The Righteous Player(s)

Chapter 75: Why do you still fool yourself


… In the end what happened

Didn't it look friendly just now

Why did they start fighting again when they turned around

Why was the little girl named Jiu'er suddenly seriously injured? Was Don Juan attacked by assassins? Where is the assassin now? Why are all the police officers lying down? Who did it first

I just completed a conversion, only a few seconds? Why did the whole situation change again after closing and opening the eyes

Salvatore looked bewildered, his right hand was tightly clutching the "Skeleton Lord's Flesh and Flesh Trigger", he didn't know what to do for a while, he didn't know what he should do

What, what's going on, this feeling that only I can't do it...

Salvatore's mind was in a mess, and he simply gave up thinking.

"Don Juan! What's the matter!?"

He shouted loudly, and rushed towards Annan quickly: "Miss Jiu'er, are you alright?"

"... No, it's fine. Jiu'er may have been frightened, but she's actually fine."

Hearing Salvatore's call, the frost on Annan's body gradually subsided, and his expression gradually returned to that indifferent look:

"I'm just outraged that Viscount Barber dared to arrange someone to assassinate me, not because of Jiu'er's safety. After all, they are no longer ordinary people, and it's not so easy to die... It's just that Jiu'er has never met Dangerous, so may not know about it."

Annan explained a lot about his gaffe.

But in the eyes of the players, this forced explanation seems a little pale-because Annan really turned pale when he saw Jiuer fall to the ground, and his eyes showed panic, rage and fear like a young animal, and even His hands began to tremble, and his appearance was pitiful.

You were obviously really scared just now...

I'm afraid you just remembered that Jiu'er can be resurrected, right

Some players seem to realize something.

Judging from the lord's reaction, the resurrection of players should not be an independent setting. It was because something happened before that the players could be resurrected... That's why Young Master Don Juan didn't react for a while.

Today, they already have a clear understanding of Don Juan.

Although "Don Juan Geraint" looks very indifferent at ordinary times, careful people can still see his gentleness and kindness in some details - there is no doubt that he pretended to be this way on purpose for the sake of protect yourself.

But now Annan is a little scary.

This indifference seemed to come from the heart... He should be really angry.

But with his character, is he really angry because he was attacked

Or is it because this underage aristocratic boy panicked like this because he was attacked but involved other people

Why did he react so much to this incident

Some players thought about it and began to make up a series of plots that could write at least 200,000 words.

As for the girl Jiu'er who was pretending to be dead with her eyes closed, a notebook of at least twenty pages had already appeared in her mind.

One of the protagonists is herself.


Salvatore was startled when he heard this.

Before Annan could respond, he asked tentatively, "Is it the effect of some kind of curse in your family? As long as you don't die, they can quickly recover from your injuries, or something similar

"Don't answer first. If it's close to my guess, then don't tell me the details of the cursed object, I won't listen. After all, even if I can keep it secret for you... But I may not be able to keep it to myself memory."

... No, senior, are you so conscious

When Salvatore said this, Annan was stunned.

He had thought of the speech before, but he hadn't had time to say it...

As a result, Salvatore himself took the initiative to help Annan find an excuse.

Why do you still fool yourself

Is this also self-guided

Even those players, upon hearing Salvatore's words, nodded as if they suddenly realized—

Oh I see.

It turns out that the resurrection mechanism of our players works like this in this world. No wonder it is necessary to ensure the safety of the lord...

Annan was silent for a while, and asked, "Have you seen similar cursed objects?"

He neither admitted nor denied it. Even if someone searches Salvatore's memory, it is absolutely impossible to detect that Annan is lying.

But he answered after Salvatore's words, and it sounded like he had acquiesced.

Salvatore also didn't realize that he had been tricked by Annan.

"Don't underestimate the power of the cursed object just because that person's god-named cursed object is not that powerful. This is just that person's toy."

Even after leaving Frozen Water Port, Salvatore still habitually referred to Mr. Bones as "that person".

He frowned, looked around at the corpses of the security guards on the ground, and replied absent-mindedly while feeling worried: "But after all, you haven't read books... Ah, sorry, I mean the knowledge about superhumans. And you You are too young, your father probably didn't tell you too much... But you are already a transcendent now, it is better to have some concepts about this.

"For a 'great level' cursed object, not to mention limited resurrection from the dead, it can even be done to the extent of resurrecting someone from a distant history; or summoning a certain character from a story. If you think about it, just the nightmares that can be seen everywhere, its power is enough to make you go back to the past across the sea of time... There is nothing inconceivable that the cursed object is greater than this power."

When Salvatore said this, his expression became a little more serious: "The next thing, when you become an adult, your father should tell you.

"The most powerful... or the greatest curses in this world are in the hands of the rulers of various countries. In other words, it is precisely because they have mastered these curses that sects will emerge when the Great Barrier is broken. Come to them, not replace them directly."

What about Theocracy

Is it because the curse object is cherished too much, and it was finally defeated by the joint efforts

Annan had this question in his mind.

"...It turned out to be so."

But he didn't interrupt Salvatore's train of thought, he just made an exclamation expression of "that's amazing", and asked calmly, "Is it much stronger than the god-named curse?"

"The gap is very large. The name itself of a great-level spell is equivalent to a ceremony. This level of knowledge already has 'weight', and not everyone can hear it casually."

Salvatore secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the icy atmosphere on Annan's body had subsided a little.

After all, it is easy for disabled wizards to gradually lose their feelings due to the emergence of negative emotions. He had already noticed at this time that he had said a little too much. But Salvatore Ba didn't say a few more words to make Annan feel a little better. It's best to forget the unhappiness just now. Anyway, no one really had an accident:

"However, I still know something about the general situation. For example, the one in our Noah Kingdom, the ability may be related to time. But this is not sure, it's just a guess... After all, you also know that there are clock towers everywhere in the capital. .It's so disturbing. It's definitely not normal...”

"Let's not talk about this," Annan suddenly said, interrupting Salvatore, "You can wait until I get back to say these things.

"You stay here to fight the fire first. Although there are no residential buildings around the Viscount's Mansion...but it's better to control the fire."

"What about you?"

Salvatore asked casually.

But as soon as he asked, he felt a little regretful.

Because suddenly a bad premonition popped up in his heart.

... No, he still wants to make trouble, right