The Rise of Phoenixes

Chapter 52


The Huwei Camp is very close to the Yuquan Palace where Ning Yi is under house arrest. After the King of Chu heard the news, he drove to the camp with only a dozen guards, begging to see Emperor Tiansheng.

That night the father and son had a long talk, and no one in the world would know what they said in detail, Xu Shi's father was kind and his son was filial, and Xu Shi's soldiers never tired of cheating you to come and go.

It was night, inside the cowhide tent, there was a thin agarwood, and the pale mist covered all the dark and deep eyes.

At dawn, dewdrops stained the green grass beside the tent, Ning Yi respectfully withdrew, his eye circles were reddish under the morning light, his eyes looking towards the direction of the capital were as cold as frost and snow.

When the turbulent wind finally rises, who will ride the wind? Let's start from scratch.

He suddenly turned around in response.

Then he saw the dew on the top of the grass, under the morning glow in the sky, the girl dressed as a boy, dressed in loose clothes, with her hand tent behind her back, staring at him from afar.

Like a smile, not a smile.

Ning Yi looked at her from a distance.

On the high hill, the sun is shining brightly and the wind is blowing. The man's black hair and clothes are dancing together. Standing on a high place does not make people feel overbearing, and standing on a low place does not make people feel shy and humble. His expression is always calm and calm. Behind, the tide is rushing.

Such a steadfast woman.

The eyes of the two met, and at this time, there was something different from the past.

From being completely passive at the beginning, with life and death in his hands, to today's facing each other from a distance, each with their own calculations while smiling.

He knows everything she knows about him, just as she knows he knows everything about her.

Ning Yi suddenly had a strange premonition—from now on, she would gradually approach him with an increasingly unpredictable posture.

He suddenly wanted to go over and say a few words. As for what to say, he hadn't made up his mind yet, but he felt that this short journey was enough for him to figure out what to say.

He was about to take a step when she suddenly turned her head away.

In the distance, on top of the green grass, a touch of blue sky rose from her side. The jade-like man still didn't look at anyone, but stood very close to her, raised his head to meet the newborn daylight.

The thin and transparent sunlight hit his half-exposed chin behind the veil, and the arc there had a jade-like texture. The sunlight slid away smoothly like a spring, and splashed on the green grass. The halo is flying.

She averted her eyes, turned her head and smiled at the man, she didn't know what to say, but the man still ignored everything, raised his head slightly, closed his eyes in the sun and smelled the fragrance of plants and trees, then she bent down to look around. After searching, I found a sweet grass, carefully removed the leaves of the grass, folded it into two sections, sucked half of it slowly by myself, and handed the other half to him, teaching the boy opposite with smiling eyes.

The young man who looked like a jade carving looked at the grass for a long time, and finally imitated the way he put the straw in his mouth.

Gao Gang's warm wind and sun were like smoke, she smiled at the man calmly and calmly.

This was another her, one he hadn't seen before.

What she gave him was cunning, cruelty, scheming, and avoidance.

He suddenly felt a little dry.

The sunlight seems to be a little thinner, the sound of the wind is no longer slow and comfortable, those colorful halos are broken on the tip of the grass, and the weather is unbearably hot.

Ning Yi raised his hand, and pointed at Feng Zhiwei from a distance.

Feng Zhiwei looked back and saw His Highness the King of Chu in the distance looking gloomy again at some point, with his thin lips tightly pursed, his expression very unfriendly, and he felt a little resentful in his heart—you seemed to be quite peaceful just now, why did you talk to June in the blink of an eye? Like the sky, his face has changed.

He pointed at her, pointed at the imperial city, and then left with a flick of his sleeves.

"It's good to do it for yourself."

She bowed, smiled, and watched him leave resolutely.

"As you wish."

In the middle of the morning, Yan Huaishi brought someone to deliver snacks to Feng Zhiwei, mainly for Gu Nanyi, and Feng Zhiwei arranged for him to "encounter" with several prime ministers by the way. impression.

Yan Huaishi brought the news from the capital, and as expected, the confrontation between the crown prince and the emperor can only be described in four words: hit a stone with an egg.

"The prince is also in a coma." Yan Huaishi shook his head, "The emperor doesn't seem to take much care of things these years, but he never relaxes his grip on government affairs and military affairs. He thinks that he can win the game by controlling nearly half of the capital's guard force? Tsk tsk..."

Feng Zhiwei put his hands behind his back and stared at the sky far away, as if his eyes were burned by the blood and flames of the imperial city, he narrowed his eyes and said slowly for a long time: "The biggest difference between the crown prince and the king of Chu is that the latter never underestimates Emperor Tiansheng."

Judging the situation and acting according to the situation, Ning Yi's composure is really very human, even Feng Zhiwei didn't guess at first that Ning Yi would use ten years to plan and deal with such a mediocre man that everyone thought was okay. The prince who can be overthrown at any time.

Because it is easy to overthrow the prince, but it is difficult to overthrow the prince without being suspected by the emperor.

If she guessed correctly, what those soldiers really had to do the night before the assassination was to ensure that the assassins could enter the inner hall smoothly, and to control those important officials who were studying in the academy.

Qingming is a highlight of this plan. Through this academy, the king of Chu, who is so romantic in the imperial capital, has already strangled the lifelines of many courtiers.

When did this plan start? At the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China? or earlier

When everyone saw the importance of Qingming, Ning Yi immediately withdrew, and "loyally" "handed over" it to the prince.

The flamboyant King of Chu led a group of princes and sons in the capital to play around with the flowers of the imperial capital and admire all the willows in the wind and dust with a carefree posture.

Just like the two times when Feng Zhiwei met him in the brothel and on the street, it was obvious that those princes and brothers only looked after him.

Intentionally or unintentionally, slowly infiltrating, over the years, these noble children must have formed an inseparable relationship with the Chu Palace in private, whether it is private life or the public academy, all right and wrong are firmly controlled by Xin Zi. Yan and his hands.

What Ning Yi wants to do is not just to overthrow the prince, but to win the trust of the emperor in the process of overthrowing the prince, and gain more support after the downfall of the prince.

He has never underestimated the founding emperor who single-handedly founded the Tiansheng Dynasty, even though he has been old, exhausted and ineffective in these years.

And the prince in the palace will never know that his right and left are so sinister. He has been surrounded by the tiger's mighty army and the one-sided disadvantage, and he is forced to lose his normalcy and is on the verge of madness.