The Righteous Player(s)

Chapter 72: A nightmare is born


The chill on Annan's body gradually dissipated, and his skin returned to its original color.

Only the courtyard that was frozen in the rain and the Viscount's mansion that was still burning were left.

Seeing Annan froze in place, staring intently at Gerald's body, with no expression on his face, only the flames were dancing... Salvatore couldn't help but patted him on the shoulder.

"Are you all right, Don Juan?"

Seeing Annan like this, Salvatore began to regret it.

Although Don Juan Geraint is very talented, he is only a child after all. And just like Bishop Darryl said, it's not his hatred...

Perhaps, you should do it yourself.

"… Um?"

Annan raised his head and looked at Salvatore in a daze.

Then Annan reacted quickly.

... oh, forgot to change the expression.

When thinking about it, the CU usage rate is too high, and the application named "overlay acting" may not know what it is and stop responding...

So Annan shook his head slightly, a slightly dignified but resolute expression naturally appeared on his face: "No, I'm fine.

"I was just thinking about something else...don't worry about me."

This is indeed true.

What he was thinking just now was why he was so awesome.


"...well, it's fine then."

Although he still felt something was wrong, Salvatore also realized that Annan didn't want him to intervene, so he stopped wisely.

Generally speaking, Don Juan wanted to take this opportunity to exercise his mind.

Salvatore thought so.

After all, the Geraint family is facing a catastrophe, and those who are too weak cannot survive.

He could see that Annan was very kind, rational, selfless and upholding justice - but for a qualified nobleman, this is not a good character. There was no way to save him from the catastrophe.

... But that's okay.

Salvatore thought to himself.

Because he is the chosen son of the Black Tower in this generation.

All power in this world comes from the curse. Wizard Tower is no exception.

In fact, every wizard's tower is the most advanced spell.

They are the most loyal spell objects, and also the most fickle ones.

Because there is almost no price for the wizard tower, it only needs the tower master to stay in the tower, and it will continuously provide the tower master with eternal life... The age of the tower master will also be locked in this year.

This is a blessing, but also a prison.

— but the wizard tower will only obey the wizard with the strongest talent.

This means that once a more powerful wizard enters the tower, its ownership will change, and the previous tower owner will be released immediately. And the stronger wizard became the new tower master.

Some tower masters will exile or even kill talented young wizards in order to obtain illusory immortality. But more tower masters desperately hope that someone can rescue themselves and return them to freedom...

In the latter case, the "son of the tower" will be born. In the case of Zedi Heita, the full name of the son of Heita is actually "the first heir of Zedi Heita".

The inheritance of Zedi Hei Tower is the transformation school, and Salvatore is the most talented one of the transformation school, more talented than the master of the tower back then. This means that in the future, he may have the opportunity to become a more powerful transformation wizard than the master of the tower... At that time, he will follow the contract to take over and release the former master of the black tower.

As a supplement to the contract, after Salvatore advances to silver, he will start to enjoy noble privileges. The higher his class, the greater the privilege.

At that time, wanting to shelter an earl's son is a simple matter—

Even the king would never try to offend the Lord of the Black Tower.

The transformation school is the wizard who is best at large-scale warfare. The Kingdom of Noah needs to rely on these transformed wizards to defend against the invasion of enemy countries... not to mention the security issues in its own country after offending these big bombers.

Converting a wizard is not as straightforward as destroying a wizard, there is something wrong. But they may make big news at any time...

Salvatore had made up his mind.

As a price for taking away the cursed object and the curse, after he advances to Silver and officially becomes the Son of the Black Tower, he will immediately bring a group of elite wizards to Frozen Water Harbor to protect his innocent and kind friend...

Thinking of this, he felt that the guilt of letting Don Juan kill someone was greatly reduced.

"According to the agreement, I will absorb his curse..."

Salvatore said softly, and stepped forward: "You remember to assist me."


Annan responded bluntly.

Although he didn't know how to help, he agreed first.

Salvatore stretched out his right hand and pressed it on Gerald's body.

A blood-red flame silently ignited on the edge of his palm, melting Annan's ice quickly.

Annan looked at it, and suddenly realized something was wrong.

… No, that doesn't seem to be melting.

Instead, under this strange flame, the ice was transformed into black smoke, thus disintegrating the ice.

This black smoke seems to be similar to Benjamin's transformed creation at a certain stage, but skipped a part of it...

When Annan was thinking wildly, Salvatore quickly melted the ice, exposing Gerald's left hand.

Annan also looked over intently, intending to see how Salvatore absorbed the spell.

I saw Salvatore reaching out to pick out the bronze necklace around his collar, holding it with his left hand, and pressing his right hand on Gerald's silver ring, chanting in a low voice:

"Here I place a spell—

"I will inherit the oath you made and bear the curse you bear..."

After speaking, he closed his eyes and moved his lips slightly.

This should be to guard against those players who haven't left yet.

All of a sudden, strange smoke started to spew out from the silver ring.

The silver-gray smoke was transpiring in the rain, and quickly turned into black eel-like bundles in the air, and continuously drilled into Salvatore's right hand, black lines visible to the naked eye It floated up under his skin, flowed under the skin like a bug, and poured into his left arm.

Then, they seeped out from the skin again, and slowly entered the necklace in the form of silver-gray smoke.

After that, Salvatore suddenly let go of the silver ring like an electric shock, and shook his right hand nervously in the air.

Annan noticed that the two fingers of his right hand pressing the ring turned blue and black. It swelled as if it had been hit by a hammer, and it even wanted to soak in blood.

"Destroy him, Don Juan!"

Salvatore immediately shouted: "Don't touch it with your hands!"

Without hesitation, Annan raised the boning knife and slashed at it.

He cut off the silver ring and his fingers obliquely with the first cut.

The silver ring wreck suddenly swelled and exploded, emitting strange gray-black smoke, covering Gerald's body.

Its flesh, clothes, and ice layer were all corroded quickly, leaving only a white skeleton in the blink of an eye.

"What's this?"

"This is the curse he set when he advanced to silver, and neither you nor I can absorb it. This is not something we can solve."

Salvatore's tone was relaxed: "Don't worry about it, just let it turn into a nightmare on its own, it shouldn't be too difficult to crack... After all, half of the curse has been sucked away by me.

"Although I don't know what Gerald's obsession is, I guess...maybe it is necessary to defeat Gerald who is fully prepared in his dream. Look at how aggrieved he died. If it was me, after death Definitely going to resent this.

"—Of course, you don't have to worry about what happens after it turns into a nightmare. This is not a frozen water port. There is a senior bishop stationed here. This incomplete curse will be purified soon. It won't let it spread."

"... It's not in a hurry."

Annan's heart moved, he shook his head and didn't say much. He just focused on watching the nightmare appear in front of his eyes.

His first reaction was:

"Hey, is there a new dungeon for the players to play..."

Then Annan quickly realized that this copy was estimated to be purified by Bishop Darryl soon. It is far less durable than the copy of Frozen Water Port.

Well, it's a pity that it can only appear as a limited-time activity book...

It would be best if the player can clear the level—he can check the player's perspective through administrator privileges to observe what happened in the copy. And he's been thinking recently, whether to turn on the live broadcast function... Initially, he can try live broadcasting in the forum first.

Even if the players can't pass the level, it doesn't matter.

Anyway, for players, the degree of erosion is a krypton item in a sense. It is directly equal to "Annan's favorability degree". If there are too many deaths, the excess favorability can also be recovered.

—And the continuous flow of heads can also prolong the retention time of this copy.

Apart from the fact that Bishop Darryl might be a little confused and surprised at how this nightmare could not be purged, it was also a good thing for Annan.

After he has collected enough information from the player pioneer group, he can end the game by himself and harvest a wave of levels and experience!

Suddenly, Annan saw Gerald's skeleton move suddenly, struggled, trembled, and stretched his head towards Annan.

Although it was in a fantasy world, this supernatural scene still made the players jump, and it also scared Salvatore.

Annan delayed for half a beat, and also showed a frightened expression.

— Absolutely, why did this thing jump out of nowhere

I almost didn't react...

"An... Nan..."

From the throat of the white skull, there was a sudden indistinct sound.

The sound was too vague, even windy. Others would probably think it was a meaningless roar.

Only Annan realized that it was calling to itself:


Then, the moment it stood up, it suddenly disintegrated from the knees, and in the dust from the bones, it shattered into pieces in the blink of an eye.

It's like it has been decayed for a long time.

Among the ordinary broken bones that had completely lost their curse, an intact hammer was thrust diagonally into the ground.

"This is what nightmares are like when they are born."

Salvatore sighed. A little sad.

He whispered: "While the conditions of entry are unclear... there is no doubt. A nightmare has been born.

"Belonging to... Gerald's nightmare."