The Rise of Phoenixes

Chapter 40


With a flash in his eyes, Ning Yi smiled: "You can tell me later... I'm afraid you won't be able to wait until then."

Ming Huang Luan had already passed by, he stretched out his hand, seeming to help Feng Zhiwei get up intimately, Feng Zhiwei didn't back away, and let him help him up generously - anyway, fate is in the hands of others, so it doesn't matter if you take advantage of it.

When the two hands touched, Feng Zhiwei was calm, but Ning Yi was stunned suddenly—just now he only felt her palms were cold and full of cold sweat, but now that the cold sweat has gone, he felt the delicate touch of her palms, as soft and cool as jade. , the size of the palm and the feeling of holding it, somehow familiar.

He wanted to raise her palm to look again, but Feng Zhiwei had already retracted her hand, tilting her head and smiling at him.

When she smiled, her eyes were soft, and she saw his heart move, and the moment he moved, she became vigilant. Thinking of the cunning and wise thinking of the person in front of her, her eyes immediately turned cold again.

The two sat down as before, Feng Zhiwei suddenly saw Yan Huaishi standing diagonally across from her, looking at her with a strange expression, she was overjoyed, turned around quietly, pulled out the cuffs of the light blue obscene clothes, Watching Yan Huaishi shake.

Yan Huaishi looked at her with a suspicious expression, Feng Zhiwei got anxious and pulled the clothes out a little more—blue clothes—southern clothes—

Suddenly someone asked, "What are you doing?"

Feng Zhiwei immediately put away her sleeves and sat upright: "It's hot, cool off."

Ning Yi looked at her with a half-smile - it's really rare that someone opens his eyes and tells lies without any shame, this spring is March, the morning is slightly cool, how can it be hot

As soon as his eyes fell, they fell on her neck for some reason. The academy upholds the style of Tiansheng and the head of the school, and the students wear clothes with wide necklines and half-exposed collarbone. Feng Zhiwei originally covered it up tightly, but just pulled the small clothes to imply that At that time, the collar had already been torn apart, she was too busy playing tricks and didn't care, now she unknowingly raised Ning Yi's eyes.

The neck is like jade, even jade is too stiff, but it looks like freshly peeled chicken head rice or new cotton velvet. Slender, so thin that it feels heavy and broken when the eyes fall on it, and the skin under the collarbone feels thin and transparent, like the most precious porcelain in a famous kiln, along the skin down, there is a slight...

Ning Yi's eyes froze suddenly, but Feng Zhiwei was aware of it, and immediately stretched out his hands to block his view, and when his hands fell from the temples, he had already adjusted his collar calmly.

She looked down at her collar, secretly screamed in her heart, and wondered if her corset was undone? Ning Yi didn't see anything just now, did he

In his busy schedule, he raised his eyes and glanced at the opposite side, Yan Huaishi was gone, Feng Zhiwei seemed worried and happy, and he didn't know if Yan Huaishi understood her meaning.

At this time, Luanjia and the princes had already entered the main hall, and they took their seats behind the white gauze. From the roll call, it was heard that all the people came. Except for the five princes who did not come, the emperor and the princes all came.

Xin Ziyan still had his sleeves fluttering, and waved a folding fan to give a speech in the unheated weather. He was unrestrained and unrestrained. He was completely different from the embarrassment he fell on the wall of the brothel that day. Looking at him, his gaze was through the white gauze. Behind the white gauze was the most honorable and important group of people in the Tiansheng Dynasty. After today, what will happen

Just like the person beside him, who is his goal? It cannot be everyone, he does not hold military power, and although he claims to be in charge of the 18,000 soldiers and horses in the nine cities of Beijing, the right to deploy troops is in the hands of the prince, and the 20,000 long tasseled guards guarding the palace are in charge of the seventh prince. Well, twenty miles away from the capital city is the garrison camp that guards the imperial capital. Based on those people last night, if they tried to attack everyone, it would be tantamount to seeking their own death.

So, the emperor? Prince? A rival among princes

It is definitely not wise to move the emperor, prince? Ning Yi has always been regarded as a princeling. If he lost the prince, wouldn't he lose his backer? The other princes? As long as the emperor and prince are still there, what's the use of the rest of the princes moving

And why did Xin Ziyan risk his disobedience to participate in this heaven-defying case? He and Ning Yi were inseparable at first, and then pretended to be estranged. These years, Ning Yi kept a low profile, kept a low profile in the court, and was not favored by the emperor in the palace, and was repeatedly reprimanded. The current situation is unbearable. Years of premeditated preparation

Feng Zhiwei was full of doubts and thoughts, but the stage was full of peace and joy. The students from the Academy of Political Science and History and the Academy of Military Affairs were divided into two classes, and they took turns performing in front of the stage in turn. These students had been recommended by their teachers and selected for the first three days. Feng Zhiwei and the others missed it because they made a big noise in the canteen.

By now, she already understood that she was not implicated by Gu Nanyi, but by Lin Shao—Xin Ziyan simply wanted to use that confinement to trap the Lin brothers, and after seven days, everything was settled.

It is also because of this that Feng Zhiwei can no longer participate in the academic exams, Junqian violated the rules of the academy, and if he failed, it would be a death penalty.

The examination is first of all about politics and history, which is divided into three procedures: in-class theory, lectures, and poetry and prose.

Suddenly heard a low noise, and then someone exclaimed: "Golden list!"

The tone was envious, but also helpless.

Feng Zhiwei looked up, and there was an eunuch standing in front of the white gauze inside the window, holding a soft golden silk scroll in his hand.

Even Ning Yi also showed surprise on his face, and murmured: "The old man invited this thing out again..." and there were even more exclamations from all around.

The Gold List, also known as the Yingying Juan, uploads three bizarre questions in the world. It is said that those who can answer them must be unparalleled national scholars, who can secure the world. This is a strange scroll handed down by the founding emperor of Dacheng. It has long been famous all over the world.

The founding emperor of Dacheng was amazingly talented. It is said that because of his relationship with the Vault of Heaven Temple and his unfathomable supernatural powers, he has always been respected by the emperors of all dynasties. The things he passed down are not trivial. It was treasured in the imperial palace. After Dacheng was destroyed, the relics belonging to Dacheng belonged to Tiansheng. Emperor Tiansheng also seemed to admire the mysterious founding emperor of Dacheng very much. Almost every scientific examination palace examination, academic examination, and various important paper occasions, They will always take out the promotional papers to test the talents of the world, but there has never been a success, and even the titles have not been understood by anyone.