The Rivers and Mountains

Chapter 15: [Secret letter]


Under Yuezhu's persuasion, Xiaolingxian felt relieved a little, but after such a major event, the cute and pretty face that was full of smiles before was no longer happy.

Xue Poye knew it was better to let her be quiet at this time and not bother her.

Thinking that there were still three corpses hiding in the private room on the second floor, Xue Po Nightclub felt a little uneasy, and only hoped that the sky would get dark soon so that the corpses could be disposed of.

Song Qian came back in time, and when she entered the door with a look of panic on her face, she kept saying: "Something has happened, something has happened!"

Xue Poye waved his hand and said, "Calm down, calm down, Lao Song, what happened to make you so flustered?"

Lao Song rubbed the sweat on his forehead, calmed down, and then said: "Shopkeeper, there are government servants everywhere in the city, all over the streets and alleys, they said they wanted to track down Qinglian Zhao's rebellious party, and arrested many people to the government. Shaking his head, he sighed, "Whether the ones caught are against the party, they are all scholars who are usually dissatisfied with the government."

This is big news, Xiao Pinshi said angrily: "How can you arrest people at will, even if it is Qinglian Zhao, you have to find out before arresting?"

Lao Song seemed to be a little regretful and said: "It's unreasonable, it's really unreasonable, even Mr. Chen Yin was arrested, and he was slandered for colluding with Qinglianzhao, intending to rebel, hey...!" Infinitely melancholy.

Xue Poye immediately became interested. In Hangzhou for more than half a year, the name he heard most was "Mr. Chen Yin".

Mr. Chen Yin's name is Xiao Moting, and he is a man of influence in Hangzhou City, just like Li Bai was in the Tang Dynasty, Su Shi was in the Song Dynasty, he is a well-known great writer in the Chu Kingdom.

Xiao Moting's phrase "singing and dancing to the moon, dreaming back to Xiaoxiang architecture" is highly praised by literati and scholars, and his masterpiece "Chen Yin Anthology" is even more outstanding in the literary world.

Xiao Moting does not want to be an official, and often publicly criticizes the flaws in current government affairs. Sometimes there are hidden anti-poetry, and the court hates them very much. Support, so although the government was quite angry with him, they did not dare to take action easily.

Being able to join Xiao Moting's sect is something that scholars dream of. Xiao Moting's selection of apprentices is very strict. It is said that only six people can enter his sect so far, but these six people are all great talents. Although Mo Ting was quite dissatisfied, he used his students a lot more. All six of them are now holding important positions in the government, and one student is now an official worshiper of Taichang Temple, ranking third rank.

Hangzhou even regarded Xiao Moting as a treasure, and often organized literati and bachelors to listen to Xiao Moting's lectures.

In a word, this Xiao Moting was a very bad fart in Hangzhou, but he didn't know why he was arrested by the government today.

"Who did you hear that Mr. Chen Yin was arrested by the government?" Xue Poye still didn't believe it: "It's not true if you hear it."

Lao Song hurriedly said: "Shopkeeper, I saw this with my own eyes. A large group of officers and soldiers escorted Mr. Chen Yin to the Hangzhou government office. Many literati and students stepped forward to stop them, yelling loudly, and they were all beaten by the government. When I opened it, many people were still crying. That Mr. Chen Yin is indeed an extraordinary person, he is not afraid, and he is still reciting poems in the prison car with a smile on his face."

Xue Poye let out an "oh" and said strangely: "Mr. Chen Yin is a big shot, and he needs to be caught in secret. How could he be so grandiose? The government really wants to bear the infamy?"

Old Song nodded again and again: "The shopkeeper is right, those literati are very angry, scolding the government, scolding Wang Zhifu!"

The prefect of Wang is Wang Shizhen, governor of Hangzhou. It is said that he was an upright official before, and he has done a lot of practical things for the people of Hangzhou. He seems to have a lot of respect for Xiao Moting, but he suddenly turned his back for some reason.

Although Xue Poye didn't understand exactly what was going on, he had a faint feeling that there must be something hidden in it, but the government's affairs are beyond his consideration, so he coughed and asked, "By the way, how is the leaflet printed? "

Xiao Pinshi wondered: "Brochure? Brother, what kind of brochure?" Hu San beside him was also full of doubts.

Lao Song hurriedly took out two leaflets from his arms and handed them to Xue Poye: "Shopkeeper, this is a sample, is it printed like this?"

Xue Poye took a closer look and saw that the handwriting on it was very clear. The beauty is so enchanting and charming that it would take away people's souls. He couldn't help but feel a little proud: "It seems that my painter has not been left behind. Not bad, a fair lady, a pervert." Please!" Nodding in satisfaction, he said, "Very good, very good, that's how it is."

Looking from the side, Hu San was immediately attracted when he saw the picture of a bewitching beauty. Even though it was just a picture, it made his wolf eyes shine.

Xue Poye tapped him on the head with the leaflet, and said with a smile: "You brat, this kind of thing is to attract those talented people who pretend to be romantic and lustful pigs, how could they attract you instead?"

Lao Song smiled as if asking for credit: "Shopkeeper, I also agreed with the shopkeeper of the printing company that this leaflet cannot be publicized for the time being, and he will pat his chest to ensure that it will not be leaked. In addition, the 3,000 leaflets only cost fifteen Two, it can be printed tomorrow night, this is the remaining silver!" After speaking, he took out five taels of silver.

Xue Poye was surprised, how could this old Song be so honest, why didn't the five taels of silver go greedy? But honesty is always good, Xue Poye didn't think too much, pushed it back, smiled and said: "Old Song, it's really good, I need to trouble you to go to the printing shop!"

Lao Song was a little strange: "Boss, the leaflet will only come out tomorrow!"

Xue Poye stood up, "wait for me a moment!" and went upstairs quickly.

Hu San thought that there were still a few corpses on the second floor, and he was still talking here, with a rather weird look on his face.

But after a while, Xue Poye took a piece of paper and rubbed it down, handed it to Lao Song, and said with a smile: "Old Song, please send this to the printing house and print four or five hundred copies, we will need it."

This piece of paper is much smaller than the flyer, and the content on it is concise, with "Preferential Card" written on the top, and the following description: "Holders of this card can enjoy a 40% discount on all dishes and wines. The original price of one tael is only six cents! "

Lao Song rolled his eyes. After all, he is not stupid. He has been in business for many years, and he immediately understood the key points, showing admiration, and praised: "The shopkeeper is extremely intelligent and thoughtful. I admire him all over the place. The restaurant is hopeful, I'll go right away!" Excitedly left.

Seeing his figure, Xue Poye couldn't help sighing, it seems that his luck is still good, with a deputy like Lao Song, it really is a lot easier.

"Brother, you... what are you doing?" Xiao Pinshi scratched his head with a blank expression.

Xue Poye pretended to be mysterious, and patted him on the shoulder, "I will go to the street with me in two days to distribute leaflets."

"Distributing leaflets?" Xiao Pinshi was still puzzled.

Hu San also understood at this moment, and a look of admiration immediately appeared on his face.

The originally clear sky suddenly turned cloudy, and not long after, it started to rain lightly.

Xue Poye murmured: "There are unpredictable things in the sky, and people have misfortunes and blessings!" Thinking that the second senior brother and others were still alive when they came, but now there are three corpses placed upstairs, he can't help but lament the vagaries of life.

It suddenly occurred to him that there was still a letter left by Wang Yang in his arms, so he went back to his office, closed the door tightly, sat down and opened the envelope, and took out a letter from it.

There was only one piece of paper inside, and there were not many words. It wrote: "Mr. Zun: Students should remember the secret order and assist with all their heart. Send them to the roster of the Hangzhou branch. I hope Mr. Zun will make great achievements!" Only the word "Thirteen" was signed.

The handwriting of this secret letter is very distorted and a little messy, it looks like it was written like this on purpose, so as not to be seen by others.

Xue Poye frowned and pondered, and gradually understood something. The person who wrote this letter was naturally the backer of the Wang brothers, and also the mastermind who ordered the Wang brothers to kill the second senior brother and obtain the roster.

But looking at it now, the mastermind of the "Thirteen" is about to be greatly disappointed. The Wang brothers, who had been placed high hopes, are now dead in a restaurant, and the task assigned is naturally impossible to complete. The roster should now be in the hands of Xiao Lingxian , can't reach the hands of "Zun Gong".

Looking at the secret letter, Xue Poye broke out in cold sweat. This "Thirteen" is really vicious. It seems that he is Qing Lianzhao's traitor who colluded with "Zun Gong". The sub-rudder will suffer catastrophe, and there will be no humans or animals left. Maybe a lot of hidden stories will be drawn from the Hangzhou sub-rudder, and Qinglianzhao will suffer a huge blow.

"You son of a bitch, eat and crawl, fuck grandma!" Xue Poye couldn't help scolding the "thirteen" twice.

Xue Poye broke into a cold sweat when he thought that the roster related to the death of countless people was actually in the hands of the innocent little fairy.