The Righteous Player(s)

Chapter 83: Not much to say



Justin felt a sudden chill, leaching his skin from his body.

As if suffering from a bad cold, his body trembled subconsciously.

From the outside of the left calf, a sharp pain spread to the knee...

Justin is very familiar with this feeling.

This is exactly the characteristic of the "curse hunter" profession.

Only those who have taken a special potion and applied a deadly ointment on their body without being disfigured can get this feature... that is, the pre-feature of the curse hunter who changed jobs, [Curse Sensitive Skin].

Just getting close to an extraordinary person will cause a faint tingling sensation on the corresponding body surface; when being cast with an inconspicuous curse or becoming the target of a ritual, you can feel the pain immediately.

After a long period of exercise, they will get a new sense.

Through this brand-new sense of touch, it is used to touch the curse, feel the curse... hunt the curse.

That's why they are called "Curse Hunters".

The moment he felt the pain, Justin wanted to fight back.

Subconsciously, he kicked out his left leg, which was in pain.

And at this moment, he just realized—

— This seems to be exactly where Annan is.

Annan attacked him

Because of his affection for Annan, Justin subconsciously withdrew three points.

But the moment Justin realized it, he felt a little regretful.

No, it's not enough to charge only three points!

He kicked almost with all his strength, kicking a minor wizard's face at this angle, which can be called powerful. If you kick Annan on the chin or the back of the head, it is possible to kick him to death directly...

He is just a commoner, but he can't bear the anger of Duke Winter!

And he just now realized that what Annan had just suddenly imposed on himself was not a fatal curse.

There is indeed nothing but pure malice in the spell, which means it can only have negative effects on itself. But this malice only gave him a chill, not even a burning pain.

That means it doesn't have a high concentration of curses...


Some unexpected.

Annan did not retreat, but stretched out his hand to firmly block Justin's lingering kick, and calmly received the strong counterattack that Justin thought he could no longer control.

But this made Justin's heart sink instead.

A fourteen-year-old wizard…

Even from the Duchy of Winter.

Can he really take his own casual blow

impossible. Absolutely impossible.

Justin's all-out kick was enough to knock an adult's head and half of its spine out of the way.

The reason why extraordinary people are extraordinary... is because they have surpassed the level of ordinary people.

That kind of solid tree thicker than a grown man's waist can be knocked down by Justin's two feet; even if the doors of various rooms in the Viscount's mansion are locked, he can knock them open with a shoulder bump.

Since Annan was able to block his attack without breaking a bone, it meant that he must still have a Bronze-level combat profession hidden!

“…Brother Justin, why did you suddenly attack me?”

But it's different from Justin's guess.

After Annan blocked Justin's counterattack, he stepped back without vigilance.

He just looked up at Justin with doubts on his face, with dissatisfaction in his eyes: "If it wasn't me standing here... I'm afraid something has happened?"

Seeing Annan's expression, Justin couldn't help hesitating.

... Is it true that I misunderstood

impossible. My feeling is obviously very accurate...

— but everything is the same as Annan's analysis. Based on Justin's character, he still hesitated with clenched fists when facing Annan Rinwinter, who was much taller than himself.

He subconsciously wanted to apologize, but he turned his head and squatted down cautiously.

At this distance, his hand can directly reach Annan. You won't be so passive when you are attacked.

"Sorry, it could be me..."

Justin didn't finish his sentence this time.

I saw Annan's right arm swinging, and a sudden punch hit Justin's knee socket on the inside of his leg—

Only then did Justin finally see the hammer hidden in Annan's palm.

It was a small, slender, funny-looking white hammer.

It's almost like a toy. I'm afraid it would take a lot of effort to hammer a nail... It's more like a tooth-pulling hammer, only a size bigger.

Can this thing really hurt people

Although such thoughts flashed in my mind.

But after Justin confirmed that Annan was indeed the enemy, the hesitation of not knowing whether to advance or retreat immediately subsided.

Instead, it was his combat experience of successfully hunting and killing many extraordinary people—

Almost instinctively, his left hand tried to block Annan's hammer.

And the right hand went straight to Annan's slender neck. His knees were bent and his abdominal muscles were tense. He was about to pounce like a hunched leopard, intending to use his strength to grab Annan's neck and throw him to the ground. !

—but something happened that Justin didn't expect.

His left hand, which wanted to block Annan's attack, looked vulnerable in front of the toy-like hammer.

Because of the irresistible force of the hammer that bears—

It easily defeated Justin's strength. There was a creaking fracture sound from his wrist, and the entire wrist was hammered into Justin's leg socket without delaying the hammer's attack for a second!

However, the strength of this attack to the hollow of the leg was far inferior to the force that directly broke Justin's wrist.

That is very normal, the strength of a mortal swordsman's full blow... It is absolutely impossible for this force to break Justin's wrist directly!

Justin immediately realized what kind of spell he had been cast on—

——It is "no more words"!

Its attributes are subtly different from what Salvatore told him. But roughly the same.

It was after seeing its attributes that Annan made a provisional plan for tonight—

[Skeletal Lord's Blood Trigger]

[Type: Tool/Ritual Props (Golden)]

[Description: You can use "Heart Paralysis LV34", "Forgotten Secret Words LV28", "I'm Not Here LV1", "Don't Talk LV8", "Claustrophobia LV1", "Book Page Lock LV14" once a day. The hammer can only work correctly when it hits the part with bones, and each person can be cursed up to three times a day]

[Effect: If the bone is hit, the curse will always linger on this person, and the curse will return and be strengthened after he dies. The enhanced curse level is equal to the total extraordinary level of the cursed person; if the 24-hour curse has not returned, then a new curse will be obtained, and the previously applied curse cannot be returned]

[Effect: If the bone is not hit, it is considered a failure. The curse will remain on the struck object for a month. The curse will no longer be regenerated during the cycle]

[Cost: Every time you use it, you need to consume the "bone" and "blood" of a different human being, and you must use it once a week, otherwise the holder will be randomly assigned three kinds of curses, and the level of the curse is regarded as the current one. Stored curse level; human beings used as materials will reduce their lifespan by one year]

With what Salvatore said, only one difference...

That is, Salvatore fails to mention that the weapon is actually a "killing hammer."

If the cursed person is killed within twenty-four hours, the difficulty of saving throws from this curse will always increase. The level will not be cleared until a certain curse is released and does not return within a day.

Of course, according to Annan's judgment on Salvatore, it should not be that Salvatore deliberately kept it from Annan. But he himself doesn't know what its specific ability is...

But when he confirmed that "No More Words" could be used, the reason why he didn't use it on Viscount Barbour was to use the curse that can only be used once today when fighting Justin!

The instant death ability of heart paralysis may not be effective for Bronze-rank Transcendents.

But not much to say is different...

It's just used to break his defense... It can always be done, right? !