very likely that Priest Louis did not get through several copies at all.

He just delayed until the end of the time in the stage selection... Then he was automatically invited out.

Can this count as purification? Shouldn't it

So could it be said that the part of the nightmare that has been purified was not actually done by Priest Louis

"Speaking of it," Annan suddenly remembered something very important, and he asked Salvatore seriously: "Senior, have you ever heard of the name Amos? He should have lived in Frozen Water Port Painter, famous some decades ago. Full name is Amos Morrison."

"...Wait, it sounds familiar. It seems that I saw the name on that old newspaper a few days ago... Wait for me."

When Salvatore heard the name, he suddenly paused.

He flipped through it for a while, and finally found an old newspaper from forty-five years ago—it was even hand-copied, and the pages were old and yellow.

On the front page above, there is a line of bold characters:

"Famous Painter Accused of Serial Killing"

And the following reads:

"Recently, Mr. Amos Morrison, a famous artist and painter in Frozen Water Harbor, was arrested by the public security guards for serial homicide."