The Righteous Player(s)

Chapter 64: There's nothing to be afraid of anymore


Mike took a deep breath, feeling a little nervous and uneasy.

He paced nervously to the balcony, leaned on the railing and looked outside, stretched out his right hand and gave a thumbs up to roughly measure the distance, then retracted into the room again.

"The rain is getting heavier and heavier."

He couldn't help but complained to his companion in a low voice: "What should I do if I can't light it then?"

"Impossible, this is an arrow stained with black fire. The rain will never stop."

His companion shook his head, carefully separated the four arrows inserted into the quiver, and inserted them back into the original place again.

Black fire is quite sticky. Doing this on a regular basis is precisely to prevent them from sticking to each other, so that they will not rub when they are taken out.

Mike sighed and sat on the bed: "I'm not worried that the black fire will be extinguished by the rain. I'm worried that when the rain gets heavier, I won't be able to see where the bucket is..."

"Where are the four pots of arrows, brother?"

His companion said unceremoniously: "If you miss a pot of arrows when the time comes, then replace me."

"It's better for you to come," Mike didn't care. "You just take my bounty. To be honest, I don't like such a small amount of money."

"... What are you hiding, kid?"

His companion was slightly taken aback, and asked back in disbelief: "This is a full five pounds! If you really don't want it, I will really take it?"

"What's five pounds..."

Mike grinned, showing his buck teeth: "This is the valuable stuff."

As he spoke, he pointed to the four pots of black rockets on the table with his chin.

With a grin on his face, he leaned over and gave his partner an arm: "Hey, buddy, are you in? We hid this number... do you know the price?"

As he spoke, he stretched out his right hand and gestured for a five, and said in a low voice, "Five buckets. If you want to join the group, you must bring at least one bucket."

" hid the Black Flame?"

His companion asked in disbelief: "This is a capital offense!"

"Fuck it, isn't murdering a lord a capital offense?"

Mike poohed on the ground and cursed: "Let our brothers do this kind of crap, old Bobble deserves to be cut off."

"—good scolding."

Just then, they heard a low voice.

They stood up vigilantly, reaching out to pick up the weapons beside the bed.

But at this moment, an arrow burning with black fire suddenly shot out of the window, igniting the bed.

The flame on the arrow is very dirty, emitting a pungent stench, and continuously emitting black smoke that is hard to open your eyes.

"do not move."

The voice continued to sound from outside the window, and it seemed a little blurred under the more intense rain: "You know what this is."

As he said that, a tall, strong man in a new brown leather armor jumped in.

He held his sword in his right hand and held it up to them. In his left hand, he held a quiver with no arrows.

The next moment, another arrow shot into the house. This time it hit the corner of the wall.

But the two people in the room became even more nervous.

This means that at least two people came to attack them!

"... friends, who are you?"

Mike asked cautiously: "Everything is easy to talk about... How about letting friends outside come in to shelter from the rain?"

"No, we'll be leaving right away."

The swordsman, whose hair was disheveled by the rain, looked at Mike calmly, "You hid five barrels of black fire?"


Not sure which side this person belongs to, Mike didn't dare to speak for a while.

But his attitude has shown a lot.

Without hesitation, the swordsman drew his sword and stepped forward.

The muscles squirmed abnormally, and the power pumped from the heart to the arms—

— A full blow!

Mike's companion was caught off guard and tried to raise the dagger in his hand to parry.

But as soon as the short sword was raised, it was struck by a sword, and flew out to the side while spinning!

"Well… !"

His right hand was directly numb by the huge force, and he even felt his wrist was sprained.

But it's the little things—

Seeing that the second sword was still slashing at him without stopping, his heart was full of despair.

Military swordsmanship!

who is an army man—

The next moment, his head flew out in a whirl, hit the wall heavily, and his body fell back weakly.

"You shouldn't be enemies with the Lord Lord."

The swordsman replied calmly.

Just then, there was a noise outside the window. A young man who was also wet, holding a longbow but not armor jumped in.

"Come on, old goose. Next place."

The young man urged casually, but his eyes quickly noticed: "Why did you stay alive?"

"He hid five barrels of black fire."

Delicious Wind Goose replied seriously: "Tie him up and replace him with another person to torture him. Let's go to the next place..."

"No, no torture, no torture, you two military masters!"

Mike saw that his companion was beheaded without a single move, and he broke his voice in fright: "I'll just tell you guys! I've just been recruited for three months, and I don't know anything!"

"If you knew, you wouldn't be left to do this kind of thing."

Meimeifeng sneered: "Do you really think that you can get the money afterwards?"

Mike was slightly taken aback when he heard this. Silence fell.

"I never thought about it, fuck," he pouted self-deprecatingly, "Why would I do such a thing...

"Give me an accurate word, Mr. Jun. If I'm right, can you spare my life?"

Mike looked at Delicious Wind Goose pleadingly.

Delicious Wind Goose replied calmly: "If we can get it, we won't kill you."

"Three of the five barrels of black fire belong to me, and I hid them at the bottom of the lake in the east district. The stone near the west bank goes straight down and is scattered under the mud. You can find it with a little searching."

Mike felt a little relieved, and immediately replied.

But he soon saw obvious disappointment in their eyes.

He panicked.

For, why

"Forget it, it's too troublesome. I don't have the time to find it."

Delicious Wind Goose shook his head, and commented pitifully: "It's really a waste of time."

"I thought of a game that draws a big circle for you to find people, and finally finds them all in corners."

The child couldn't help complaining.

"It's such a waste of time. I thought I could save the time of carrying a bucket outside... I'll give you experience, kid. I'll write down this address on the forum, and whoever is free can dig it. Tsk, dig it out Estimated to say at least half a day."


The homeless child responded happily, took the sword from the delicious wind goose, and beheaded Mike, who was stunned in place until he died with a puzzled face.

Mike didn't even die.

He couldn't understand at all why they weren't interested in the Blackfyre they hid...

"Oh, Ah Gang said, it's ready to go. The last place was singled out by her, you go squat in the room first, Gerald should be in the room soon."

Delicious Wind Goose patted the child on the shoulder: "Get ready to go, brother dei."


The child cheered up and made an excited voice.

His focus is intense and his morale is high.


"It's definitely okay to try to do some damage, but it doesn't matter if you miss that guy and kill him?"

The child glanced at the countdown to his own death, and said in a deep voice with his usual expression: "Now that things have happened, there is nothing to be afraid of—"

"You are a broken jar, so you dare to say any lines..."

Delicious Goose couldn't help complaining: "Why don't we go to K11 to eat barbecue together after going offline tonight?"

"...Are you going to die with me?"