The Righteous Player(s)

Chapter 71: comprehend by analogy


[Health: 85%]

... This time, the third Frost Swordsmanship only lost 15% of his health

Annan raised his eyebrows, and had some speculations in his mind.

If he guessed correctly, this Frost Sword Technique is not so much a sword technique, but rather some kind of supernatural ability.

In other words, this is a key to safely stimulate the power of the blood.

Annan realized before that when Frost Sword is used continuously, the damage of each attack will not increase too much, but the damage he receives will double... This is unreasonable and impractical. It's not like the Winter Grand Duke will teach Annan a very strict lesson on the skills he has learned and mastered.

And this time when he used the Frost Sword Technique while opening the Frost Nova... he realized something was different. Because the only enemy has already burped, Annan is not sure if this is an illusion.

—When he cut out the third sword, he felt that the power of Frost Nova seemed to have increased a little.

Because before Annan's third sword hit Gerald, he died suddenly.

You know, Annan couldn't even hurt him at first.

Annan's Frost Nova is enough to freeze to death a strong soldier who has not entered the rank within five seconds; and the player who was mind-controlled was also cleared out of blood after Annan touched the blood bar.

But Gerald has been within the range of Annan's Nova. Although he was charged so much that he couldn't even move, he was still struggling on the spot; except for the Wheel of Frost who politely dodged for a while, even the Eye of Sloth Woke up in about three seconds.

If Annan hadn't made up for the control in time—especially the continuous control of Frost Nova, otherwise he couldn't stop Gerald at all.

Therefore, ordinary people who have not entered the rank have no curse resistance. But after entering the stage and becoming a superhuman, they will get more or less resistance. This kind of curse resistance should mainly allow them to resist the side effects of their own abilities.

At the silver level, he will be like Gerald... Those curses that are lower than his own soul level will be difficult to stop him.

At the beginning, Annan even felt that when his safe mana was exhausted, he might still not be able to freeze Gerald to death with spells alone.

But when Annan used the Frost Sword Technique to slash the third sword, he clearly felt that Frost Nova was getting colder and colder.

Gerald was also suddenly frozen to death in the ice.

It's just like…

As the layers of Frost Sword Technique get higher and higher, the "magic penetration" of Frost Nova is also gradually increasing.

He had tried it before when he had upgraded the Frost Sword Technique to level two, and the curse's damage to the body didn't increase... But the strange thing was that the power didn't seem to increase either.

Then, Annan suddenly reacted.

Could it be that the attribute damage of the Frost Sword Technique itself is the gift... What really matters is the deep cold curse that suddenly gushes out of the body

Is it just because he is too good now that his body can't bear it

Maybe when the Lindong family used frost swordsmanship, they didn't really use it to kill people. Instead, it is entirely possible to use it to trigger magic penetration or ice penetration buffs...

— After all, like a profession with five swords on its back, it can also increase damage after cutting people.

I just don't know whether this is "Damage Penetration", "Spell Penetration" or "Attribute Damage Penetration"...

Annan thought about it for a while, and decided to max out his Frost Sword Technique.

Since the skill level of Frost Swordsmanship determines the penetration effect brought by the buff. Then when the skill points are full, the penetrating effect should be obvious.

So Annan first allocated the experience to the level of the swordsman, and then tried to raise the level of a wizard.

His property list quickly becomes this:

annan, human, male

Rare Elite (Gold), CR 15

Title: None

Rank: Bronze

Health: 85%

Erosion degree: 8%

Attributes: Strength 10, Dexterity 9, Constitution 9, Perception 25, Will 14

Public experience: 303

Personal characteristic: Heart of Winter [Reverse Inscription]

Employment List—

Swordsman LV10 (can be advanced): [Winter Sword Technique LV5], [Disarm LV1], [Frost Sword Technique LV7], [Bypass LV1]

Wizard (Disability School) LV12: [Instant Spell LV3 (Cold Contact, Sloth Eye, None)], [Channel Spell LV2 (Stall Wall, Frost Nova)], [Chanting Spell LV1 (Frost Wheel)]

Annan clearly felt his eyes clear, his will became clearer, and his body became stronger and more powerful... But fortunately, he didn't suddenly explode his muscles and burst his clothes because of the sudden increase in strength. Annan's body does not appear to have changed in any way.

The upgrade of the swordsman profession significantly increased Annan's various physical attributes on average. And when the level reaches level ten, the previous guard swordsmanship becomes cold winter swordsmanship, and a new ability [Bypassing by Analogy LV1] is added.

Its general ability is to allow Annan to use other weapons close to the "one-handed sword", but still be able to use the winter sword technique and the frost sword technique with full power.

—Level 1 is roughly the level at which one can use light one-handed hammers, light clubs, and long daggers.

Fortunately, Annan's beloved small kitchen knife seems to be classified as a long dagger...

Because he suddenly felt that the boning knife in his hand became like an arm, and he could even easily throw it up and play with it.

That's good, it didn't let Annan waste his skill points.

After all, he didn't reach the upper limit of Frost Swordsmanship until the seventh level... He didn't have that idle skill point to increase the level of [Bypassing by Analogy].

But Annan was still a little curious.

If this thing was leveled up... what would happen

Unfortunately, he couldn't persuade a player to give it a try.

That's not difficult, it's nothing more than saving some skill points, and when you get this skill at level ten, you can get all the points in one go.

But the problem is, what players get at level ten should not be this skill...

After all, their initial skills are not the same as those of Annan.

Annan can see from the background that there is only one sword skill to choose from as a player template, which is [basic sword skill]. But he can also see that basic swordsmanship also has its upper version, but it is gray under the fifth-level template, called [Military Swordsmanship].

And [Parry], [Charge] and [Full Strike] are all inherited from the basic swordsmanship.

The skill types of basic swordsmanship and military swordsmanship are roughly the same, except that one skill is missing:

—[Calm pace].

Maybe when their swordsman level is raised to tenth level, they will change it directly like Annan

Annan wasn't so sure.

After all, he has a different template from the player...

His template is Rare Elite, in gold font. The template for the players is called "Player", but the font is blue.

With Annan's experience as a planner, he intuitively believes that there should be quite a gap between the two templates...

It's impossible that the gap between them is only four times the mana, right

... Although, although four times the mana is already too much.

But what made Annan feel bad... He found that the Bronze-rank wizards really consume too much experience!

More than 1,000 experience points are enough to fill up a basic job. But the formal wizard of the bronze level has eaten up his experience at almost the first level, which is almost ten times the increase from nine to ten.

This is the experience of a silver rank enemy! It is almost enough to improve the experience of a bronze-rank occupation...

And now the wizard still didn't add other attributes... Instead, it changed to increase the perception attribute by two points for every level up.

Annan felt vaguely uneasy.

According to this way of superimposing experience requirements, doesn't it mean that after the silver rank, Annan can almost only upgrade through dungeons

It's impossible to have gold-rank enemies line up to die, right

In addition, Annan always felt that there was a problem with the calculation of the challenge level...

What does grade 15 mean? Is it low

Could it be that in his state, he can pass the fifteenth bronze rank

But Annan felt that he was far from such a good person.

Or do you want five fifteen bronze steps

... It can't be twenty-five and fifteen bronze steps, right