The Righteous Player(s)

Chapter 70: It and its last stubbornness


Annan's body was still gushing out a chilling frost.

Before he took out the kitchen knife, Salvatore immediately held down Annan's arm and winked at Annan.

Even though his palms were aching from the cold because of this, he just grinned.

He vigilantly faced the players behind, and ordered loudly:

"You have nothing to do here! Spread out, go to a few people and notify the security guards to put out the fire!"

"No no no... It's okay, Salvatore."

Annan just showed him a gentle smile, and stretched out his hand to signal that the players don't need to leave.

Hearing the two diametrically opposed orders, the players were a little bit abrupt for a moment, not knowing whether they should go or stay, they stayed where they were hesitantly.

They looked at each other for a while, and finally decided to follow Annan's order.

Although they are also NCs, they are also wizards. But obviously the camp leader's words are better.

After Annan prevented the players from leaving, he turned his head and looked at Salvatore.

And from the satchel that he carried with him, he lifted up the whole knife body with the bone-soaked knife soaked in blood, and threw the excess blood on the ground like a nurse who emptied the air in the needle tube and prepared the infusion Same.

This movement was too wide open and closed, forcing Salvatore to back away immediately to prevent Annan from cutting himself when he was throwing blood.

When the players saw this scene, they were almost silent.

They almost watched in horror as Annan took out a blood-stained kitchen knife... and the inside of his satchel was full of blood, as if it contained something it shouldn't have.

They began to regret...whether they should have followed Salvatore's advice and retreated just now.

You won't be silenced when you see this, right? !

The point is, it's fine if you really keep your mouth shut, but don't deduct your favorability!

"I remember, you have to... use it before, right?"

Salvatore showed a subtle expression, and asked with some embarrassment and caution: "Are you sure you have used it?"

"Yes, I cut a slice of ham with it and ate it before I went out."

Annan nodded, and replied in a low voice: "At first, I actually wanted to cut the bread. But I found that this is not possible. Because the bread will suck blood, it will spurt blood desperately, and finally the whole bread is red...

"On the contrary, I cut a slice of ham, but it wasn't stained with much blood. It can be eaten after wiping off."

Originally, Annan planned to take a kitchen knife from the kitchen of the city lord's mansion in Dongshuigang. But this may leak your spell from the natives - which is not the same as leaking it to the players.

And it's kind of a waste.

After all, no matter how big An Nan's heart is, it is impossible to put the kitchen knife that chopped someone back into the kitchen.

He can't always serve a table full of dishes for the guests when they come to the door with a smile, and then introduce to the other party "Come and try this dish I made with the knife that chopped Gerald", "This is The dish I made with the knife that chopped the viscount, you must try it", "This is the dish I made with the knife that chopped Salvatore, it's especially good for people" and so on.

If Annan kept asking his servants to buy new kitchen knives and "grease" them in the kitchen, they might suspect what Annan did with these kitchen knives.

At that time, some horrible rumors may spread, which will affect Annan's personal image...

But if you wronged someone for losing the kitchen knife, it would be pure shamelessness—even if Annan would not blame the other party, but after all, you have wronged someone and let innocent people suffer for no reason.

In the end, Annan regrettably found that he could only use the gift kitchen knife that came with the spell.

It's better than bothering others.

Moreover, Annan unexpectedly discovered that this kitchen knife was actually not as inconvenient as he thought.

If you walk around with it all the time, the picture is very scary. But if you just put it in the bag, the speed at which it bleeds will be much slower.

Its introduction is, "a kitchen knife that can never wipe off blood". And Annan did a simple experiment. If you hang it upside down, it will drip about one milliliter of blood per minute; but if you try to wipe off the blood on its surface, it will immediately soak more blood in the next second. blood.

If, on the other hand, its surface is covered with blood, or soaked in blood all the time, it will stop bleeding.

In other words, the reason why it keeps oozing blood is just to maintain the requirement of "there is blood on the kitchen knife".

Probably this is it and its last stubbornness.

This is actually quite a pity.

Annan originally wondered if he could hang it up and make it into a continuous supply of blood plasma or something—if it was human blood, it could be made into a blood bag; if it wasn't human blood... it could also be made into blood balls, blood sausage or Bloody or something.

Unfortunately, it vomited blood too slowly.

When it was slow enough for Annan to put it in the bag, the satchel would not drip blood or anything from the seam.

So Annan simply carried it with him. Use it every morning or night to peel a piece of fruit or slice ham or cut meat. Anyway, you can eat it after rubbing it, and there is no big problem.

In this way, it can also be guaranteed that Annan can take it out and use it to dissolve his curse whenever he encounters an enemy.

Annan raised the bloody kitchen knife, and showed a gentle and happy smile to Salvatore who was avoiding him:

"I'm going to use him to undo my spell—you don't mind?"

"...I'm fine with that, but they..."

Salvatore looked at the players with some hesitation.

Annan replied without hesitation: "I trust them—they will definitely keep a secret for me. This is an agreement that I have made with them long ago."

The players were suddenly at a loss.

When is the agreement...

But they are all smart people, no one asked about this matter, but took it as their own "character setting" as a matter of course, and they all nodded and admitted.

"But you can explain to them what a curse is. I haven't explained it to them in detail before... You understand the reason."

Annan skipped this part with a vague tone, and then replied with a straight and serious face: "Because I think they all have the qualifications to become superhumans."

"...well, if you want."

Salvatore shrugged his shoulders, glanced at Gerald, who was covered in a layer of ice, but still struggling slowly and making rattling noises, and walked towards the players.

Just in time, use this opportunity to introduce some settings to the players...

Annan breathed a sigh of relief, walked into Gerald with a kitchen knife, and took a rough look.

It's time to make up a few knives quickly.

Otherwise, I will freeze to death in front of my eyes...

"Sorry, friend."

Annan smiled briskly, and said in a very low voice: "We have no worries and no complaints...but I don't accept your surrender.

"You can almost give up struggling. Let me give you a good time, and you can do it too, give me more experience—"

As he spoke, he lightly cut a very faint frost mark with a kitchen knife.

The blood drop on the kitchen knife turned white in an instant, was blown out and nailed into Gerald's body, and then the blood on the kitchen knife began to melt again.

And the frost mark silently sank into Gerald's body, which was frozen into a lump, and made a "crash" sound that Annan was already somewhat familiar with.

Didn't die

Annan was a little surprised, and made a second, and then a third knife—

[Kill a silver-ranked enemy in battle and get 1240 public experience points]

The moment Annan had just marveled in his heart, "A silver-ranked wizard is really fat", he suddenly realized...

It seems that the pressure I felt when I cut the Frost Sword Technique three times is not as great as before

With that in mind, he immediately opened the properties page.