The Righteous Player(s)

Chapter 55: Dangerous delivery mission


"No. 13 Rusty Water Street..."

The homeless child looked down at the letter of introduction in his hand, and reconfirmed the location: "It is indeed here."

"... Gerald's Dental Office?"

Delicious Wind Goose frowned slightly, with an ugly expression on his face: "To be honest, I don't really want to enter this kind of place... It will remind me of some bad memories..."

"Come in, uncle, it's all right."

Lin Yiyi on the side persuaded: "How about I go up with the child and you stay at the door?"

"...It's okay, anyway, my body shape is easy to make people vigilant."

Delicious Wind Goose said in a deep voice.

This tall man with brown curly hair and muscular body looked at the word "dentist" with obvious fear in his heart.

"I'll stay downstairs and watch out for you."

The card game anchor, who looked exceptionally strong and good at fighting, quickly added: "After you go in, always pay attention to the forum and open the private post of the three of us. If I encounter an enemy here and knock it down , I will send 11111, and you must know it in your heart; if you encounter an enemy who can’t beat you and needs your support, I will send 22222, and you should hurry down to support. If I send 3333, don’t hesitate to jump out of the window or escape from the Run on the trail or something, but don't come back from here. Remember?"

"Understood, uncle."

Lin Yiyi nodded, and responded formally and seriously.

The homeless child also nodded cautiously: "I will protect Ah Gang also be careful."

"It's not Ah Gang, it's Yi Yi..."

The three of their most skilled players reunited in Fort Rose.

The task that Annan gave them at the beginning—that is, the task of successfully blending into Fort Rose, they had already easily completed it.

But to be honest, this task is actually not easy. If players with insufficient brains are allowed to come over, it will be easy to reveal their secrets.

Because it's completely different from Freezing Water Harbor... Roseburg is a serious fortress city. Not only is there a thick city wall, but there are also watchtowers, black crossbows mounted on the edge of the city wall, and standing arrow towers with strange shapes.

Moreover, there are even troops stationed here!

This also successfully answered the question in the players' minds before - why is there no garrison in Dongshui Port as a border city

Now they know it.

It's not that there is no garrison in Frozen Water Port, but that the border guards of the entire North Sea Territory are stationed in Roseburg... and Frozen Water Port is completely exposed and outside the scope of protection.

In other words, Frozen Water Port is just a "stepson".

The players also inquired about some news in Fort Rose... At least a hundred years ago, Frozen Water Port belonged to the Duchy of Winter.

Even until now... Grand Duke Winter has not issued a document to officially cede the land, but just pretended not to see it. In the previous war, Noah's Kingdom, which occupied Frozen Water Port, had no reason to return it for no reason. In this way, the wonderful existence of the frozen water port was acquiesced between the two countries.

The players also got a bit of information that they couldn't understand:

The war between these two countries has subsided, not because they have reached a balance of interests...

It was because of the "enchantment contraction" in the Duchy of Winter.

Players learned that outside the territory of every country in this world, there is a huge, invisible enchantment, which hinders a materialized curse called "grey fog" among the people.

A long time ago, the barriers of the Kingdom of Noah and the Duchy of Winter overlapped each other. This has a rather detrimental effect on the barriers of both countries - but the center of the barrier cannot be changed, and the barrier itself is roughly hemispherical. Once the enchantment is actively contracted. It means the permanent loss of a large amount of land.

Therefore, neither side of the two countries is willing to back down, and each side hopes that the other side can back down. Frozen Water Harbor was once the bridgehead of Winter Duchy.

The war between the two countries ended forty-eight years ago.

1455, to be exact.

The reason for the end of the war was that there was an unknown problem in the barrier of the Principality of Winter, and a small area collapsed. In order to repair the barrier, the Principality of Cold Winter was forced to reduce its territory, abandoning the frozen water port in the southeast, most of the Black Sea, and several small cities in the southwest. Expose them beyond the enchantment.

Freezing Water Harbor was more fortunate.

Because it itself is within the protection range of the two enchantments. After the Dukedom of Winter retreated voluntarily, it naturally fell into the territory of the Kingdom of Noah.

In other words, I found an honest person to take over.

And those cities in the southeast are more miserable. Because the southeast of the Duchy of Winter does not directly border any country.

Of course, the residents are not stupid. They either pack up their belongings, move north and return to the inside of the enchantment, and re-acquire the family property. Or across the ocean to the United Kingdom to the south of the Duchy of Winter. The United Kingdom also immediately opened the immigration channel, and even sent several boats to pick up people.

After a few months, the cities in the southeast of the Principality of Winter were no longer populated, and turned into silent dead cities.

On the other hand, the Frozen Water Port has become more prosperous.

After the principality and the kingdom no longer had border conflicts, the relationship between the two countries improved rapidly.

The Kingdom of Noah directly dispatched troops and immigrants to Frozen Water Port, opened several commercial routes leading to the inland, and directly demolished the defense facilities and city walls originally built by the Duchy of Winter, leaving only the former military port—after all The edge of this dagger is directed inwards rather than outwards.

At the same time, the connection between the Principality and Frozen Water Port has not been severed. The Principality of Winter doesn't seem to care at all that the frozen water port has fallen into the kingdom's territory, but continues to transport goods continuously, and then sell them to the Kingdom of Noah through the frozen water port as a transfer point.

As a result, Frozen Water Port fell into a very delicate situation. Because of the trade support of the Duchy of Winter, its economy took off and developed rapidly, becoming a fairly prosperous port city. But in the eyes of many people in the kingdom, falling into the frozen water port of the kingdom is as disturbing as a girlfriend who suddenly comes to their door but still keeps in touch with his long-distance ex-boyfriend...

Perhaps as early as that time, conflicts had arisen between Freezing Water Port and Fort Rose. But in any case, this could not have appeared only after "Don Juan Geraint" came to the North Sea Territory.

The players must save themselves first, so under their conservative investigation, two days later, they did not find any reason why the viscount might want to be an enemy of Don Juan. Even the vast majority of Roseburg citizens don't know that their new lord has arrived at Frozen Water Harbor...

This big boy, who is referred to by the players as "child" or "little broken boy", may be because of his harmless baby face, or because of his very good luck, he accidentally received a job offer from a slum area. A task that made him suddenly vigilant.

—Send a letter to a "reclusive heathen".

And the child could vaguely see through the sunlight and the black paper tube that this letter came from Mr. "Justin Kerney".

According to the information released by the players on the forum... this person is the butler of Viscount Roseburg.