The Righteous Player(s)

Chapter 6: broken mirror



Seeing that he had silently killed three people with three consecutive attacks, Annan relaxed and let out a long sigh of relief.

Just now, Annan suddenly had a strong intuition in his heart - if he made the fourth cut, he might die.

Although he knew that he would theoretically not die from frost damage, this strong feeling of palpitations still made Annan withdraw his intention to make up a few more stabs.

For the first time, he felt that the breath he exhaled was so cold, like the wind blowing from a cold storage. His chest was also icy cold, and his right hand holding the sword was so cold that he almost lost consciousness, and the intense chill continued to spread from his wrist to his arm.

At this time, a cold soreness came from the shoulders and wrists belatedly.

Immediately, there was a strong itching mixed with numbness surging in his chest.


Annan's body froze, he coughed violently twice, and there was a sharp pain in his chest.

But this pain, mixed with soreness and itching, seemed to make him go through a masochistic exercise. Annan couldn't help feeling the pain of being unable to move, but a strong sense of joy was born in his heart.

That is, his own rationality constrains him, telling him "you have to take a break", so that he can resist his desire to jump up and have fun and vomit blood...

Annan immediately stopped where he was, and began to take deep breaths to adjust his state, trying to exhale all the cold air soaked in his lungs. After repeating it six or seven times, he felt a little warmth in his chest, and his limbs gradually warmed up.

This kind of pain always feels unusual.

To be on the safe side, he still opened his own panel.

In the dungeon, attributes, occupations and other things seem to be invisible. All Annan can see is his health and erosion:

Health: 70%

Corrosion: 4%

"This frost sword technique hurts the body a bit..."

Annan frowned slightly, and immediately remembered.

He has a lot in his mind. What he is using now is not Annan's body, but John's.

John didn't get any injuries before, but he used Frost Sword Technique three times in a row, and suddenly 30% of his health was deducted.

When he used Frost Sword Technique before, he obviously didn't pay any price...

He suddenly recalled the memory fragment that he saw before, belonging to the original "Annan"—

Obviously little Annan only slashed one or two swords at a time, but he looked very tired. It doesn't look like he lacks strength because of his young age, but it's a bit like what he looks like now...

It seems that Frost Sword Technique should have a built-in CD, and it can only be used twice in a row at most, otherwise it will burden the body.

"As expected of the Duke's family's secret swordsmanship..."

Annan sighed with satisfaction.

According to the general routine, the more burdensome this skill is, the more powerful it should be.

Don't you see that the old enemy who has been splitting all his life in fives and fives, the legendary Matt, who changed one by one, almost succeeded in one by one by relying on the unique skill of dying with one hand.

The identity of "Annan" is probably a direct descendant of the Duke of Winter.

This is the son of the Grand Duke!

Although I don't know how many children the Duke has, but I can be regarded as one of the heirs of the principality... one of them. From now on, we can still look forward to the leisurely days of prosperity and wealth, eating and waiting to die...

Annan exhaled a big breath of cold air again, and then straightened up. Drag the bodies of the three people who were silently assassinated by him into the house one by one.

It was like the stealth assassination game he had played.

After killing someone, remember to hide the body. Otherwise, killing is basically tantamount to killing in vain.

It's a pity that there is no such convenient thing as a dumpster or a wardrobe that can hold a lot of corpses...

So Annan thought for a while, and stuffed the three corpses under the quilt. Only the back of the head and two faces that are close together are exposed.

He specifically picked the side that was not frozen and looked relatively intact and put it outside.

As long as no weird people come into this room, it should be fine. The bodies of these three people should be able to hide until the end of the copy.

... If you really met that kind of pervert who dared to go into the house to take a closer look at such a frightening scene, and even lifted the quilt excitedly to take a closer look, then Annan would be fine.

After all, psychology is knowledge that is only useful to humans...

Annan waited for a while, and found that even though he stopped exhaling air-conditioning, the pain was relieved, but the health value that had dropped did not recover naturally.

He smacked his mouth in disappointment.

Can't breathe back blood...

Obviously his injury seems to have recovered, but his health has not increased accordingly.

... Or, is it because he was only in a "nightmare" that he recovered so quickly

Annan narrowed his eyes slightly and said nothing.

He wasted no more time. Seeing that his health hadn't recovered, he went straight out the door, planning to hunt for the next step.

Annan repeated the rhythm of hiding first and then directly launching a big backstab when they met, killing all the guards below the deck who were patrolling or resting.

Counting the three people at the beginning, there are eleven people in total.

It sounds like a very heavy project, but under the premise that no one has received any warning, and it seems that all the guards have not advanced, it only delayed Annan for less than half an hour.

Although he can't be sure, everyone killed by him is a traitor...

But in the final analysis, it is just a copy, just an illusory dream, a story that happened a day ago. In the real history, perhaps the traitors had already succeeded in killing their master, and left with Don Juan's wealth and secret treasures.

If you can't tell which ones are traitors, you might as well kill them all.

By this time, Annan had already realized that something was obviously wrong—

He noticed a detail that he hadn't noticed in the previous episode.

Why didn't he see a single servant, not even a handy girl on this ship

This is obviously unreasonable. Don Juan is only thirteen or fourteen years old this year, even if he is sent to a remote town to be a lord, it is impossible not to give him a servant.

That's not decent at all... and they're taking an old wizard with them. Who will take care of his daily life

It is obviously nonsense to say that it cannot carry so many servants, or that the servants are on other ships. Annan saw many empty rooms, and those rooms were obviously servants' rooms—several people crowded into a small space, with obvious traces of life, some coats, and even a half-finished glass of fresh water.

Again, there was no one inside.

Are they all on deck? Are they all in the captain's cabin

It's unlikely...

Therefore, after cleaning up all the patrolling guards, Annan began to search carefully in each house.

Finally, Annan found them in a room that was probably used to store domestic garbage and could smell bad from outside the room.

— in the form of a corpse.

"… What's this?"

Annan frowned, a little surprised that he was calm without any nausea or fear.

He shook his head and looked at them carefully.

These ordinary people dressed as servants were all hung upside down by ropes and bled to death. It can be roughly judged from the traces that they should have been arrested first and then killed.

The blood on the ground was already cold, but it hadn't completely dried up. It should have happened not long ago. The reason why the smell of blood could not be smelled from the outside was only because fresh dirt was pasted on the crack of the door and on the outside doorknob, and a stronger smell was used to insulate it.

But in the room, it seems to have been cleaned beforehand, without the slightest dirt.

There are only half-dried blood and footprints deliberately stepped on the blood. Those footprints were so dense that they seemed to circle the middle of the room several times.

Annan looked at it carefully, and finally found a detail in the center of the footprints that looked like grinding mills:

In the middle of the room, where the blood was thickest, there was a tongue. Judging by the length and thickness, it seems, probably, could be... ox tongue

Annan carefully avoided the bloodstains, and approached to have a look.

He didn't dare to touch anything, he could only look from afar. After looking at it for a long time, he realized that there was a strange symbol embroidered on the ox tongue with black thread or something. And under the ox tongue, there is a very small mirror.

"… Huh?"

Suddenly, Annan was taken aback.

He recalled, when he was hacked to death by Klaus last week—

After seeing Klaus, he decisively launched a full-strength sneak attack on him. And Klaus just looked at him with his mouth closed, and Annan was suddenly hit by his own attack.

It's like the damage is's not like a rebound. Because "John" and Klaus are not the same height, the blow he hit Klaus in the chest should have hit his stomach if it bounced back.

That's more like some kind of mapping...

At that time, because Captain Klaus didn't know that Annan would not be killed by freezing damage, he saw that he didn't die immediately like the others, so he mocked his half-baked frost swordsmanship.

And at that moment, Annan faintly saw another black rune symmetrical to this rune in Klaus' mouth.

—or rather, the same rune as the reflection in the mirror.

The mirror does not reflect the runes on the tongue.

Because the runes on the ox tongue are facing upwards, but the mirror is below the ox tongue... This means that the mirror image of the runes on the ox tongue is hidden on the "other side" that cannot be seen in the mirror and does not exist.

If the mirror image exists, then this mirror image rune should be exactly the same as the rune in Klaus' mouth!

Annan suddenly felt his scalp go numb.

He realizes where Klaus' weird abilities come from...

...Perhaps, this is the source of Klaus's ability to feed back his own attacks!

Annan raised his long sword. But after thinking about it, he cautiously put the sword back.

He just had such a handy weapon...

He took out the exquisitely shaped long dagger that belonged to Don Juan from his bosom.

"I haven't practiced throwing knives..."

Annan muttered, still standing still on the outskirts of the bloodstain.

He didn't know how to destroy this ceremony, but it was best not to involve himself in it—he didn't dare to trample on those footprints. Anyway, either smash the tongue out, or smash the mirror, or string the tongue and the mirror... try them one by one.

If not, go out and search around the body again. Find the weapons of those traitors and smash them one by one.

With a distance of less than three meters, even if it is a ferrule, one must be hit.

Annan gestured with the dagger for a long time before throwing it out.

Very lucky... In other words, this dagger was also very up-to-date, and Annan didn't have to do extra work-Annan's first blow connected the ox tongue and the mirror together.

While cutting the rune on the ox tongue in half, it also successfully shattered that weird mirror!