The Righteous Player(s)

Chapter 56: Doctor Gerald


Lin Yiyi now believes that Delicious Wind Goose made the right choice not to go upstairs.

Even if she has no psychological shadow of the dentist... But the strange atmosphere of Gerald's dentist's office also makes her feel a little creepy.

Objectively speaking, this is a pretty neat clinic. Although the walls were still a little yellow, at least within the range visible to the naked eye, Lin Yiyi couldn't see any garbage.

It can be seen that the owner here should be a person with a certain degree of cleanliness.

But for some reason, after entering this clinic, she always felt a little uneasy.

It's like the feeling when you were a child when you were summoned to go to the head teacher's office; it's also like the feeling when you go to the hospital for a physical examination and wait for the test results when you feel unwell.

Nervous, apprehensive, uneasy... and a little inexplicably excited. The back of my heart seemed to be a little cold, and my body was a little cold. The two arms felt like they had caught a cold, and they felt slight neuralgia.

... a little eccentric.

Lin Yiyi touched her arm a little uneasy, feeling that it was unexpectedly cold here. She looked at her companion, but the child didn't seem to notice anything - on the contrary, after feeling Lin Yiyi's gaze, he turned his head and looked at her in a daze.

"What's the matter, Sister Gangzi?"

"It's okay, it's just..."

"—Are you two patients?"

At this moment, a very soothing and gentle male voice sounded.

The voice was not loud, but it easily interrupted the conversation between the two.

It wasn't until the moment she heard these words that Lin Yiyi suddenly realized that the ordinary-looking young man with a gentle smile had been sitting opposite the stairs, watching her.

But before the young man spoke, Lin Yiyi didn't notice his existence at all.

She clearly realized that this was very weird, but she didn't feel anything wrong from the bottom of her heart. She just asked in a brisk tone, "Is this Dr. Gerald? We are not patients, we are just here to deliver a letter."

"Where is the letter?"

Doctor Gerald asked gently.

"It's... from the slums, I heard it's a letter from the viscount butler?"

Lin Yiyi replied without hesitation.

She then turned to look at the homeless child. After all, her companion didn't actually tell her too many mission details.

The handsome boy with a baby face immediately continued: "Yes, I received the task from the snakehead. Send the letter from Mr. Justin Kerney to a 'hermit heretic', He gave me an address, which is here with you."


Dr. Gerald blinked and smiled softly.

He stood up, picked up a small hammer, walked over and asked calmly, "Then how do you know that Mr. Kerney gave me this letter?"

"I pointed the letter to the sun and rolled it into a tube with black paper. The black paper will absorb light, so I can see some of the contents of the letter through the sunlight."

The homeless child replied without any reservations.

"I see," Doctor Gerald nodded, "Then what else did you see?"

"No more. Because the letter is folded in half, the name is not very clear, and I guess more than half of it."

replied the street child.

Dr. Gerald walked behind him and asked gently and concernedly: "Then are you curious about the contents of the letter?"

"curious… "

The homeless child continued to answer without hesitation.

Then, Dr. Gerald lightly smashed the small hammer in his hand to his skull.

one time. Twice. Three times.

After three soft beeps, nothing seemed to happen.

Dr. Gerald then turned to Lin Yiyi: "What about you, lovely girl? Are you curious about this?"

"Not too curious."

Lin Yiyi replied honestly.

Doctor Gerald nodded, took out two shillings, and handed them to the two respectively. Turn around and sit back in your chair.

Then he said gently: "Then you can go back. You sent the letter to me smoothly, and I accepted it. Little boy, you know that you have an incurable disease, and you will arrange yourself tonight Girl, you also know about this, remember to help him. Then, you two, please go back."

"Yes, Dr. Gerald."

The two replied in unison.

Then, the two of them went straight down the stairs.

Dr. Gerald looked at their backs with deep eyes, and frowned slightly: "These two children are in good physical condition..."

But his brows loosened quickly, he stretched out his hand to tear open the envelope, and muttered briskly: "Forget it, it doesn't matter. It's just two ordinary people..."

On the other side, seeing the two of them going downstairs so quickly, Delicious Feng'e looked a little weird.

He quickly came up to him and asked in a low voice, "Did your mission fail?"

"Mission successful."

Lin Yiyi replied as a matter of course: "We have given the letter to Dr. Gerald. He also gave us four shillings... Now we are going to arrange the funeral of the homeless children."

"...Huh? What? What?"

Lin Yiyi's three words stunned Meimeifeng Goose for three times.

But he reacted quickly. So his complexion changed, he let go of the two people's clothes, and let them leave.

It wasn't until a few minutes later that he pretended not to know the two of them and detoured away by another road.

Thirty minutes later, Delicious Wind Goose stopped them outside Rusty Water Street, and dragged them into an alley with no one nearby:

"You two, do you remember who you are?!"

He looked a little nervous, shaking Lin Yiyi's shoulder: "Do you remember the forum? Have you watched the forum? Do you remember our original agreement?"

Hearing this, Lin Yiyi suddenly froze.

There was an obvious struggle on her face, as if she was fighting someone on the spot... Then her whole body trembled suddenly, her pupils suddenly dilated to the limit, and her whole body was dripping with sweat instantly.

"... Fuck, absolutely!"

Lin Yiyi couldn't help but cursed out loud, but there was still a little fear on her face: "My old lady can actually get it..."

As she spoke, she grabbed the homeless child without hesitation, slapped him in the face one after another, and shouted at the same time: "Come to your senses, kid! Quickly change back to your original form—"

"...don't hit, don't hit, people are stupid!"

After three slaps, the child woke up with a start, and hurriedly hugged his head and shouted: "Even if you yell like that, I won't become a paper man!"

"Have you been mind-controlled just now?"

"...Yeah. I didn't even realize when I was controlled... Good thing you didn't come up."

Lin Yiyi still had a look of fear on her face.

She grabbed the child and said, "Look at your faceplate, he just hit you three times with a hammer! He also said you have a terminal illness!"

"What are you panicking about? Maybe it's because I came to look for you in the middle of the night..."

The stray kid grunted and opened his panel.

There are three debuffs clearly marked on it:

[Curse: Heart Paralysis (triggered after 16:22:31, or accompanied by Curse: Forgotten Secret Words trigger)]

[Curse: no more words (if the holder is attacked before finishing speaking, this attack ignores defense)]

[Curse: Forget Secret Words (Triggered when you say or write the words 'Kurney', 'Viscount', 'Gerald', immediately forget what you originally wanted to say)]

He immediately covered his mouth, and his whole body broke out in cold sweat.

He almost said the word "Gerald" just now...

Suddenly, he reacted.

Quickly posted 1 frantically on the forum, attracting the attention of the two of them. Then he pointed to his mouth, waved his hand again, and took a screenshot of his three states and pasted it in the post.

After reading it, the two of them quickly understood.

"I think we need to go to the lord immediately."

The child finally said, "This matter is very important."

"But we can't go back until you die..."

Lin Yiyi hesitated.

The homeless child didn't hesitate at all: "Then post a post asking for help!

"If I'm definitely dead, then there's no need to save it... The mission is the most important! We can't go back, let the players in Frozen Water Harbor tell Boss Don Juan!

"—This matter must be notified to him personally, and there must be no omissions!"