The Rise of History’s Most Powerful Empire

Chapter 455: On the finale


After Zhong Yu's cultivation reached the seventh level, he immediately went to war in the north and south. In just half a year, he unified the entire southern part of the Liaozhai world.

With the integration of the entire south, Zhong Yu's imperial power experienced another surge.

Especially now that the other four major empires in the mainland are desperately engaged in internal strife, and each country is slowly depleting its resources due to war, and its strength continues to decline.

Zhong Yu subdued all the immortals in the south with his overwhelming strength, and was able to completely unify the south and establish an unprecedented empire, which was so dazzling in the entire history of the Liaozhai world.

With such an obvious contrast, countless immortals in the opposition chose to join the Yuguo camp as long as they had a desire for power or other ideas of unifying the world and creating peace.

In addition to the immortals, there are also more powerful people of the sixth and seventh levels with more numbers, more desires, and more political ambitions joining.

The joining of these people greatly expanded the power of Yuguo, causing the number of immortals in Yuguo to exceed 20 at once.

And truly established an army composed entirely of strong men of the sixth and seventh levels, with a total of one thousand people. Although it is small, even an ordinary legion of hundreds of millions can cause far less damage than this mere thousand people.

In fact, in addition to the expansion of these external forces, Zhong Yu's own strength has also increased tremendously.

Because of the large-scale expansion of Yuguo's territory, it has more than doubled. Therefore, Zhong Yu's cultivation level, which had just broken through to the eighth level, also increased greatly due to the expansion of the territory, and his cultivation level also reached the late eighth level. He was at the top of the cultivation level of the immortals in the world, and his cultivation level reached extremely.

With this level of cultivation, coupled with Zhong Yu's invincible combat power at the same level, basically there is no immortal in this world, and it is no longer a distant dream to be able to be his opponent with one against a hundred.

Zhong Yu was extremely convinced that as long as he could reach the eighth level peak, he would definitely be able to defeat one against a hundred. At that time, with his own strength, he will be able to suppress the entire Liaozhai world, making countless talented and ambitious people afraid to come forward.

However, even if he can't fight one against a hundred now, Zhong Yu can still deal with thirty or forty people of the same level by himself.

Coupled with the fact that there are 27 immortals in the imperial kingdom, the overall strength of the country at the top has reached more than 50. Although it is a bit delusional to crush the world, it is not delusional to have no rivals in the world.

The human race in this world originally had more than two hundred immortals, but in recent years, disputes between various countries in the world have frequently broken out.

Moreover, when all the immortals fight, they are not as point-and-shoot as in the past. They do not just aim to determine the winner, but have the sole goal of deciding life and death. They are extremely ruthless and use any means to achieve their goals.

Therefore, after this round of consumption, not only the people at the bottom suffered, but the total human population in the world was reduced by a fifth. Even the number of immortals has dropped to just over a hundred, barely half of its original number.

Among the remaining number of immortals, Yuguo accounts for a full 1/5. Coupled with Zhong Yu's terrifying abnormal combat power, the combat power of the immortal level is enough to compete with the entire human race without falling behind.

Not to mention the human race, which is now full of contradictions and it is impossible to unite with each other, let alone the Yuguo who concentrates all its power.

After integrating the south, Zhong Yu stepped up his time to train the army. His overall goal was to train an elite regular army with a size of 100 million.

Although these low-level soldiers have no vital influence on the true belonging of the world. But when Zhong Yu establishes a territory, he always needs some low-level people to maintain law and order and rule.

Zhong Yu is only one person in Qiang, if he doesn't want to kill all the enemies on the territory and grab an open space. Then you must arrange for trustworthy personnel to receive it, make reasonable use of this land, and provide a steady stream of power for the development of the imperial country.

Therefore, after Yuguo unified the southern region, he fell into a long rest. The entire south also ushered in true peace because of this recuperation. Because unlike before there were several owners on this land, there was only one owner who could make a sound, and that was Zhong Yu.

Five years later, there are still constant disputes all over the world. Although the winners and losers are determined in some places due to the competition for interests, peace is slowly beginning to return.

But because of the more fierce battles, the strength was even more severely depleted.

When all the countries in the world are exhausted from the long war and can no longer sustain themselves, they have to hide in the dark and lick their wounds, waiting for the day when their strength recovers to decide the winner again.

After several years of recuperation, Zhong Yu finally accumulated enough troops and talents to take over all the territories in the world, so he personally led all the immortal masters in the country to go out and start a journey to conquer all directions.

This time the target is the north, which is closest to Yuguo.

After these years of war, the strength of the northern countries has been greatly reduced. Although some victors have made some compensation by annexing the losers, they are still insignificant compared to the overall strength.

Especially the Han Empire, the original northern hegemon, fell into complete destruction under the siege of the seven surrounding countries. All the royal families in the country, from immortals to ordinary people, were all slaughtered by those enemies, and there was absolutely no chance of resurrection.

The last two remaining empires were unable to absorb the sudden expansion of their territory several times, and fell into internal conflicts, unable to extricate themselves.

This time Zhong Yu personally led more than 20 immortals to the north, and the only three remaining immortals in the north could not stop him. The moment Zhong Yu arrived at the city, he decisively led the whole country to surrender without even daring to resist.

In this way, in just over ten days, the entire north completely changed its banner and merged under the command of Yuguo.

It took more than a month. With the arrival of Yu Guo's 20 million troops, the turmoil in the entire northern region was completely calmed down, and Zhong Yu was truly under control.

After taking the north, Zhong Yu did not stop, but looked at the Zhou Kingdom in the middle.

When all the countries in the world were in conflict, China, which was located at the center of the world, was supposed to be the center of war. However, because of the political system of the Zhou Dynasty, it became the most peaceful area.

Compared with other countries, China's political system is extremely different. It still maintains the customs of ancient times and adopts a feudal system. It does not mean that other countries must be destroyed, but requires other countries to surrender to it, so Zhou will not attack.

Under this special system, except for a few ambitious empires that were unwilling to surrender, most of the central countries had joined the Zhou Kingdom.

(End of chapter)