The Rise of Phoenixes

Chapter 27


This is for her to make a bed on the floor, Feng Zhiwei stared at the pillow with her head down, and warned herself a hundred times:

Absolutely no grabbing the pillow and throwing himself on him to cover his mouth... Absolutely no, no, no, no...

Inhale... It is said in the booklet that when encountering an event where you are too angry to explode, first inhale three times...

After inhaling it three times, Feng Zhiwei calmed down.

Isn't it just sleeping on the floor, isn't it just being kicked out of the bed, isn't it just that a man occupies one's bed and is not allowed to occupy another's bed.

Just think of yourself as his servant girl, the servant girl always sleeps by the bed.

Feng Zhiwei started to make the bed by the side of the bed. The quilt was half-cushioned and half-covered, the pillows were placed upright, the half-opened window blew the spring night wind, and the room was cool and fragrant. After breaking up halfway, he raised his head, facing the starlight in the dark blue sky, showing a shallow smile.

To be alive, to be alive all the time, to not miss the fragrance of flowers in every good season, is already very good, very good.

Gu Nanyi on the bed suddenly moved.

He bent his face down, just to meet Feng Zhiwei's smiling face, separated by a layer of veil, his gaze as fixed as a deep, met her smile as warm as water.

That faint smile blooms in impossible moments, like pear blossoms bearing dew buds in the middle of the night, silently enchanting in the east wind.

The spring night is blurred, the veil floats, and a layer of veil is dense like mist. He looks at it silently behind the mist, and she smiles slightly in front of the mist.

There is no reason for the silence at this moment, but even those who have always been trapped in their own world are unwilling to be shocked.

It seems very long to say, but the encounter is actually very short.

In just a moment, he walked back to his own world, forgetting the shock just now.

Feng Zhiwei had already turned her eyes away, not understanding what the zombie jade carving, who never made an extra movement, was doing.

She lay down comfortably, wrapped in the quilt on the narrow footrest, and fell asleep.

She seemed to have entered a dream soon, the smile on her lips gradually dissipated, and the brows were slightly frowned, as if sinking into a tangled and painful life.

The person on the bed was breathing as calmly as ever, and he also fell asleep. The veil was gently fluttering. No one could guess his dream world and see his expression behind the veil.

Perhaps, there is no dream, no expression.

Outside the window, the moonlight is peaceful.

Feng Zhiwei soon understood what is the consequence of being impulsive and stupid.

Not just sleeping and sleeping on the feet, but also the following lessons - Young Master Gu is precious and precious, such as the material of his clothes. For example, the clothes must be wrinkle-free, even if there is any unevenness, if one day the clothes are not right, he will directly throw out Feng Zhiwei who is in charge of taking care of his clothes.

Yes, responsible for taking care of the clothes, not only that, Feng Zhiwei has also been completely reduced to the contractor for daily chores, laundry, etc. It is impossible to rely on Yan Huaishi for these things, so the young master can take care of himself Good is good, and Young Master Gu, even if the clothes are a little dirty, he can throw Feng Zhiwei from the house to the roof.

Feng Zhiwei thought sadly, as expected a cheap follower can't be taken, how can this be her companion? This is obviously her uncle.

At this moment, she took out her hand full of soap locust foam from the basin, looked down at the expensive and soft robe and trousers in the basin, and thought very maliciously and ambiguously—why never washed Gu Nanyi's obscene clothes

Thinking of this, her face flushed slightly, and then she heard the Qingyue bell, she wiped her hands, took her books and went to class.

She is assigned to the Academy of Political Science and History, and all the way past, everyone stares at her—she is a student who has become popular in this academy recently—her mysterious entourage has added a lot of popularity to her. It is said that someone in the academy bet that Gu Nanyi must have a pockmarked face under the veil .

Yes, with a pockmarked face, even more bumpy character than pockmarked!

However, she is still very interested in the teaching of the academy. The academy has an open-minded style of study, and what she learns is not limited to a subset of classics and history, and sometimes there are even political discussion courses—discussion courses on previous dynasties and even current affairs. Although they are relatively obscure, they are also fascinating. It is very beneficial. Most of the lecturers do not introduce their identities, but only give a vague surname, but it is said—and it is said that some gentlemen have unusual identities, not only contemporary Confucian scholars, but also some court officials.

Today's class is political theory, the study that Feng Zhiwei is most interested in, the white-haired Mr. Hu proposed a new topic.

"In the 13th year of Dacheng Shousheng, on the 40th birthday of Emperor Li, the princes presented gifts. Among them, the fourth prince who was loved by the emperor at the border of Yuanzhen, because his majesty was a horse, and he loved horses very much, so he worked hard to find a horse. The top horse, sent from afar with heavy protection, this gift will definitely please His Majesty, and at that time the emperor had not established a crown prince, and the four princes had a very high voice—May I ask everyone, if you are the staff of other princes, how should you advise the Lord , deal with this matter?"

The hall was silent for a moment, all the students from extraordinary families were shocked by this direct and ambiguous question, Feng Zhiwei lowered his eyelashes, Dacheng Lidi never lived past forty years old, the fourth prince of Lidi He is very weak and has never guarded the border. Which dynasty's emperor and prince is this talking about

Today's question is so weird...

Do you want to answer

She was meditating silently, not noticing the special atmosphere around her, and at some point in the shade outside the house, a half-hidden figure appeared.

"Look for a better gift, beat your head!" After a moment of silence, someone shouted.

Half of the people agreed, and the old man stroked his beard and remained silent.

"Jiaolian's close ministers, play tricks on the horse!"

Everyone showed expressions of wanting to laugh and agreeing, and the old man shook his head slightly.

"Kill that horse!"

The voice was clear and murderous, full of determination to move forward, everyone was shocked to turn their heads, Feng Zhiwei turned around, and saw a beautiful face.

It was a boy of fourteen or fifteen years old, his eyes were shining brightly, with the sharpness of a blade, but the outline between his brows was a bit uncoordinated and stiff, and it seemed that his face had changed. She stared at the boy's face, vaguely I felt that the general outline of that face was somewhat familiar.