The Righteous Player(s)

Chapter 73: Viscount Barbour's Response


The rain is fading.

And the wind blows—

After Gerald's body was transformed into a nightmare, an inexplicable gust of wind blew past, blowing Annan's rain-wet hair a little messy.

He squinted his eyes, stretched out his hand and slowly pressed his hair back down.

Although Annan felt that it might be cool to suddenly pull his hair back into a big back at this time... But it is obviously not the time for "I stand on the top".

"What's wrong?"

His movements stopped suddenly, and he vaguely heard noises coming from outside the human wall.

Annan raised his voice and asked, "Such heavy rain... who is here?"

At the same time, he patted Salvatore's shoulder lightly and signaled him with his eyes.

Salvatore was clearly no fool, either.

The young wizard with short brown hair and heavy bags under his eyes reacted quickly, took two steps forward, picked up the ordinary-looking hammer, and quietly put it in his pocket.

Loud noises soon came from outside the crowd, accompanied by chaotic footsteps and bright yellow lights, gathering from all directions.

"Excuse me, is Master Geraint still inside?"

Someone shouted outside: "Is he trapped!"

It was a tall man in leather armor with several medals hanging on his chest. He looks about forty years old, his temples are still a little gray, and some wrinkles can be seen at the corners of his eyes, but he is still in good spirits.

A pistol that looks huge is pinned to his waist, and a fine steel long sword is hung on the other side-this strange weapon configuration obviously attracted the players' ideas.

Behind him is a row of young people dressed as security guards. They held strangely shaped oil lamps, which looked like barrel-shaped lanterns, but the flames in them were green, and when the light of the fire was reflected through the thin oiled paper, it turned into a warm yellow.

"No, we are..."

"Yes, is us… "

"Hello, here..."

The players didn't know how to respond. Several people spoke to that person at the same time, but instead they became a mess. But more people were subconsciously unwilling to let the door open, so when they squeezed over, they pushed back without fear. For a moment, the narrow doorway was in chaos.

At this moment, Annan's voice came from inside, clear, immature but undiminished majesty:

"I am Don Juan Geraint. Who are you?"

Annan added: "Let them in."

The human wall formed by the players did not hesitate to spread out to both sides until this time, and the few players who had chatted with the middle-aged man before also left his side without hesitation.

These orders and prohibitions obviously stunned the middle-aged men and the police officers behind him.

And the moment he saw Annan's face, he couldn't help being shocked by it for a moment—

Just because of Annan's rain-wet eyelashes, combined with his ice-blue pupils, made him feel closer to an inorganic substance. It's like a doll with two gemstone eyes... giving people the illusion of feeling cold, alienated and indifferent.

But this is clearly an illusion.

The middle-aged man only needs to judge from Annan's subtle expressions, eyes and body language that he is a strong and gentle person who abides by order but is not timid.

This is his experience in solving cases for many years.

He reacted quickly, saluted Annan standardly, and said respectfully:

"Hello, my lord. My name is Ferdinand, and I am the deputy police chief of Roseburg."

"You know now that I am your lord?"

Annan chuckled, "But that's not what you said when I entered the city."

When he entered Roseburg before, he also tried to show his aristocratic token to prove that it was the lord's convoy. But the young guards guarding the city gate only admitted the first half—they did respectfully escort Annan and his party all the way to the street with the standard of entertaining nobles, but they did not recognize Annan as their lord.

Inquiring about the internal situation of Fort Rose did not answer, and even collected a city fee from Annan according to ordinary noble standards.

But when Salvatore asked him, the man was confused but said with certainty, "I have never heard of any lord coming", "No one knows about it" and other words.

After that, Annan quickly stopped Salvatore who wanted to get angry, paid the money and entered the city with a gentle attitude.

Of course, Annan, who has been denied his identity, has a gentle attitude...these two things that Salvatore seems to have nothing to do with this matter, but want to get angry, do not conflict.

After all, the entry fee was also paid by Kaizisa.

And Annan could tell that that person really didn't know about it.

He should be a target pushed out by the Viscount. Annan would be fooled if he got mad at him.

And Deputy Chief of Police Ferdinand was not surprised when he was held accountable by Annan.

Obviously, he also came prepared.

As soon as Annan finished speaking, Police Commissioner Ferdinand immediately responded: "I'm really sorry, Lord Lord. The guard at the city gate today is a newcomer..."

For some reason, when he heard his words, several players around couldn't help laughing. This made Superintendent Ferdinand's heart sink.

But he quickly adjusted back, and added without changing his face:

"...The child's father died in the war before, so everyone was too accommodating to him, and he developed a habit of being lazy. But my lord, I assure you, he must have a good heart... It was definitely not on purpose Embarrassing you. And I brought all the entrance fee you paid. If you want it now, we can return it to you right away—"


Annan raised his eyebrows slightly.

If the uncle came up and threw all the blame on the young guard, Annan would have a chance to take the opportunity to get angry and turn the blame on them. But Ferdinand played the emotional card when he came up, and also hinted at Viscount Barber's background in the battlefield, as well as the unity, stability and harmony within Roseburg. On the contrary, Annan had nowhere to start for a while.

However, if this was Viscount Barber's plan, then he did not underestimate Annan. At least he was treated as an adult nobleman who could understand human language... In terms of his pride, this was considered a lot of respect for Annan.

So Annan was also smart enough not to pick up.

He just asked with a half-smile: "I think you are here to put out the fire, right

"I didn't expect that the firefighting efficiency of Roseburg's security guards was so timely—then you go in and put out the fire, it's not good if the fire spreads."

Annan put his hands behind his back and made a clear and melodious voice.

Seeing Annan so calm, Ferdinand also had a headache.

The one who is more troublesome is Salvatore...

This little lord is so troublesome, that Salvatore is so shrewd... Should he be called the Son of the Black Tower

Ferdinand pondered for a long time, and decided to be on the safe side, not following Annan's rhythm, but acting according to the script he got at the beginning:

"Go in and help put out the fire!"

Deputy Sheriff Ferdinand raised his voice to order.

The police officers behind him responded one after another, rushed in... and began to tentatively put out the fire.

Where can water quench the black fire? But when they come here, they can't do nothing.

Even if you are busy, it is good to be a background board. Better than following Ferdinand and poking there to act as a street light...

The lights near the door dimmed shortly after the officers left.

In the darkness, the middle-aged deputy police chief leaned close to Annan's ear and whispered to him, "Master Viscount, I want to thank you."

"He said... thanks to you, he was freed from the mind control of that vile dark wizard."

Ferdinand said without changing his face.