The Rise of History’s Most Powerful Empire

Chapter 456: The finale


With the joining of these empires, the remaining rebellions are naturally nothing and cannot cause any major chaos.

Therefore, relying on this advantage, Zhou State quickly calmed down the war in this storm, quickly restored peace and stability in the central region, and began to recuperate.

Now, there are actually 17 powerful immortals in the Zhou Kingdom and the vassal states under his command, which is extremely eye-catching among all the empires alone.

If Yu Guo, an even more perverted freak, hadn't appeared, it might have been possible for the Zhou State to gradually unify the entire world by relying on his method of enfeoffment.

With this kind of strength, it is equivalent to the power displayed by most of the Yu Kingdom. Without knowing Zhong Yu's true terrifying strength, the Zhou Kingdom will naturally not choose to surrender easily, but intends to resist.

This kind of resistance was of little use, although the angels sent by the vanguard were frustrated and the war remained stalemate. But in the end Zhong Yu couldn't bear it any longer, and when he actually took action, Zhou discovered how terrifying their enemy was.

It was almost a one-sided battle. After Zhong Yu took action, he didn't need the help of the immortals under him at all. Zhong Yu could suppress the Chinese immortals by himself.

And not long after the war started, Zhong Yu beheaded the Taizu of the Zhou Kingdom, and also beheaded the other three immortals of the Zhou Kingdom on the spot, eliminating the core figures of the Zhou Alliance in one fell swoop.

These immortals were originally centered on the immortals of the Zhou Kingdom, united with each other, and used it as a hub to reluctantly form an alliance to jointly fight against the Yu Kingdom.

Now that all the leaders of the Zhou Kingdom have been killed, the remaining people are incompatible with each other. They were even more contradictory before, so it is naturally impossible for them to unite together again.

Especially when they discovered that the enemy on the opposite side was far beyond their imagination and too powerful to stop, which they could not handle at all, their will to fight suddenly dropped to freezing point.

In an instant, more than half of the remnants chose to surrender, and some of the remaining people also wanted to escape.

Zhong Yu did not punish those who chose to surrender. He only left some people to guard them and strictly ordered the surrendered prisoners not to do anything rashly.

Then Zhong Yu personally chased the escaping immortals.

Since you dare to go against Yuguo, you must be prepared to accept defeat after defeat. It is not that easy to escape.

What's more, after these immortals escape, it will be very difficult to hunt them down.

Although Zhong Yu is powerful and can easily deal with dozens of strong men of the same level, this does not mean that he can easily find an immortal who insists on hiding his whereabouts.

Therefore, we should hunt down more enemies now. Even if we can't make an emergency landing, we can't let the enemies go back, so that they can secretly cause trouble for Zhong Yu in the future.

After a period of time, Zhong Yu killed three or four of the seven or eight people who escaped. The remaining ones surrendered in horror and no longer dared to resist or attempt to escape.

At this point, the Zhou Empire, which had dominated Zhongzhou for thousands of years, was destroyed, and the Yu Kingdom completely rose, and no one in the world could stop it.

Half a year later, after stabilizing all areas of the Zhou Empire and unifying the power of the entire Yu Kingdom, Zhong Yu continued his journey.

In March of the expedition, the entire Sui Empire surrendered.

From then on, among the entire human race in the Liaozhai world, only the Qin Empire was left in the Yu Kingdom.

The reason why the Qin Empire was left to the end by Zhong Yu was not only because it was the farthest from the center of the Yu Kingdom, but also because the Qin Empire was the strongest among the five great empires in the world, and its national system also had the greatest war potential. It can be destroyed as easily as the other four empires.

After years of fighting each other, the Qin Empire successfully annexed the eight northwest empires in one fell swoop and became the only powerful country among the five empires that truly unified a large region.

And because of the annexation of a large area, the Qin Empire gathered 23 immortals. Although these immortals had different ideas, because of the Qin Empire's farming and warfare system, they were able to exert most of their respective strengths, and their cohesion was extremely strong.

Moreover, the Qin Empire also has 300 million elite legions under its command. It can mobilize more than 1 billion powerful military forces with a single order, which is simply not comparable to other empires.

Therefore, the Qin Empire was left to be resolved in the end. When Zhong Yu annexed the other three empires and gathered the power of all the people in the world to deal with the mere Qin Kingdom, the chance of victory was naturally greatly guaranteed.

Now the power of Yuguo is proof.

The number of 63 immortals, the size of the army reached 500 million, and a 3,000-man sixth- and seventh-level legion were the capital that Zhong Yu used to conquer the Qin Empire.

The war is about to break out.

Half a year later, the war between the Qin Empire and the Yu Kingdom was completely defeated. Fifteen immortals from the Qin Kingdom died in the battle. Among them, none of the royal immortals survived. They all chose to fight the enemy on the battlefield and died.

However, although the Qin Empire was annihilated, seven immortals on Zhong Yu's side were also killed in battle, resulting in considerable losses.

Fortunately, after the Qin Empire was annihilated, the surrendered immortals from the Qin Kingdom joined the camp of the Yu Kingdom, and some of the wandering immortals were gathered together. Not only did the number of immortals in the Yu Kingdom not decrease, but it actually increased, reaching 76.

After unifying the human race, in order to cope with the current weakness of the human race, the demon race gradually rose. As the co-leader of the human race in the Liaozhai world, Zhong Yu launched a war between the human race and the demon race.

This war lasted for 30 years.

Although the strength of the human race has been unified, the internal friction has ultimately caused great damage. The vitality of the various parts of the human race has been severely damaged and has not recovered yet.

But the demon clan has been hiding in the dark to recuperate for a long time, and its strength has been greatly enhanced. After Zhong Yu unified the empire, his power even surpassed that of the human race.

Therefore, even though Zhong Yu started a war and his own strength was unstoppable at the same level, he still could not eliminate the demon clan at once, and instead fell into a long-term war.

However, the war eventually ended with the victory of the human race. The demon race was completely weakened in this battle. All the demons above level five were killed, and the remaining little demons could no longer become useful.

From then on, as the human nature in the entire Liaozhai world completely defeated the demonic path, and the heavenly path disappeared, Zhong Yu received the feedback of human nature, and suddenly broke through the ninth level of cultivation and achieved the realm of the Golden Immortal. Throughout the whole Among all the worlds, even in the top big worlds, he can be called a strong man.

Countless years later, as more and more worlds were conquered and countless worlds came under control, Zhong Yu's cultivation level also improved greatly, and he eventually became the pinnacle of all heavens and worlds.

In the end, Zhong Yu gathered the power of all the worlds in the heavens, successfully defeated Dao, took his place, and became the master of the entire universe.

(Complete the book!)

(End of chapter)

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