The Righteous Player(s)

Chapter 7: Cut off the curse


After the mirror was shattered, no shards of glass splashed out.

A large number of purple-red cracks began to appear on the entire mirror surface, from which something colorless and invisible overflowed.

Small whispers could still be heard.

Annan managed to catch a faint smell of spices in the air. But he couldn't answer what kind of spice it was. After all, he has not studied the spices of this world... He can barely smell it, which seems to be a smell between peppercorns and burnt wood.

Of course, if we meet again next time, Annan is still sure that he will be able to recall it.

Suddenly, a line of blood-red characters with some scrawled characters appeared in front of Annan's eyes:

[The curse has been cut - the tongue in the mirror]

The next moment, on the shattered mirror, the nailed ox tongue suddenly ignited a purple flame. At the same time, it also gave off a strong stench, like the smell of tartar mixed with blood.

The flame rose up in an instant and burned the ox tongue completely.

Then, in the shattered mirror, a very strong hurricane suddenly rolled up, and the wind even sucked Annan staggering, almost stepping on the blood in front of him.

But these bloodstains did not last long.

The invisible hurricane swept over, and the blood on the ground seemed to be licked by a dog. After a few strokes, it was sucked clean, and there was no trace of blood left. Even the air no longer has a little smell of blood.

... It was as if something Annan couldn't see was wiping the stains on the ground vigorously.

Soon, the hurricane died down.

The blood, the filth, the ashes of the corpses and the tongues of the whole room were sucked into the mirror.

There is only one mirror left in the middle of the room.

The mirror looked like porcelain with cracks in the ice, or a mobile phone screen that had been filmed and dropped to the ground. It was already broken and looked very miserable, but no glass fell out.

Annan walked over and touched the mirror tentatively.

Sure enough, a light curtain immediately appeared in front of his eyes:

[Tongueless Mirror]

[Type: Material / Miscellaneous (Blue)]

[Description: The destroyed spell has lost its original function]

[Effect: The holder will be cursed "not to say much"]

[Not much to say: If the holder is attacked before finishing speaking, this attack will ignore the defense]

Looking at the attributes of the mirror, Annan fell into deep confusion.

"...Is this thing useful?"

Is this used to provide a warning of "please wait until after the last hit"

Or... the function it was damaged was "the attack can rebound when it is not speaking"

Annan thought for a while, but decided to find a place to hide the mirror first.

It's kind of scary to carry around with you...

After that, Annan found a place to put the mirror, and went out the door with the sword in hand.

As soon as he went out, he saw Klaus, the captain of the guard, who had just passed the last corner with a hurried expression.

When Annan saw Klaus, Klaus also felt something and raised his head.

He also happened to see Annan who had just come out of the room.

The moment they saw each other, they stopped what they had just done at the same time.

Annan was silent for a moment, not knowing what to say, but clenched the long sword in his hand.

Strangely, Klaus did not attack directly either.

When he saw Annan coming out of this room, he immediately looked at Annan's mouth. Seeing that Annan kept his mouth tightly shut, Klauston's pupils shrank for a moment, and he also began to keep his mouth tightly shut to remain silent, standing still on the spot with his hand on the hilt of his sword.

This detail made Annan's heart move slightly, but there was no reaction on his face.

Neither of them moved, neither spoke.

For a moment, there was a terrible silence in the narrow corridor.

The nearly frozen air was sticky and cold, filled with undisguised killing intent and malice.

After a few seconds of silence like this, the vague thought in Annan's mind became clearer:

... Why, Klaus didn't attack me

Did he not want to

No, Annan can be sure that Klaus must really want to kill himself... The killing intent in his eyes is almost boiling, and the indifference of reptiles flows in his slightly squinted eyes.

Just looking into Klaus' eyes, Annan could hear small, inaudible whispers coming from his ears.

In his eyes, Klaus's figure gradually became distorted and exaggerated, and a purple mist was steaming on his body... But Annan looked carefully again, but it seemed to be just an illusion.

The captain of the guard, Klaus, still stood there without moving, his mouth was tightly shut, and he said nothing.


It's not that Klaus doesn't want to attack himself, but that he doesn't dare!

Annan suddenly realized.

Maybe Klaus couldn't see that the mirror was broken, or maybe he didn't know much about it. He probably thought that Annan had acquired the same ability as him... the ability to feed back attacks when he was silent!

For example, take out the ox tongue that belongs to Klaus, and put in the ox tongue that you have prepared in advance... and so on.

With a rough guess in his heart, Annan gained confidence.

He was not the type to lack courage.

What's more, he doesn't feel fear and panic at all now.

Annan just simply didn't want to give it for nothing.

He suddenly stretched out his hand, put his index finger in front of his lips, and made a silent gesture. A very proud and bright smile gradually appeared on John's simple and honest face.

Seeing "John" suddenly make such an almost crazy expression, Klaus's heart skipped a beat.

... Could it be true

John, this kid, really stole the cursed object

"do not come."

While closing the door, Annan slowly retreated to the other side of the corridor.

He stretched out his left hand to cover his mouth, and the words that came out of his mouth were extremely short and unbearable: "Stand back."

Of course he didn't have that rune engraved on his tongue, and he had burned the tongue and cut off the curse.

But coincidentally, Klaus specially chose this fully enclosed windowless room in order to prevent others from discovering the ceremony he arranged in the room. But now, he himself was trapped by his own settings...

He didn't even know that there was nothing in this room.

And as long as Annan blocked his mouth, Klaus didn't dare to take the risk of attacking Annan - he couldn't see Annan's mouth shape, so he couldn't judge whether Annan was going to speak, so he couldn't even attack.

Annan can attack him, but he cannot attack Annan. Once he guessed the wrong timing, he would be killed by himself instead.

Seeing that Klaus was still hesitating, Annan immediately played another card:

"—a mirror tongue, right?"

This is lore.

Hearing this word, Klaus's expression was finally moved.

There was a strong unwillingness on his face, and he finally sighed deeply, and put down his right hand that was resting on the long sword at his waist.

"You win, John. Though I think you probably don't know what you've done..."

Klaus sighed, no longer pretending to be silent.

Seeing that Annan remained silent, he shook his head. Sticking out his tongue, he showed Annan the curse that had been cut off.

There was a deep, blood-soaked scar on his tongue.

The thickness of the bloodstain was very similar to that of Don Juan's dagger... It was as if someone had pierced Klaus' tongue with that dagger. The rune he sewed on his tongue was naturally divided into two by this scar.


Klaus snorted coldly: "Listen, John. I don't need to kill you, but you must also keep it a secret for us... This is also for your own good."

"Can you not kill me?"

Annan repeated what Klaus said, and couldn't help laughing: "Is it your turn to say such things now?"

Although his real strength may not be able to beat Klaus at all, Annan's advantage is that he is fearless.

Precisely because he was fearless - he pretended to be aggressive, so he was extraordinarily confident.

But seeing Annan's confident expression, Klaus suddenly raised one side of his mouth, revealing an undisguised sneer:

"Whose orders do you think we obey? Why do you think we dare to betray the Three-Eyed Raven? Do you think we are all as stupid as you

"The Geraint family is not a generous and kind person. Earl Crow only has four children, and he loves him even more. He was not assigned because he made a mistake, but because the Earl wanted to save his life.

"If it wasn't for the order of that lord, we would have gone crazy and murdered the young master..."

Klaus’s eyes were full of sarcasm that was almost compassionate: “Isn’t there no way to do this? I advise you to stop, silly John, it’s still too late. You have killed everyone below the deck, right? All right, let's do it.

"'Mirror Tongue' can only keep you alive on the boat at best, but if you dare to go ashore, you will die. Moreover, even if you stay on the boat and never get off, the boat itself will not survive cannon.

"You haven't seen what a cannon is, have you? Let me tell you this... As soon as a cannonball hits, the whole ship will be broken in two. It's so terrible."

"I'm the one who killed your subordinate, can you trust me?"

"Even if you don't kill, someone will."

Klaus sneered: "It's just a bunch of trash. You won't be able to enter the ranks in this life... But you are different. Since you can steal my ceremony, it means that you must also have the talent to become a superhuman. You have been pretending to be stupid for so many years , don’t you just want to be a guard?”

"... So, who is it?"

Annan narrowed his eyes slightly, and asked in a deep voice: "Who wants to kill the young master? You can always tell me, otherwise I can't trust you."

From the craft of this ship, there should not be too many forces in this world that can use the "cannon".

He is about to borrow Don Juan's identity, so he must ask who is the enemy Don Juan is facing. Otherwise, I don't even know how I died...

Of course, if it is too difficult to deal with, the possibility of Annan slipping away is not ruled out.

"Since I told you, I'm not afraid of you saying it.

"Let me just say's His Royal Highness the third prince. Not only the young master, but the old crow will also die. Sooner or later... the entire Geraint family, only the young master can live because he is a smart man."

The corner of the guard's mouth raised: "After all, our respected Majesty the King, time is running out now."