The Rise of Phoenixes

Chapter 16


The man in the toga didn't seem to be worried about this, he waved his hand to signal her to leave, Feng Zhiwei put the booklet into his arms, and was suddenly taken aback again.

Only for a moment, she felt that she was a little different, but after looking all over her body, she didn't find anything wrong, so she just smiled and went out.

As soon as I went out, I yelled, and then I realized that I was fascinated by reading, and I missed the time, the sky was sinking, and it was already dusk.

Feng Zhiwei hurriedly took a shortcut and hurried back, she knew there was an alley that could lead to the back door of Lanxiangyuan.

The alley was hidden behind a street corner, very quiet, Feng Zhiwei heard her own footsteps, almost empty on the Qingshi Road.

In the empty silence, suddenly there was a buzzing sound from somewhere.

"Mother, give me a tael of silver."

Feng Zhiwei's heart trembled - it was Feng Hao's voice.

She hurriedly dodged and hid behind the corner of the street, holding her breath, and then she saw Feng Hao and her mother coming all the way, Feng Hao couldn't stop coquettish to Mrs Feng, begging for "a tael of silver, so that I can buy a silk inner coat" .”

"You can't wear rough cloth when playing flying ball, sweat sticks to your body, and there is a strange smell." Feng Hao smiled, "They all said that if I don't change into decent clothes, I won't want to play."

Flying ball is a game handed down from Dacheng earlier. It is said that it was created by Queen Shenying. It was originally popularized throughout the country, but now it has become a luxury for nobles after improvement. A ball is worth a hundred gold. With Feng Hao's status, how can I play this flying ball? ? Who are you playing with again

Feng Zhiwei's eyes fell on Feng Hao's entangled arms with his mother's, and his heart felt sour, and the question just passed by without thinking about it.

She pursed her lips and stood alone behind the corner of the wall. She heard Niang Xuxu caring about Feng Hao, and heard Niang whispering: "People like us, don't mix with those young masters..." Then Feng Hao smiled and said: "They promised me , Recommended me to go to Qingming Academy, mother, didn’t you say that Qingming Academy is the best academy in the world... "

The light and shadow of the setting sun shone into the alley, blending the backs of the two people who passed by into one, and her figure was reflected obliquely and long on the ground, far away from the Chuhe Han border with that back.

Feng Zhiwei folded her arms, and the chill of the night when she was expelled from the Qiu Mansion hit her again, she shivered slightly in the early spring dusk.

Seeing her lovingly stroking Feng Hao's head, she finally couldn't stand his coquettishness, and carefully took out a tael of silver, and seeing Feng Hao dismissing her with a few words, looking around furtively, a hint of sarcasm appeared on the corners of her lips. smile.

Mother's monthly money is only one or two taels of silver, if you really want to use it to make Jiaoer an underwear, that's all. If you are afraid, you will send it to the powder village of the girl in Lanxiangyuan.

Save money on food and expenses for a month, and send them to prostitutes to buy half-eaten and half-thrown candied melon seeds.

She smiled almost wildly, she no longer thought about the pair of auspicious mother and son, nor did she want to run into her younger brother in the courtyard at this time, so she leaned against the corner of the wall and broke off a piece of cold glutinous rice candied lotus root to eat.

Halfway through the meal, Feng Zhi glanced inadvertently, and Feng Zhi was slightly startled.

Why are there traces of pedals on the back wall

Feng Zhiwei looked up and found that the wall was actually very hidden. A big tree with dense branches and leaves was only three feet away from the back wall of Lanxiangyuan. Climb the tree to the wall, and then enter the Lanxiangyuan.

Whoring? Or which girl has a secret meeting with a poor lover who has no money

Just as he was guessing, he suddenly heard the leaves swaying above his head, and the feet of a pair of thin-soled mille-layer shoes were exposed among the green leaves. Immediately, the buttocks of Yue Yue's white trousers crawled across the wall, and the light fell between the leaves, and the buttocks sat firmly. Standing on the top of the tree, he was not in a hurry to get down, and seemed to be looking around at the high scenery in a leisurely manner.

Feng Zhiwei leaned against the tree with great interest, wanting to see the real face of Lushan behind his ass.

Vaguely seeing the buttocks on the top of the tree swaying endlessly, the man said affectionately and sadly: "Chrysanthemum, the sky is not old, this love is unstoppable, the heart is like double silk nets, there are thousands of knots in it... cherish it, love yourself, and... Don't lose your clothes for me..."

Feng Zhiwei held her stomach, thinking that she didn't eat too much glutinous rice, why did she want to vomit so much...

It seems that she is not the only one who does not support her. There seems to be someone pushing from the wall, and the leaves sway for a while. .It only takes a few evenings to ruin your life and haggard... Chrysanthemum, you are so cruel... "

The man memorized love poems eloquently, not only covering ancient and modern times, but even his own poems, reciting casually with many wonderful lines, really quick in writing and brilliant in tongue, Feng Zhi sighed slightly—this kind of rare talent, with A third-rate prostitute in a brothel is not too guilty of committing crimes.

Just as he was carrying it, suddenly there was a loud noise, the front and back doors of the Lanxiang Courtyard had the sound of a strong collision, and the man vaguely yelled at the woman to cry, and shouted loudly: "Hand over that shameless Killer Qiandao!"


The one on the top of the tree who was reciting poems and enjoying themselves stopped abruptly, and jumped up with a scream, but forgot that he was still on the tree. This time, he slanted his body, and there was a rumbling sound of clothes, and the leaves shook one after another. Wei only saw Yuebai's buttocks suddenly enlarged in front of her eyes, and then with a "bang", she fell down in the dust in front of her feet.

Feng Zhiwei bowed her head—what a charming uncle's face!

Ouch, the uncle fell very hard, but immediately got up from the dust, looking around in panic, and the person knocking on the back door also vaguely heard the movement of the back wall, and then someone shouted from a distance: "Go over there and have a look!" !"

As soon as Feng Zhiwei didn't hear well, she was about to leave. If someone came to catch the traitor, would she keep it as the traitor and be caught

He raised his foot but couldn't move it. Looking down, he saw that the bottom of his trousers was tightly grasped by one hand. The man on the ground raised his white lotus-like face in the mud puddle and smiled flatteringly at her: "Brother, help me at least!"

Feng Zhiwei squatted down and smiled, the man looked at her expectantly, looked at her smiling, stretched out his hand gently, as if to pull him up, the man let go of her trousers even more ecstatically, and went to take her hand.

Feng Zhiwei immediately withdrew her hands, turned around and left.

The half-raised body of the man fell into the dust again with a bang...

Seeing Feng Zhiwei's ruthlessness and ruthlessness, and the chaotic footsteps approaching the back door, the man yelled: "You dare to go!"