The Rise of Phoenixes

Chapter 103


"However, on the night when I was about to die, the queen's yard was suddenly haunted. At that time, I thought I was going to die. There was only an old woman who was guarding there, and she was also dozing off. I accidentally saw a white shadow drifting by. , yelling in fright, everyone came running after waking up, only to find that I was sweating profusely, but I was out of danger."

"At that time, it was a strange thing, but everyone didn't pay much attention to it. I stayed with the queen, and the servants were not careful, and they were often hurt. The prince was naughty at that time, and he often liked to stuff weird things into my mouth. , My personal nurse dared not stop me, and often sat outside the palace with my arms in my arms and wept."

Ning Yi's tone was always calm, as if what he was talking about was not his own business, as if it was just a story, the joys and sorrows of the protagonist had long been frozen in history, turned into crystals on the ground, and shattered in the steps ahead.

"One night Mama cried and fell asleep. When she woke up, she saw me sleeping soundly on the steps next to her. She remembered that she was holding me in her arms. This shock was no small matter. She never Don’t dare to hug me and cry in the yard, but after this night, the Queen’s place started to be haunted again.”

"Ghosts in this world often come from people's hearts." Feng Zhiwei said softly.

Ning Yi looked at her, with a soft smile in his eyes, "There were a few times, the empress was uneasy, so she said that I offended her and sent me to Concubine Chang Gui. Concubine Chang Gui is the queen's distant sister, because She was a concubine, she was only a concubine, she didn't have much courage at that time, so I will grow up until the age of seven, until Tiansheng Jianguo."

The fire in the brazier gradually weakened, the surroundings became darker, and there was a faint smell of dust in the air. The precious utensils with black background and gold borders sank in the endless shadows, looking as heavy as the story.

"You... When will you see her again?" Feng Zhiwei held back for a long time, but still asked.

"You're very smart, you're just too smart..." Ning Yi stroked her hair, and sighed, "Tiansheng Jianguo, when I was young, I was still living in the palace. The original site of the Dacheng Palace was rebuilt on a huge scale. I have never been to many places. Until I was nine years old, I helped my elder brother pick up a kite and hurt my leg. Everyone took the kite and whizzed away, saying it was for me. I went to look for the imperial doctor, but the imperial doctor didn't come for a long time. I was in severe pain, and rolled down the hillside, only to find an elegant residence. The former one was said to be an abandoned palace. It was locked and people were not allowed to go there. I don't know why that day. Open the door."

There was a smile on the corner of his lips, and a joyful light flashed in his eyes, "The door opened, and a woman with hair who practiced cultivation came out... That was the first time I saw her..."

He coughed twice, turned his face away, and Feng Zhiwei caught the flash of light from the corner of his eyes, which was as bright as a diamond.

"At that time I didn't know who she was." Ning Yi regained his composure after a while, and continued as if nothing had happened, "I just think she is extremely beautiful, and her eyes are extremely kind and warm. I have never seen such warmth since I was nine years old. I got used to it, so I forgot to be wary of people, and she even allowed her to approach. She hugged me in, bandaged me, and made me a unique cake to eat. I was nine years old and she even tried to feed me. I stayed there for more than an hour, and she didn't speak, but when I left politely, she shed tears."

This time Feng Zhiwei turned her face away, only feeling a sore nose and a choked throat.

Mother of the world!

"After I went back, I couldn't forget her, and then I slipped past a few times. I knew her place was considered a forbidden area, and I was very careful every time I went there. It's just that I was busy with schoolwork, and my brothers also kept an eye on her. I found her within a year. A few times, every time I go, she is happy busy, one time I fell asleep unconsciously because I was too tired, woke up two hours later, and saw her fanning me all the time, because a moment It didn't stop, my wrists were shaking and swollen."

Ning Yi stopped, stroking his wrist, as if he wanted to feel his mother's pain many years ago through his own touch, his movements were very light, but his eyes gradually turned cold.

"Seven times...I've been there seven times...the eighth time I went...the house was empty."

He was nine years old that year, and when he was nine years old, he saw his mother for the first time, and when he was ten years old, he lost her forever.

He so vividly remembered everything he spent with her, and every time he spent with her seemed to be stolen, seven times, each time in his heart, and recounted it vividly.

Seven times, a lifetime.

The road before and the road after are all so bleak and cold, only this section is painted red, and the color will never fade.

Feng Zhiwei looked into his eyes, and couldn't bear to ask about the cold ending, the reason for the beauty's unlucky life.

Maybe she struggled to live in secret for ten years in order to meet Jiao'er again one day, so that the brilliance of mother's love could illuminate the child's heart that was darkened day by day in the Baoliang court. In his long life, try to avoid the shortcomings that will never be healed in his life.

"And her death sacrifice, I found out later, is today."

Her people's laughter celebrates her birthday when everyone cheers, and her desolate and lonely memorial day is a day that no one cares about.

"When I knew the truth, I regretted it countless times. If I knew she was waiting for me, then no matter how heavy the schoolwork is, no matter how uneasy and kind-hearted my brothers are, even if they don't eat or sleep, I have to go to her more times... However, things in this world can never buy regret medicine, the most precious time in my life that year was wasted by me like that."

"No, it's not a waste." Feng Zhiwei said sincerely, "After all, you have met her and spent a lot of time with her. During those days, she was happy, and so were you, so it's worth it."

"Happy?" Ning Yi paused and repeated, "Happy?"

He suddenly laughed, the laughter was low and dull, with a little scarlet, he wiped it away with the back of his hand, looked down at the bright color, and his voice became as sad as the blood color, "I thought she was happy too, these ten I thought so for many years, but just now, I know, I was wrong!"

Feng Zhi was slightly shocked, thinking of that charming crystal statue.

"See that tunnel?" Ning Yi abruptly pointed in that direction, "My royal father, my royal father, really doesn't want to part with her beauty, it's inconvenient for him to come here, so he built this tunnel, and this statue he made , what... what!"