The Righteous Player(s)

Chapter 60: Killing intent from three parties


In the very center of Roseburg is the sharp castle that looks crimson from the outside.

Its name, also called Rose Fort.

It looked like a broken sword, pointing unrelentingly at the sky, doused with the blood of a dragon.

In Common Language, the original meaning of the word "Ross" is "Broken Sword" or "Extinct Heir". In addition, it also has the meaning of describing the words of the eunuch.

But the irony is... the current owner of Roseburg seems to be really dying.

The old Viscount is actually sitting back in his seat for the third time.

He is now in his eighties, and he will be in his nineties soon.

Forty-five years ago, he passed on the position of castellan to his eldest son—his only son. Unfortunately, he died in a woman's belly seven years later, so the viscount title went back to the old viscount himself.

Fortunately, he was still young at that time.

A year after his son's death, he had a middle-aged son and a new son, Alan Barber. In the year when his son was twenty-four years old, he passed on his title and city lord to him.

… What is even more unfortunate is that his second son died suddenly seven years later. This time he died in his study, and the old Viscount didn't even know who to vent his anger on.

At this time, His Excellency Viscount Alvin Barber was already eighty-two years old.

Even if he uses spells to forcibly force the old man, he is sure that he will have nothing to gain in the future.

—Fortunately in misfortune, at least his young second son did not die.

In the year of Alan's sudden death, his wife was already pregnant. A year later, she gave birth to a baby boy, who died in childbirth.

Today, Alvin Sr.'s grandson is about to turn six.

He was born without a father or a mother, and his only blood relative was his grandfather—the old Viscount Alvin. Perhaps because of premature birth, old Alvin's grandson is also weak and sickly, often bedridden.

Fort Rose is about to become the real "Fort Broken Sword".

"Don Juan?"

The old man repeated the words of the messenger, his voice was muddy and weak: "What did he come to Roseburg...for?"

He was a tall and thin elder, with extremely thin silver-gray hair that was well groomed. On his head was a ring inlaid with fine gemstones.

The most eye-catching thing about him is his thin eye sockets that are so deep that it seems impossible to see through them. His cloudy eyes were embedded in it, sunken downward. Like the moon covered by dark clouds.

Compared with his slender frame, this comfortable leather seat will look much larger. He didn't seem to be sitting on it safely, but seemed to be falling on it powerlessly.

Behind Alvin's seat stood a tall and somewhat stocky bald man.

He looked to be in his early thirties. There are three bronze rings of different sizes and shapes on the fingers of his right hand, and a heavy bronze necklace hangs around his own neck—it is not so much a necklace as it is a heavy dog chain.

Although it looks like a bodyguard or an underground boxer. But in fact, his identity is the butler of the Barbour family.

Yes, he is Justin Kerney.

A "curse hunter".

"I smell the extraordinary, my lord."

Justin Kearney said in a low voice, "There are two of them, both of bronze rank. They don't carry powerful spells."

His voice is dull and honest, and he sounds like a very calm and reliable person.

"Oh, it looks like our little crow has brought a helper. It's not easy."

Alvin Barber sneered silently: "Sure enough, it's exactly the same as his father.

"By the way, you—say it again. How many of them are there, and how long will it take for them to enter the city?"

He sat on the seat, tilted his head slightly, hunched his back and stared at the messenger kneeling on the ground, and said slowly.

Alvin always kept his head down. Keeping his head up all the time was a big burden on his cervical spine... His neck was too much for him to lift his head, and his legs and arms were as thin as matches.

And being stared at by this old nobleman who has gone through three generations of monarchs, and even four generations of monarchs soon, the young messenger couldn't help but feel his whole body twitching.

"He—there were twenty-two of them, my lord. They should be entering the city by now..."

The messenger said tremblingly.

Just being stared at by old Alvin, he felt a chill down his spine.

"Then invite them."

"… What?"

"I said, you invite them to come here as guests, don't you understand?"

Old Alvin chuckled, and said in a hoarse and calm tone: "By the way, only two people are invited... no, three people. Only the blue-eyed bird is allowed to bring two guards, and he chooses the ones by himself." , remember?"

"... yes, my lord."

The young messenger hesitated to speak, and quickly responded.

Although he is still not very clear about this somewhat vague order... For example, what should the remaining people do and when should they enter. But the Messenger knows that now is not the time to ask these questions.

He clearly realized what old Alvin meant by driving people away, so he quickly resigned.

After he left, Old Alvin turned his head slightly and hissed, "Justin."


"Go... inform our guest."

Old Alvin said slowly and softly word by word: "Go and invite him to the dinner too, just say that we are going to talk about cooperation. It's time for him to express his determination... By the way, give him a big surprise as a gift."

"I do not recommend it, my lord."

Justin spoke bluntly, and flatly refused: "Once they fight, I may not be able to protect you.

"The two extraordinary people who just entered the city, one of them has a very strong smell of curse. It should be the son of the black tower. He and Wizard Gerald should have a grudge. And he himself is a wizard of the transformation system, Don't say it's you... If a conflict breaks out, the whole of Fort Rose may be in danger."

"Why protect me?"

Old Alvin just glanced at him strangely, and sneered hoarsely: "I invited them to the banquet, but it doesn't mean that I will definitely attend. Is this their wedding? I, an elder, is still needed to give a speech for them ?”

"what do you mean… "

"After you notify the guest, bring the child. We will stay at the outskirts of the winery tonight. Remember to leave guards and servants here. The style of the banquet cannot be low. No matter who dies, it is a good thing, preferably Both go and kill them all. If one is badly injured, the other is fine. We're on the winner's side for now.

"As for Roseburg..."

When the old man said this, there was a hint of disgust in his eyes.

His rough and crooked fingers slammed twice on the armrest, and whispered coldly:

"—a pile of broken rocks, don't worry about it."

On the other side, 13 Rusty Water Street, Gerald Dental Clinic.

The ordinary-looking young man with a gentle smile suddenly raised his head, frowned and sniffed the air, his complexion changed slightly.

But he kept moving his hands, and he pulled out the tooth of the patient under him neatly, and threw it into the small box at hand. He took out a small spice packet and stuffed it into the tooth cavity.

"Drink some porridge in these three days, and don't eat too hot things."

He instructed softly, and after accepting the money, he smiled and saw off the guest.

The young dentist frowned slightly, unconsciously turning the delicate silver ring on his left middle finger.

"Old Alvin suddenly became hostile to me and wanted to kill me?"

He murmured, "Strange, why is that

"Supposedly I shouldn't have been exposed..."

Gerald thought for a moment, then reached out and grabbed the small silver hammer on the table, and with the other hand, he took out the small box containing the teeth.

He took out six bloody teeth and pressed them one by one into the side of the hammer.

It's like loading a bullet. Every time a tooth is filled, there will be a strange "click" sound inside the small hammer-it is not a mechanical sound, but a strange sound made when the cervical spine is moved.

When all six pieces were embedded, he stretched out his hand to hold down the small hammer and turned it upside down.

It doesn't matter.

Kill early or kill late...

Gerald murmured, subconsciously showing a gentle smile on his face: "It's good to do it tonight.

He pondered for a while, then called softly: "Mr. Bones, stop the prophecy for me—"

"-I am listening."

Without warning, a deep voice with overlapping echoes rang in Gerald's ear.

Gerald nodded in satisfaction.