The Righteous Player(s)

Chapter 91: This is a world of faces


In Old Alvin's manor, there are not many things that can be taken away directly.

But fortunately, almost all the things that can be taken away are ordinary money.

Except for a few finely crafted sterling silver ornaments inlaid with precious stones. And four bags of silver coins—of the fifty-piece kind. And fifty one-pound notes.

No gold coins were stored...but in one compartment, there were a full dozen gold bars.

This Annan is actually quite understandable.

In today's Noah Kingdom, gold coins are not a common currency in circulation, but paper money called "golden pounds" is.

Because Pope Hui Yao III, the last generation of the silver knight, once put forward a theory when studying economic laws-if people have two gold coins in their hands at the same time, one with higher gold content and one with lower gold content, then people tend to tend to Spend the lower-valued one, and collect the higher-valued one, or simply melt it down and make it into jewelry.

In the same way, the real value of gold and silver coins of the same value naturally fluctuates.

Both gold and silver are the materials needed to make spells in different fields. Gold powder and silver coins are the consumables needed by the priests of Mr. Yao and Sir Silver respectively when using magic...

In the Kingdom of Noah, because of the belief in the Silver Sir, people's demand for silver is obviously higher than that of gold, so people tend to store more valuable silver coins and use more gold coins. In the end, silver coins with smaller denominations will leave the circulation market instead.

Naturally, this was something Silver Sir could not tolerate.

So Huiyao III proposed a simple countermeasure:

If the purpose is to make silver coins a currency of circulation, then they have to do the reverse...that is, find a way to make ordinary people think that gold coins are more valuable than silver coins.

But after all, the church cannot affect the laws within the kingdom, and cannot directly abolish gold coins... This is obviously not possible.

So in the end, they chose to carry out the banknote business in recent years.

They would take a certain amount of gold and silver and exchange it for a large denomination of paper money.

A pound note is worth one gold pound. And this kind of banknotes can be exchanged for silver coins of the same value in any silver knight's temple - this is very simple for priests, and there is no need to worry about insufficient stocks or counterfeit banknotes.

When the priests used divine magic, they would sacrifice the silver coins used as materials to the Silver Sir. And the priests in other places only need to pray to the Silver Lord, and if the reason is reasonable and can convince the Silver Lord, they can get a certain amount of silver coins.

— that is, reimbursement.

And because gold and silver coins can be exchanged for banknotes, but banknotes can only be exchanged for silver coins... In the end, the number of gold coins circulating in the market will gradually decrease. People tend to gravitate toward paper money when spending large sums. Paper money is much lighter than gold, and it is easy to carry.

At the beginning, the reason why Don Juan brought some gold coins was to give them to the priests of the Silver Lord, and exchange them for the same amount of silver coins.

And the priests of Silver Jue are also very happy to recycle gold coins.

Because this will obviously lead to a gradual increase in the number of silver coins on the market.

So for old Alvin, there is actually no difference between storing gold coins and storing gold bars. Anyway, it is necessary to go to the church to change it in an emergency.

Silver Sir's purpose is simple and pure.

It is to let the silver coins circulate in the hands of everyone to the greatest extent. The more times the better, the bigger the amount the better... but if it's silver coins.

Gold coins don't count.

The patterns on the gold coins of various countries are different, and the gold content is also different...

However, the silver content and shape of each silver coin are exactly the same—[Silver coin making] is the most basic silver-noble magic, which is used to easily refine silver-containing ores and other materials in batches into proportions that meet the requirements. Regulated silver coins.

As a result, every silver coin bears the face of the Silver Lord.

It was a young man with a monocle, a bright and sunny smile, a slender face, and curly hair parted in the middle. He looked about thirty years old.

Like the big boy next door.

It looks no different from ordinary people.

Rather, all righteous gods are like this... All righteous gods look like ordinary people. So people will also be affectionate, calling them with affectionate titles such as "Silver Sir", "Mystery Lady", "Grandmother".

But false gods are different.

When a false god manifests among men, his incarnation must have at least one distinctly non-human feature.

The closer the false gods are to the righteous gods, the more human they look; and those who look like they are not human must be false gods; and those who are particularly ugly and frightening, they can be known to be evil gods at a glance.

In a sense, this is indeed a world of faces...

Even among all righteous gods, Yin Jue is the one most easily recognized by mortals.

Because other orthodox gods have to go to parish-level churches to see what they look like from paintings.

But Yin Jue sees him every day.

The common people don't necessarily know what the king looks like, but they definitely know what the silver jue looks like.

" that why you asked me to carry these things?"

Salvatore had a bag of silver coins in one hand, and carried the corpse on his back. He got into the carriage panting like a delivery guy.

"Yes, I love Sir Silver."

Annan said confidently: "Of course I also love these cuties engraved with silver jazz."

As if nothing had happened, he carried two bags of gold coins in one hand and a heavy gold bar in the other, followed Salvatore into the carriage, and muttered in a voice that could be heard by the senior: "And the corpse is the big one..."

"Well... ah."

Salvatore put the silver coins and the corpse in the carriage, exhaled suddenly, relaxed, and his face was already sweating.

Immediately, he glared at Annan angrily: "I can't let you fight against the corpse, can I

"You can just take gold bars... Is there any need for these silver coins? They are so heavy... If you are short of money, you can just exchange a gold bar for some pocket money. If you are not good enough, you can ask me to borrow it."

"I took so much money just to avoid asking you to borrow it."

Annan looked serious: "You can also pay back what I borrowed from you before."

In the beginning, when he had nothing to do, he went to his seniors to borrow money. It was really cool, right...

But Kaizisa's generous treat always made Annan feel bad about being taken care of. The most terrible thing is that Salvatore doesn't seem to have the real feeling that "Annan has been asking him for money"—Annan asked for it, and he gave it.

This is what makes a prostitute feel guilty for prostitution.

Salvatore snorted when he heard the words: "It seems that speaking of it, you borrowed some money from me before? How much?"

Co-author, don't you remember the number now

Annan still does not know how much money Salvatore has...

But Annan's self-esteem and morality still urged him to pay back Salvatore's money quickly—however, from another perspective, Annan's repayment of Salvatore's money should actually be regarded as robbed from someone else's house, and he Grab the peace of mind.

Salvatore's previous analysis was good and reasonable, so I'll leave it to me now.

——You plan to murder me, after revenge, I plan to use money to compensate you; then I will not touch your grandson again, and I will protect him in the future knowing that he inherits your property.

fair deal.

Annan happily set himself a new task.

"Speaking of which," Annan looked at Salvatore curiously, "Who is our coachman?"

Salvatore seemed to have anticipated that he would come to dispose of the corpse, so he came here in a carriage.

However, Annan found that the man driving the car, although he could not be said to be extraordinary, was obviously not like an ordinary driver.

This is also normal.

How can an ordinary coachman have the guts to carry a corpse at night, let alone the fresh and warm corpse of a viscount...

"He came to thank you."

Salvatore introduced to Annan.