The Rise of Phoenixes

Chapter 15


She became this man's "servant", which is a bit strange to say. When she first arrived at Lanxiangyuan, when she was out shopping, she accidentally bumped into a young man from a rich family. In this alley, in a panic, she kicked over a stove for brewing herbal medicine, but was rushed out by the owner of the house and beat her up again. This man beat the group of servants who were chasing her away, but ordered her to compensate him for his "Nine Provinces Ten Di Daluo Golden Immortal Resurrection Pill."

Nine Provinces and Ten Lands Daluo Jinxian Huisheng Pill - The name is very bluffing, the essence is very deceitful, even an idiot can see that there is no "Huisheng Pill" in any case. of.

However, Feng Zhiwei can only admit it with her nose pinched, she is not afraid of power, she is afraid of strong punches.

Since then, she has sold herself as a coolie and reported to work every day in order to repay the "huge debt" as soon as possible. After a few days, she deeply realized that the owner here has a bad temper and acts strangely, which is really outrageous-tell her to wipe the table , the four corners of the table can burst out of the mechanism, and told her to wash the clothes. After the clothes were washed, she began to have spots all over her body, which faded after three days, so that she had to cover them tightly and eat with him. The dishes in front of him were delicious. It's overflowing, it's hard to swallow in front of her, and what's more, every day when she opens the door, there will be hidden tricks waiting for her, or a silent finger, or a violent punch in the wind, or a long sword flashing with cold light, or a hidden weapon that appears out of nowhere. repeated.

How can a person have so many offensive moves? Feng Zhiwei was puzzled, but after dodging day by day, she found that her body was getting lighter and her movements were dexterous, and the scorching air in her body seemed to have the tendency to surrender.

With this kind of realization, Feng Zhiwei is willing to be enslaved, and must come to report every day after going out to buy.

He picked up a bucket of water and poured it into the stove. The herbs in the stove exuded a strange smell. Feng Zhiwei was taught by Mrs. Feng herself since she was a child. I couldn't tell what was boiled in this stove. In fact, except for the licorice Wujiapi Daluo Jinxian Huisheng Dan on the first day, and the herbs that were boiled every day afterwards, I couldn't tell what it was.

Feng Zhiwei patiently adjusted the fire, opened the lid from time to time to check the heat, and accepted the baptism of the unpleasant medicine smell—this was also one of this person's weird requests.

The reddish mist emanated from the pot and splashed on her face, it turned out to be slightly cool, with a bit of astringent taste, Feng Zhiwei unconsciously took a breath, feeling refreshed, the heat in her body suddenly circulated cheerfully, but Not as hot as before, warm and ironing.

She was obsessed with this strange feeling, and was reluctant to leave for a while, when the man in the toga raised his hand and slammed something viciously, Feng Zhiwei stepped aside, and turned around to see the man in black's eyes flickering, which was a bit weird.

She froze for a moment, then looked down at the thing in her hand, but it turned out to be a booklet that was so tattered that even the cover fell off. When she opened it, it was a miscellaneous note. Interesting, different from today's language, the content includes perceptions of martial arts, travel notes, politics, classics and history. froze on the page.

At the top of the page, another person's handwriting suddenly appeared, with a silver hook drawn on iron with a beautiful bone, and wrote: "Qingqing, please allow me to read it."

Then there is the original author's handwriting, which is written with daggers drawn, and looks very vicious: "Shame on the voyeur!"

The next line, in beautiful handwriting, replied: "It's not ashamed to tell and peep."

The original author was even more vicious: "It's even more shameful to continue to peep!"

Feng Zhiwei couldn't help but let out a burst of laughter, thinking that this couple is really wonderful, somehow, she felt that the two people who left their handwriting must be a man and a woman, and they are lovers who are in harmony with each other .

However, when she glanced at the next line, she suddenly dropped the booklet in her hand in shock!

That line was written by that handsome man.

"Those who laugh, are also ashamed."

Feng Zhiwei's surprise was no small matter - she was talking about? She who is snickering

Then I felt that I was scaring myself, how could it be possible, looking at this booklet is so old, the people on this booklet have been dead for many years, how could it be possible to predict the future.

She picked up the booklet, and trembled again the next second.

"Your Majesty, don't be alarmed, carefully scattered the booklet."

Feng Zhiwei was shocked to the extreme, but she didn't panic anymore. At this moment, she could confirm that what the man said in the book was for her.

With a sense of teasing in her heart, she didn't look at the next line, and put the book on the fire as if to put it on.

The man in the robe seemed to be shocked, and leaned over to stop him, but Zhiwei quickly withdrew his hand.

Then she saw the first and second lines of the book, the man wrote: "This book is made of gold thread and leather, it will not be burnt." The next sentence followed, but the tone changed, as if it was addressed to the author of the book, " This kid is as naughty as you."

The next sentence was answered by the woman, and her tone seemed a little helpless, "It will happen hundreds of years later, why bother to find out with the soul? Don't scare people."

There is no more words of dialogue underneath, Feng Zhiwei rubbed the pages of the book, thinking with a smile, maybe the couple put down their pens and hid somewhere to flirt with each other, it is unknown.

Thinking back to the couple of gods and immortals many years ago, Hongxiu Tianxiangyue wrote a pen talk, and put a pen down with a smile to look at each other. It is really a beautiful scene.

The man in the toga remained silent all the time, his head and face were covered by his extremely bulky robe, he seemed unwilling to be seen by others, he only moved when Feng Zhiwei was about to burn the book.

The smell of medicine wafted from the medicine stove, and the old book was filled with dark fragrance. The eyes of the man in the toga suddenly fell on Feng Zhiwei's fingertips.

At some point, Feng Zhiwei's fingertips turned reddish, especially when he was close to the medicine stove, and then gradually faded away.

The man in the robe flashed his eyes, but Zhiwei Feng didn't know about this change. After finishing the chores, he waved the booklet to him: "Can I take it home to read?"

After thinking about it, he added: "I will be careful not to be discovered by others."

She intuited that this booklet was not just a mere miscellaneous diary. The unheard-of golden silk skin was from an unknown beast. The person who could write in this booklet must have an unusual identity, and the words left behind must be valuable. It's expensive, everyone is innocent and pregnant, she had better not want this thing, but for some reason, she is very reluctant to give it up.