The Righteous Player(s)

Chapter 92: The art of manipulating the mind



Annan was a little surprised.

He doesn't feel like he's done anything that deserves a special trip to thank him.

And the coachman's voice just happened to penetrate the carriage and came in:

"My lord, hello..."

It was the voice of a middle-aged man. The voice sounded very thick and powerful, but the voice was very quiet: "My name is Jum Noterdamm, the tax collector of Roseburg."

"—Actually, before we fought Gerald, Alvin actually prepared three sets of plans."

Salvatore explained to Annan: "If we defeat him... then it will be like just now, let Deputy Sheriff Ferdinand take you away. That is to imply to you that the entire Roseburg police station All his people."

"I can see that."

Annan nodded.

That's why he killed Ferdinand neatly.

Because of this, he needed to bring the viscount's body back to Roseburg...

He did it for these people.

Salvatore continued: "But he is not a prophet. How could he know that we will win in the end? So he actually prepared two plans...

"If the three of us die together, or if the living people have lost consciousness, then he will dispatch the army and kill everyone here. After that, he will disguise some of them as robbers, Blame them for the two of us dying here."

"—Although no one will believe it, it is fully qualified as an excuse to delay time."

Annan commented: "The old man is indeed a cautious enough person... In other words, the experience of the elders is still safe."

He raised his head and asked Salvatore with interest: "So, what about the third plan?"

According to this statement, the third set of plans should be the outcome of Gerald's victory. That is, the set related to this Mr. Notterdamm...

"If Gerald wins, Mr. Notterdamm will go over and make friends with Gerald."

Salvatore replied.

The tax officer of the part-time coachman continued: "Master Viscount asked me to tell Gerald how much property we have in Rosburg. He also ordered me to put all the properties together, and asked me to reset the password that only I know , 'but there is no need to tell Lord Gerald'."

When Noterdam said this, he was silent for a while, and sighed softly.

"... But Lord Viscount does not know that my wife was once an apprentice of the Black Tower of the Marsh. I know what a soul-recapture wizard is, and I also know the existence of superhuman beings. If Sir Gerald is really a soul-recapture wizard, then It doesn't make any difference if I tell him or not.

"The extraordinary is just a legend to ordinary people. As far as the evidence is concerned, I gathered all the properties of Roseburg, and I put them in a place that only I know... In the end, it was also in my hands. on lost.

"I guess, the viscount's intention is to let me take this responsibility. I guess the viscount will not make up for the loss of such a large amount of property... The identity of that gentleman is probably not clean. Can't even be found, he's been in Roseburg."

— but I simply can't afford it.

Noterdam sighed deeply.

There was no hatred in his tone, only powerlessness and confusion.

For ordinary people, this middle-aged man can already be regarded as an upper-class man, and he murmured while driving the car: "I... I don't know, what can I do.

"I can't refuse Lord Viscount's order—please forgive me, but Lord Viscount is almost like a lord here. If you disobey his wishes, you will only have a dead end. But I don't want to and can't bear such a big responsibility... With the loss of such a large amount of property, even if Lord Viscount spared me from the capital crime, from 'stealing a huge amount of property' to 'major work error', I will definitely be sent to mine.

"My wife is about to give birth, and the child may be born this month. I can't let the child be born without a father, and I can't let my wife raise my child alone. My job is a tax officer, that is, to collect The tax job... You should know that this job offends people, and you have to be able to do it. I usually offend a lot of people, but they are all on behalf of Lord Viscount!

"If I'm not in Roseburg... no, as long as I'm no longer a tax collector, my wife and children will be in a lot of trouble.

"I have obviously never done anything wrong. I am cautious, I do things safely, my work ability is the strongest, and I am the most obedient... But, why me..."

Noterdam muttered in a low voice.

Annan quietly listened to this middle-aged man who was about to have a child, and whispered outside the car, venting his fear and powerlessness: "If it wasn't for you, if it wasn't for your lord, you would win in the end..."

"I see."

Annan replied softly: "I can fully understand you."

His voice is gentle, his tone as clear as a child's is gentle and soothing.

"Mr. Notterdamm, you are indeed not wrong. You are a good man and an excellent tax official—there is a saying that a tax official who is not hated must not be a good tax official, let alone a tax official. An honest tax collector."

The carriage gallops. The wind howled.

The evening wind was damp and icy in the early hours of the morning.

However, Annan's words clearly fell into the ears of tax officer Noterdamm, warming his heart: "You look a little uncomfortable now. But it's not your fault, it's Alvin Barber's order that hurts you." I miss you. I guess, when you usually interact with your brothers, don’t you behave boldly and cheerfully?”

"... yes, yes, my lord,"

Noterdam quickly responded: "But I don't usually drink alcohol! I just chat with them... But it's true, just like you said - 'bold and cheerful'."

"I guess it is."

Annan clasped his hands on his chest, intertwined his fingertips, and said with a soft smile, "Because your voice sounds pleasant, sir.

"Are there usually many children who like to look for you?"

"Yes Yes… "

Noterdam was gradually appeased, not so nervous.

Annan's gaze seems to be able to penetrate the carriage, see through the human body, and look directly at the core of the human soul.

And his tone is soft and gentle...

A French sociologist once pointed out that effective communication between strangers can only account for about 5% of the total conversation between the two parties. Most of the 5% effective communication comes from the first impression brought by words, personality and appearance.

In other words, when two people who have never met before communicate for the first time, only words that are gentle enough to warm people's hearts or harsh enough to make people frightened can enter the other's mind and be remembered.

The rest of the words are automatically filtered out by the brain.

That's why Annan has always maintained this gentle and docile attitude.

Based on his own high status and excellent appearance, this is enough to make his words imprint in the hearts of anyone who comes into contact with him for the first time——

"Noterdam, please keep your chest up. Because you're've done everything you can."

Annan's gentle voice was like a cure for the soul: "Wrong, it's Alvin Barber."

It is enough to make a scar in the heart that can never be healed easily healed.

And Annan can also help others and find out who or what is really bothering them.

As long as Annan solves this problem...

The other party will trust him, be loyal to him, and even fall in love with him.

"But fortunately, Alvin Barber is dead."

Annan whispered, "I killed it—this secret. Please don't let it out."

"Yes, yes... I already know, thank you very much, thank you... I will never say it, I can swear to Yin Jue—"

The tax official said gratefully. He thanked Annan from the bottom of his heart.

—The common secret between the two is enough to make people a close ally.

Of course, the greatest thing is…

Everything Annan said above is true.

This is the art of manipulating the mind.