The Righteous Player(s)

Chapter 94: Barrage body protection...failed!


With the stray child opening the door at the end of the corridor for the second time, he entered the third floor of the nightmare.

The live broadcast screen suddenly began to shake.

The noise was accompanied by snowflakes, making his figure blurred.

The Yun Raiders team, who were watching the play outside the nightmare, was a little flustered:

"—Is there a snowflake screen over there?"

"—It seems that there is interference... Don't continue to rush forward, child god, stop for a while, stop for a while!"

"—Come on, let me go!"

"—fuck you, something just flashed by my window..."

"I can't move anymore hiss..."

The homeless child gasped and covered the wound on his abdomen with his teeth bared.

It's not that he didn't feel the pain before, but that he chose to endure it for a while and rush to the end in one breath.

It hurts even once, and it hurts even if it hurts vaguely all the time. It's better to run two steps quickly and push the plot forward...

Street children are very clear about their positioning.

He has already learned from the conductors that the memory will be reset after death in this dungeon, but the memory of the audience will not be reset.

So he decided to simply use his own life to poke through the grass to see if there is any dead fg behind...

"How many people are there on the third floor now?"

The homeless child waited for a while before he managed to straighten up and asked the barrage.

"-Only you."

"—Okay, okay, let's look for clues."

"—Chong Chong Chong, the child god rushes to the Lord!"

"—Don't make trouble upstairs, if you make trouble again, I will go to your house and chat with you..."

The last barrage was obviously sent by Crazy Goose.

What he said should not refer to looking for it from the residence of Frozen Water Port, but to go directly to the offline real person.

This 1.9 meter bald man, who is a fan of full-armor fighting, is obviously very intimidating in terms of painting style. As soon as he spoke, the spectators immediately looked serious and began to discuss the plot: "But I think, the child god should not be able to move..."

"Fuck your sister, I'm still young, I can rush if I want to."

The homeless child spat casually.

Squinting his eyes and looking ahead.

In the nightmare on the second floor, it should be the chandelier and the hammer that may cause death. But at that time, he judged that the chandelier couldn't hit him, so he ran over at full speed without stopping, and the hammer did the same... If he didn't hesitate, he wouldn't be injured at all.

It turned out to be unscathed.

But if he stopped because of fear, he should just die.

But the third layer is different.

I saw that the brilliant lights in the gallery before were all extinguished now. The gallery was pitch black, and only when there was thunder outside the window could one vaguely see something ahead.

Fortunately, the terrain has not changed.

"Brother Meng, there seems to be something hanging over there..."

The street children grumbled, approaching cautiously and vigilantly.

Although he doesn't often play horror games, according to the routine, the first two floors are not scary, and the third floor should start to have high energy...

But he is opening up wasteland, without the warning of "high energy ahead", he feels very flustered.

When he walked into the hanging things and squinted to see.

Suddenly, a flash of lightning flashed outside the window.

His pupils trembled suddenly, and his whole body trembled.

Under the reflection of the sudden flashes of lightning, he could clearly see picture frames hung crookedly on the ceiling, bound by countless ropes!

Each painting looks at itself.

Men and women, young and old, are all different.

But they all looked at him with exactly the same, exaggerated and weird smiles at the corners of their mouths!


"Hey hey..."


Different low-pitched laughter sounded from all directions at the same time.

The homeless child's scalp felt numb, and he subconsciously stopped where he was, not daring to move forward.

—The next moment, there was a thunderclap!

The laughter stopped abruptly.

The suddenly increased gust of wind blew the window open with a bang, and the cold and humid air blew over in an instant, blowing him a chill.

There was the sound of heavy rain outside the window.

Only then did the homeless child realize that his back was soaked.

This gust of cold wind blew by, making him feel his back was cold and very uncomfortable.

He looked around vigilantly, like a thief, took a step to look around, and slowly approached the window.

"DNMD, don't just look at it, but send barrage..."

His voice was trembling, and his hands were trembling.

He admits now that he was a little scared...

Originally, the homeless child planned to close the window—he was worried that when he walked and turned around, he would see a black shadow silently parked beside the window.

But when he walked into the window, he found a letter outside the window.

The letter should have just been posted. Under the heavy rain, it was not completely wet yet.

Without hesitation, the homeless child scooped up the letter quickly with his hand.

"At least my operation is still fine..."

He muttered, vaguely aware of something wrong: "Hey, are you talking? Hey, can you hear me?"

At this moment, a bunch of bullet screens suddenly crossed:

"—We've been talking, can't you see?"

"—Brother Moe's barrage never stops."

"—Is the barrage blocked? The signal is not good?"

"Wait, is it really a bad signal?"

The homeless child had a toothache: "When we reach the third floor, why do the bullet screens come and go? Does it happen to other people?"

"—Not the third floor, Child God. It seems that the barrage will stop after triggering something."

Delicious Wind Goose suddenly posted a barrage.

Hearing this, the homeless child cheered up: "Oh! Then I understand, this is the same as a GM, when the GM suddenly stops, it means high energy!"

He suddenly felt a new courage in his heart.

Since there is a high-energy warning, he should not be scared...

"—Open the letter, brother!"

"What is -6, stupefied."

"Okay, okay, let's take it apart."

The homeless child came to his senses, opened the letter and urged again: "Don't stop the barrage, you can just send 11111 if you don't know what to say..."

"—Just pointing at you for dinner, I would like to call you the king of rice."

"—I can't stop, you're making me laugh..."

Relying on the barrage to suppress the shock, the homeless child slowly opened the letter.

At first he was worried that there might be blood on the letter, or something scary. But to my surprise, the letter contained serious content:

"On March 27, follow Amos to Roseburg to paint for the Viscountess.

"Amos is in a very bad state today, and I'm a little uneasy. I've never seen him draw like this. Although I haven't learned how to draw, generally speaking... when you draw a portrait, do you draw the bones first?

"This painting makes me kind of sick. It's really beautiful, but when I look at it, I always feel...

"It always feels like it's a dead body outside the glass window..."

The letter ends here.

It's like a diary with a torn page.

Suddenly, the homeless child froze.

He suddenly realized something, and raised his head cautiously.

... Fortunately, there was not a sudden corpse outside the window.

But he didn't relax, but carefully closed the window and put the lock on it carefully.

Then he turned around.

Lightning fell at the same time.

he saw...

Where is the picture frame tied under the hanging ropes—

Those were corpses hanged on the beams!

They are different for men, women and children.

His head was drooping, his eyes were cloudy, his body was swaying in the wind, but there was a neat, weird smile on the corner of his mouth.

All looked at him.

All stared at him.

Various low laughs surrounded him, fear rattling in the stray child's throat.

Suddenly, the street kids noticed something.

"shadow… "

My own shadow, it seems...

Extra long

The top of the shadow gradually bulges.

Like a person slowly raising a huge hammer above his head—

He turned around abruptly.

All he saw was a pair of emotionless, emerald green eyes.

Then, the glass window shattered.