The Righteous Player(s)

Chapter 96: Secret passages


Lin Yiyi took a deep breath.

The severe pain in her abdomen from time to time made her thoughts a little confused and her mood a little irritable.

Her way of attacking is completely opposite to that of a stray child.

When she confirmed that this was the second week's goal, she vaguely had some ideas and began to take the initiative to adopt a different exploration method from the previous week's goal.

As Lin Yiyi pushed the first door open, she noticed a narrow corridor that turned to the right in front of her.

In stark contrast to the brightly lit gallery, this short corner is unusually dark. Only the dim light was shining behind the door at the end, as if it was attracting Lin Yiyi to pass here quickly.

"Then I won't go!"

Lin Yiyi shook her voice, her words were full of bravery: "Just let me die on the first floor!"

Saying that, she did not go to the next floor, but began to look at each painting carefully.

"—Don't be cowardly, Sister Gangzi!"

"—Yeah, what are you afraid of if you die and can be resurrected! Go to the next lap!"

"—Rush! Sister Gangzi, let me rush!"

"—Da Ge, if you do this again, brothers, you will go to someone else's barrage to protect your body."

"Don't panic, wait until I finish reading these paintings..."

Lin Yiyi said casually, while carefully looking at the details of each painting, whether there is a password or something. She'd even tap on each painting, tap on the wall between the paintings, and turn it around a little... to see if there was a trap.

This is her experience of often playing escape rooms.

In the pixel-style RG horror game, she is the kind of player who has to check all the items in each grid at least twice...

Unlike what the barrage thought, Lin Yiyi was not timid and hesitant because of losing her memory... You know, she and the street child were the two people who met Gerald and were directly hypnotized to change their minds.

Even Gerald can't make them afraid, let alone this nightmare copy that will disappear after dawn.

And according to Don Juan, this characteristic of "losing all memories and resetting nightmares" seems to be the special feature of this dungeon.

Although it doesn't feel like a novice dungeon, she also thinks it's normal.

After all, this game is said to be a game, but it is actually a real different world, so there is no "novice guidance link", and it is normal to have problems when it comes up.

The player's view of this different world is similar to "the infinite space that never dies". The attitude is always between excitement, seriousness, fascination, curiosity and vigilance, just in the perfect position between "dare to die" and "not afraid of death".

Among other things, the different world that can be directly entered by using the mobile app, and the "Frozen Water Port Forum" that can be used outside the game as usual and only exists in consciousness, are definitely not this world, this world. The technology that the times can have.

Some players have been forced to change their mobile phones due to accidents, and this game has been silently followed into the new mobile phones; they also tried to ask their friends to open this A, but after the opening CG ended, " Hello, the quota for the first test is full, please look forward to the opening of the next test~" and kicked them back.

So this time, the players are very compelled.

Their small actions cannot escape the eyes of the game publisher.

No matter what kind of alien game it is, or the variety live broadcast of people from another world, or some ancient god... In short, if this kind of boss really wants to do something bad to them, they will definitely have no resistance room for.

They are basically adults, and they think they are the elites in the industry. They have already passed the age of "I can't help myself".

Some players also speculated in the forum that maybe after the game is fully opened, it will be like the revival of the spiritual energy in the game, and everyone can enter it? If this is the case, then these internal beta players will definitely have a very big advantage...

But no matter what, instead of choosing to escape passively, it is better to take the initiative to get in touch with this different world... If God does not take it, you will be blamed instead.

There is only one thing that is special.

That is, without signing any non-disclosure agreement, all players tacitly chose to remain silent and jointly guard this huge secret.

They are very fortunate that there are no idiots, amateurs and idiots among the players in the first test. At least they are players who have brains and can communicate...

Lin Yiyi has a deeper understanding of this world because of the soul-snatching spell.

So not only is she not playing passively, but she is exploring in her own way.

She generally has a little understanding of this dungeon.

This seems to be a copy of layers of fear-every time you move forward, you will return to the original place, and the surrounding environment will become darker, weirder, and more dangerous.

And then there are chases and traps.

Its advantage is that everyone who enters this nightmare will possess this seriously injured middle-aged painter. In other words, what it competes with is not actual combat power, but brains, guts and luck.

This is indeed a good novice dungeon for players who are still very weak today.

If it is a copy of this type, then the first lap should be the safest position in theory. The cost of reopening is also the lowest.

She had just walked up and down the gallery for that.

Unlike the delicious wind goose who is used to memorizing cards and calculations, Lin Yiyi's memory has never been very good. When playing backboards in games, she always takes a long time and patience to memorize them.

So she had to walk around several times before she could barely remember the placement of all the items in the gallery and the size of each room. In this way, in the next few floors, you can immediately realize "where am I" and "where am I going".

If some death fg is triggered in the first lap, causing the game to restart, you can also return to the previous position to continue exploring.


Lin Yiyi planned to die directly.

She believes that there should be other players who have the same idea as her.

Use the barrage group left outside to exchange information, explore the dungeon separately, try to find the trigger mechanism of all death fg, then you can boldly explore next.

As for the chase...

... Then everyone depends on their own abilities.


Lin Yiyi was taken aback.

She sensed...the back of one of the paintings was empty.

Her carpet search actually found results

She first tried to remove the painting, but found that she couldn't move it at all. Then she shook the frame from side to side—and this time it worked.

She turned the picture frame half a circle clockwise and found a turntable mechanism inside.

Lin Yiyi used both hands to slowly turn the turntable. She noticed that the cubicle was dusty, but the turntable appeared to have been used not long ago and was clean.

And as Lin Yiyi turned the turntable, under the sound of the iron chain being pulled, a small section of the wall next to it began to bend inward. Finally, a narrow and cramped passage was revealed.

It only allows one person to pass, and it will be very crowded if two people walk side by side.

At the end of the narrow passage is a wooden door.

It looked exactly like the wooden door at the end of the corridor.

But it's clearly not a door that would go through in the normal flow.

Lin Yiyi cheered up, and shouted confidently: "Did you see it! My method is correct!"


"—Damn it, there's a trick here!"

"—Miss Gangzi is amazing!"

"-What are you doing with 6, just stare blankly."

"—I understand, go tell the other brothers!"

"Don't worry, wait until I see what's inside..."

Lin Yiyi casually persuaded: "Maybe there is a death mechanism here..."

She didn't choose the door leading to the next floor, but walked to another door opened by her own switch.

This narrow corridor is very dark, but fortunately it is not difficult to walk.

And there is only one portrait hanging here. In the painting is a girl who looks innocent and smiles.

She was wearing a white dress, and looked at Lin Yiyi with a cute smile.

"—Old, wife!"

"—I declare that this is my new wife!"

"—For the previous ones, starting from three years... Let's forget about the direct death penalty."

"Tsk, I don't know whether to say that the child is cute or that the artist drew it better..."

Lin Yiyi clicked her tongue: "Oh yes, I am a painter now. Then I should have painted this... Then I am awesome."

She said, pushing open the door at the end.

Then Lin Yiyi was stunned.

I saw what was in front of her.

— is a downward staircase.