The Righteous Player(s)

Chapter 76: Annan's thousand-layer routine


as expected.

Facing Salvatore's question, Annan replied without hesitation:

"Naturally continue to fight."

He first came to Roseburg to kill Viscount Barbour.

He first sent mercenaries to plunder Frozen Water Port, and then planned to assassinate Annan and Salvatore. Even if Annan deduced according to common sense, he knew that this kind of grievance could not be reversed just by turning over the chapter.

He had no hatred, no hatred or anger towards Viscount Barbour.

But if we put it the other way around, when Annan was thinking about "whether or not to kill Viscount Barber", he could clearly feel the joy in his heart.

— Then, I should hate this person.

"Alvin Barber..."

Annan muttered the name, his tone erratic.

There was no particular expression on his face. He didn't say anything like "you pissed me off", "you hurt my people" and other cruel and nonsense scenes.

There was nothing but pure joy and exultation in his eyes.

want to kill. Want to kill very much.

Just imagining the joy after killing him, Annan could feel his face flushed and hot, as if he had drunk too much wine.

"...Then how about I go with you, Don Juan."

Salvatore frowned, not too surprised by the answer: "Why don't you wait for me a little longer? I'll dispel all the black fire here, and I'll go with you. It's easy to happen if you go alone dangerous.

"Besides, you don't really need to take risks. You can bear it for a while. After I return to the Black Tower, there will be plenty of ways to solve this trouble for you..."

"Thank you so much... I know you're worried about my safety, but I don't want to put up with it."

Annan interrupted him: "It's like you said before—it's something I have to do. It's not that I have a personal grudge against him, nor that I want to take back what he stole and that belongs to him." The power of my lord.

"I just wanted to kill him."

His eyes seemed to be shining with light, and his tone was sonorous and forceful.

Annan's words were filled with a hero-like upright spirit, and strong positive emotions surged up, as if he was surrounded by holy light.

This even gave Salvatore some illusion:

It seems that Annan is not going to take revenge or kill people, but to give up his life to save the world...

"...But even if there is only one Transcendent around Mr. Viscount. But it's not easy for you to deal with just that person."

Salvatore persuaded tactfully: "Give me six hours... I will disperse all these black flames, and I will go find him with you. He will definitely not run too far."

After all, the guards around him are just ordinary people, who have no resistance to curses. Whether it is being mind-controlled, frozen, blown to pieces, or directly restrained, it is possible.

Salvatore thought with some concern.

Don Juan can only rely on me...

These guards are really too young.

Even if they can be resurrected from the dead, they will always be afraid of death and pain, right

Even if they are really not afraid of death or pain, they don't look like they are only in their twenties or thirties.

What can these more than thirty young men do

Although for swordsmen, a young and healthy body is indeed very important. But it also means less minded and simple minded. Without meeting many people, without reading many books, and without experiencing any tough battles, it is easy to do something reckless. When facing a strong enemy, mentality is often prone to problems...

These are fatal.

But Annan just shook his head indifferently.

"I trust them, senior."

In Annan's words, he affirmed without hesitation: "They are all my most loyal and powerful guards. Each of them is an absolute elite."

Even players can hear it. This is by no means a hypocritical pander, but a trust from the bottom of my heart.

They were also a little moved by this for a while.

They suddenly realized that they gradually fell in love with this noble young man with a cold face and a warm heart, who stubbornly refused to admit the kindness in his heart.

He will panic and fear for the injury of the "mere guard", will abandon the powerful reinforcements in order to prevent the fire from spreading, and will take risks to face the powerful wizard who is far more powerful than himself in order to help others.

—He wants to kill Viscount Barber now, probably to protect his subjects.

Unlike Salvatore, players think so.

After all, the rule of the game for nobles is to compromise.

Salvatore doesn't understand this, but players from modern society can understand it.

"Don Juan Geraint" jumped out of the rules of nobility, and fought against powerful enemies with a weak body... It should be for the light in his heart.

In the name of righteousness alone, to do what is just—

This is the fearless mentality that can only appear at the stage of twelve or thirteen-year-old teenagers who have begun to roughly understand the truth and know right and wrong, but still refuse to obey the reality and are unwilling to understand the reality.

The players were a little disappointed.

Because they have passed through this age.

Even though their current jobs are relatively in line with their wishes, they have begun to succumb to the rules of reality and understand that everything is not perfect.

But also because of this.

Instead, a determination to "help Don Juan" was born in their hearts!

That is not charity, let alone the so-called loyalty, but it is not benefit either.

But their youth. In other words, the youthful feelings that have passed away—


Annan is still well aware of their mentality.

They have such an idea, which is under the guidance of Annan.

Before they entered the game, they had watched the promotional CG carefully selected and produced by Annan for them. The self in it is completely a positive image of fighting against powerful enemies with swords drawn for the sake of leading the people and for the sake of justice.

More like a heroic knight than a nobleman. But the knight instead fell into the situation of being persecuted by the evil nobles.

They will subconsciously sympathize with Annan. This kind of sympathy will narrow the spiritual distance between them.

After all, Salvatore couldn't even think about the idea of "compassion". It is impossible for him to sympathize and pity a nobleman.

But the players are different.

They subconsciously think that their status is higher than "NC", even if they have already realized it now, this may be a real world.

But after all, they came in through games, and this trace of arrogance will be rooted in their hearts, and it will be difficult to eradicate.

Annan took advantage of this arrogance. In other words, with the help of the sympathy and scrutiny born from arrogance, they can even develop "empathy" with Annan.

The so-called empathy is the ability to understand the emotions and thoughts of others, understand the positions and feelings of others, and think and deal with problems from the perspective of others.

In other words, they unconsciously talked about Annan.

When Annan really leads them to defeat the Viscount, this empathy will be transformed into a beautiful mutual secret, and they will have a good memory.

Therefore, Annan could not allow Salvatore to participate in this matter.

Only in this way can it be a date between "Don Juan Geraint" and "The Player", not a party of three.

This kind of "love marketing" is also one of the skills Annan mastered. People's IQ often drops when they are in love, because they will subconsciously entrust part of their thinking to another person.

And mastering the decision-making of others is undoubtedly tantamount to controlling their minds.

"I will never let Alvin Barber live to see the sun of tomorrow."

Annan turned his head and said to the players in a deep voice: "Everyone, I plan to find trouble with Lord Viscount. He is undoubtedly the unrighteous party. I don't intend or want to succumb to him.

"But after all, you have family and friends... My matter may make them offend some other forces. They may be more powerful than me and the Geraint family.

"So you don't have to be involved in this matter. If you want to leave, I will treat you as if you never came to Roseburg today, erase all records of your day, and everything here has nothing to do with you-this is what I made promise."

The implication of Annan's words is: Anyone who does not participate, I will return your favor to zero.

The players also deciphered this meaning, each of them had firm faces and murderous looks in their eyes.

Annan looked at them and nodded in satisfaction.

He made a childish and cold voice: "Those who are willing to go with me, sheath their swords."

The next moment, there was a series of sounds of sheathing in a mess.

It's not neat, but there isn't a single coward.

They didn't even think about it.

Undoubtedly, their worries about the safety of their relatives and friends, as well as their own safety, cannot compete with their loyalty to Annan.

This scene deeply shocked Salvatore.

He was silent for a while, then walked over and took out the hammer from his pocket, and handed it to Annan carefully.

Salvatore whispered worriedly: "Let me borrow it first. Remember to come back alive...give it back to me."

"Naturally, I will definitely come back."

While talking, Annan opened the satchel containing the kitchen knife with a natural expression, and put the hammer in it.

There was no fear or hesitation on his face:

"Because this is an act of justice—Yin Jue will definitely help me."

That kind of complete self-confidence is as dazzling as the sun.

combined with his looks.

Enough to move people's hearts.