The Righteous Player(s)

Chapter 63: The madman's plan


Lin Yiyi huddled in the narrow wine barrel like a cat, staring intently at the void.

Today, she has a very legitimate reason to come to the water forum.

Because this is not fishing, but gathering intelligence—they have agreed with each other before that if anyone leaves the team, remember to upload their own news to the forum in real time and post it in their own posts.

In this way, those players who can't find the quest or get any investigation clues can also work part-time as a dog-headed military adviser, scurrying back and forth in a few posts, and passing the information to the players who need it as soon as possible.

And today's forum is extremely hot—

Purple Hydrangea: "@酒儿, have you entered the city? @一一, @美食风鹅, boss, what should we do! After the messenger came back, the viscount suddenly asked us to carry the black fire from the basement!"

Yiyi: "What?!"

Lin Yiyi was taken aback.

Zi Hydrangea is the player who managed to sneak into the Viscount's mansion as a guard by some unknown means and has yet to be discovered.

Before Lin Yiyi could inform her companions, after receiving Aite, Delicious Wind Goose opened the forum, her pupils shrank in surprise, and she quickly replied:

Delicious Wind Goose: "Where is the black fire? Do you have a plan? Hurry up and take a picture and post it!"

Jiu'er: "We just entered the city here. Just now a gold-toothed bishop named Daliyuan came over to warn the young master, and told him a bunch of 'that's not your hatred'. Let him Don't go to the Viscount's Mansion. Then someone came to the Viscount's Mansion and invited the young master to be a guest. But in the end the young master agreed."

Jiu'er: ""Young Master is really very witty", take a look at this post @紫秀球, this is just analyzed by the young master. He said that the Viscount intends to drive away the wolf, and there will only be that perverted dentist in the Viscount's mansion. "

Sakurajima Muggle: "My name is Bishop Darryl..."

Jiu'er: "Yes, a round bishop named Darryl."

Purple Hydrangea: "@酒儿@酒儿@酒儿, don't come!! The black fire is outside the Viscount's mansion!"

Purple Hydrangea: "There are a lot of black fires, all of them have been taken out! They are connected together, and if they explode, they will definitely not be able to get in or out!"

Purple Hydrangea: A hand-painted map of the Viscount's Mansion with many circles drawn.jpg

Purple Hydrangea: "I can only confirm that there must be black fires in these places, but I can't be sure about other places. Now the viscount has already run away, and our side is about to evacuate... After the black fire is placed, we will follow the viscount to the suburbs. What kind of manor, just leave a few people on the high place, and use rockets to ignite it after they all go in!"

Delicious Wind Goose: "@酒儿, stop Tang Juan quickly!"

"Then this is the plan to imprison Don Juan and Gerald and burn them together!"

Delicious wind goose blurted out.

"...wait a minute, I have an idea."

Suddenly, the child spoke.

Lin Yiyi immediately slapped his mouth and covered his mouth with worry, "Don't worry, go through what you are going to say in your mind first. Say it sentence by sentence, don't just open your mouth and die here..."

Because of being banned by the curse, even posting a melon-eating post now may be life-threatening for a child. Let alone discuss it with them.

"... That is to say, I feel very uncomfortable."

The homeless child took a deep breath: "Only the feeling that I can't help..."

"Your mission contribution should be pretty good. After all, you seem to have picked Gerald out ahead of time. Wait, shut up, you think about it first—"

Lin Yiyi slapped the child again, and then said comfortingly: "You can stay here, but going to help is the best way to help.

"If you meet the doctor again, maybe he will realize that you came to test him on purpose. Maybe you will cause trouble for Don Juan."

"Take it when you see it..."

The child grinned: "I don't want it. What I hate the most are 'take it as soon as it's done', 'hold on', 'delay' and so on. Obviously I can still go, why should I wait here to die

"And where do I have nothing to do?"

He pointed to himself and showed a bright smile: "What silly things are you talking about—don't I still have life?"

"Don't play with such an old meme..."

Delicious Wind Goose couldn't help complaining.

But he also quickly realized what the child meant.

"... you want to light those black flames?"

"As expected of a goose!" The wandering child praised, "Hurry up and inform Jiu'er, let Don Juan wait a moment... I leave my armor and weapon here, I don't bring anything, I just take my life in - wait for someone to enter the door Finally, I will light the black fire, and let the young master go to harvest—”

The homeless child stood up all at once, with no fear on his face, and even seemed to be shining.

"This is what I call it, use the last remaining heat of life!"

On the other side, after hearing the action plan relayed by Jiu'er, Annan pondered for a while, then immediately agreed: "Yes, but revise the plan.

"The people who were ambushing in the city before can be dispatched. First arrest the few people who were ambushing in high places and replace them with our people.

"Then move some black fire and transport it to a farther place - just in the name of Lord Viscount. Ignite it in advance and lure the guards away before the plan starts.

"—Of course, you can also ask them to keep some black fire. If there is any left, go and send some to Lord Viscount."

Annan pursed his lips and showed a gentle smile to Jiu'er: "Just tell him... sir, you forgot something. Remember to be polite to the viscount."

"Yes, master."

Jiu'er's pupils became brighter and more excited, but his voice became softer: "When the time comes, I'll send it to him personally~"

Annan immediately repaired and optimized the players' plans, as if he had thought of it in the first place.

And it is.

He really thought about it from the beginning, but he didn't say it.

According to Annan's common sense, the intelligence he is displaying now is only at the level of ordinary teenagers, and will not be too exaggerated and ostentatious. After all, his colleagues can keep up with this level of thinking and rhythm.

Then, just set this state as the cognition of ordinary people.

Viscount Barber, Dr. Gerald, and the fake Don Juan Geraint... Each of the three parties wants to eliminate the remaining two parties. The most vulnerable among them is undoubtedly Annan.

The Viscount has people, power, money, and time, and the entire Roseburg is his territory, but he has no resistance when facing Gerald at close range, so for him, Gerald is better than Don Juan's more important enemy—the only reason why he didn't continue to assassinate Don Juan must be to use these two extraordinary people to check and balance or even kill Gerald.

If the Viscount realizes that his plan may change, he will definitely launch a more radical and effective plan to ensure nothing goes wrong.

Based on his age and experience in the army, Annan could tell that the Viscount must know the flaws of the refueling tactic.

Whether it is "Don Juan Geraint" or Gerald, they are enemies that will cause endless troubles once they are released. Therefore, the Viscount will definitely make heavy efforts to ensure that one step is in place.

So, what does he have to do this

dark Fire.

Viscount Barbour, who was born in the battlefield, must be able to understand the equivalent of justice.

Equivalents alone are the only reliable backup.

Therefore, Annan forcibly brought twenty people in, disrupting the Viscount's original plan, in fact forcing him to activate the black fire.

Not to kill "Don Juan Geraint", but to kill Gerald who, after defeating Don Juan, gained more than twenty powerful servants.

According to Salvatore's information, Gerald, as a Soul Reaper, doesn't have any reliable defense capabilities.

The more handsome the hero is, the more fragile he will appear under the indiscriminate bombing of full-coverage AOE.

As long as Annan borrowed his strength, he could make the Viscount's long-prepared punch hit the face of Gerald who had just entered the door with a confused face.

But these plans, Annan did not explain to Salvatore. If you are a little smarter, you will be admired, but if you are too smart, you will be jealous.

Let them exist as accidents, as coincidences.

Annan's plans always look wild and wild, even a little crazy. But in the end, it will always have a miraculous effect because of such a coincidence.

So they will continue to despise Annan, "just a lucky fanatic."

But coincidences don't always happen. It's no coincidence that it happens all the time.

No one knows better than Annan.

In this world, there is no one who is always lucky.

The lunatic in the casino only trusts Qianshu.