The Rivers and Mountains

Chapter 23: [Thousand words]


In addition to the main hall, the Hangzhou government office also has the East and West courtyards, both of which are extremely beautiful gardens.

The garden is full of fragrance, full of red flowers and green willows, pavilions, small bridges and flowing water, and the scenery is pleasant.

Beside a small bamboo forest, a hut stands beside it.

Old Mr. Tan sat on the carved nanmu chair in the house, leaning on his beard, looking at the magnificent Xiao Suzhen and Xue Poye who forcibly kidnapped him, and said with a smile: "Sit!"

Xiao Suzhen straightened her body, and said softly, "Your Excellency, women dare not!"

Xue Poye didn't care about the order of these respects. When he saw the chair next to him, he went to sit down. Before he moved, his shoulders were held down by the guards behind him, and he couldn't move.

Xue Poye was angry from the heart, and said displeasedly: "Master, you are really unreasonable, you are kind and considerate to the people, let me sit for a while, but he insists on me and won't let me go. You let me do it." Ah, why don't you let me sit?"

As soon as the words fell, the girl next to Xiao Suzhen laughed out loud, and Xiao Suzhen also smiled slightly.

Mr. Tan laughed loudly: "What nonsense are you talking about?" He smiled and said to Xiao Suzhen: "I am a student with a real temperament, but a rare good boy."

Xue Poye immediately came to his senses. At this time, he was a student of Zuodu Censor of the Overwatch Council, so he should call Mr. Tan his teacher.

Seeing Mr. Tan praise Xue Poye face to face, Xiao Suzhen didn't know why, but she was not pleasing to the eyes when she saw Xue Poye's sloppy look. She came from a scholarly family and followed the rules. Xue Poye's unrestrained appearance naturally matched her The moral standards are far apart.

Mr. Tan waved his hands and said: "Zhang Hu and Zhao Long, you go down first, no one is allowed to come in without my order." The two men bowed and left immediately.

Xiao Suzhen knew that she wanted to get to the point, so she also signaled the girl to go down.

At this time, only Mr. Tan, Xue Poye and Xiao Suzhen were left in the room. Xue Poye was already sitting on a chair. The girl stood in the hall.

Since it is here, let it be safe, Xue Poye picked a grape from the fruit plate next to it and put it in his mouth, it was really sweet and delicious.

Old Mr. Tan coughed, and finally said: "Miss Xiao, there are too many people outside just now, and some things are inconvenient to say. Please come here to talk about Mr. Chen Yin's affairs."

Xiao Suzhen saluted again, and said softly: "I hope your lord will uphold justice."

Old Mr. Tan nodded, and suddenly sighed deeply, and said slowly: "Mr. Chen Yin is a great man in the novel. When he lived temporarily in the capital, he often chatted with me over wine. I still remember it when I think about it."

Xiao Suzhen's delicate body was startled, and she lost her voice: "My lord, did you know my father?"

Mr. Tan nodded, as if he was reminiscing about the past, and said leisurely: "Back then, Mr. Chen Yin and I were considered brothers, and we were like siblings. It can be said that we cherish each other." Nine thousand miles of song, into the clouds, true love in wine, into the bright moon, pity for the long road, and travel to the universe!"

His voice was vicissitudes, and his singing sounded, unexpectedly it was indescribably desolate.

Xue Poye was taken aback, my god, the old man went crazy, why did he suddenly start singing, and this and that, what the hell

Xiao Suzhen's fair and tender face showed incomparable horror, "My lord, this... this is indeed made by my father. My father accidentally sang it one day, and only I know it, and outsiders don't know it. You... Your lord, how would you know?"

Old Mr. Tan caressed his beard and said with a smile: "That day I bid farewell to Mr. Chen Yin with this song, how could I not know it!"

Xiao Suzhen's beautiful eyes shone with hope, her tender body prostrated herself, and said excitedly: "My lord is an old friend of my father, please save my father and restore his innocence. My father lived a peaceful life and never had anything to do with Qing Lianzhao. False accusation, but also ask the adults to uphold justice."

Mr. Tan hurriedly said: "Get up, get up!" When Xiao Suzhen got up, Mr. Tan lowered his voice and said: "Mr. Chen Yin was detained, and he said that he was colluding with Qing Lianzhao, but in fact there is something else hidden inside!"

Not only Xiao Suzhen, but even Xue Poye opened his eyes wide, staring at Old Mr. Tan, waiting for him to tell what else is hidden.

Mr. Tan was obviously satisfied with the astonishment of the two, and his expression became serious, as if he was heartbroken: "In order to make great achievements, some officials will not hesitate to create unjust and wrong cases as the cornerstone of their prosperity. Hangzhou, is to find out the truth."

The official in this remark naturally refers to Wang Shizhen.

Xue Poye was eating the luscious grapes, feeling a little puzzled: "The old guy is talking nonsense again. Xiao Moting was arrested after he came to Hangzhou. What he meant by this seems to be that he heard Xiao Moting I came to Hangzhou only after I was arrested, I don’t know what to do, it’s totally unreasonable!”

Xiao Suzhen was ice and snow smart, how could she not hear the flaws in her words, she frowned slightly, when Xue Poye saw it, she immediately thought of the word "Xizi holding her heart", it was so beautiful.

Old Mr. Tan is more foxy than a fox, and smart like a monkey. With a faint smile, he stroked his beard and said, "Mr. Chen Yin's injustice did not happen by chance recently. I came here specially to help my old friend."

Only then did Xiao Suzhen stretch her brows, and said softly, "It turns out that my lord knew that my father would be wronged!"

Mr. Tan sighed, waved his hands and said: "Miss Xiao... oh, no, niece Suzhen, I and your father are of the same generation, but also a close friend. Don't call me an adult anymore. It's a bit of a birthright. Call me Shibo." !" Pointing to Xue Poye, he said with a smile: "My student Xue Poye, you can call him your elder brother."

Xiao Suzhen groaned for a moment, bowed herself to Old Mr. Tan again, and said respectfully: "Uncle Shi!" Then she turned to Xue Poye, with a shy face, and said softly, "Brother Shi!"

Xue Poye became Mr. Tan's favorite student in a daze, and even under Mr. Tan's few words, he had another younger sister. It's really lamenting that life is changeable. However, Xue Poye was still very happy in his heart, and when the fake show was real, he also stood up and saluted: "Senior sister!"

Xiao Suzhen raised her head and glanced at Xue Poye, her jade face was glowing, shy and charming.

"Okay, family, easy to talk, haha...!" Mr. Tan laughed loudly, his brows furrowed immediately, and he said in a low voice: "Mr. Chen Yin's matter has already involved Beijing officials. As far as I know, Beijing officials One of the senior officials promised Wang Shizhen Wang Zhifu that as long as Mr. Chen Yin was sent to prison for interrogation, Wang Shizhen would be promoted to a higher level and become an official in Beijing. Hurry and hurry."

The circles of Xiao Suzhen's eyes turned red immediately, and there seemed to be tears in her eyes, the tears were glistening, and she said sadly: "Who did my father offend in the capital, why did he frame my father like this?"

Old Mr. Tan shook his head and said, "Niece Suzhen, those are secondary. The most urgent task now is to find a way to rescue Mr. Chen Yin, so that he will not be killed by a traitor."

Xue Poye was a little strange: "Teacher, you are a capital... That censor, it's not just a matter of saying a word, what else do you want to do? Call that Wang... Wang Shizhen over and ask him to let him go. What are you doing all this trouble for?"

Old Mr. Tan gave Xue Poye a blank look, and blew his beard: "Although I am a second-rank Zuodu Yushi, Wang Shizhen is the head of the Hangzhou Mansion after all. Since he has arrested someone, he has his own opinion. The Metropolitan Procuratorate Just inquiring about his responsibility for violating the rules, how can he be controlled at will. This matter is related to his future, even if I exceed my authority to interfere, he may not be able to obey." Sighed: "A strong dragon does not suppress a local snake, have you never heard of this? ? If I forcibly interfere, and he submits a copy, I'm afraid I will be in bad luck!"

Xiao Suzhen glanced at Xue Poye, showing a slight look of contempt, but it disappeared in an instant. She naturally knew that although Lao Tan's official position was higher than Wang Shizhen's, these local affairs belonged to the local officials, and they could not be resolved with the above two sentences . If it is all the way, you can still say a few words, and the matter may be over. If there is a contradiction between them, it is useless to say a thousand words.

Xue Poye was suddenly a little embarrassed. He was able to oppress people at will without going through the officialdom, but now it seems that this is not the case at all.

Xue Poye made up his mind that he would not intervene in things he didn't know anymore, lest he say something wrong and be despised by the beauty next to him.

Xiao Suzhen gritted her teeth lightly, and finally said: "Uncle... Uncle, can you save my father?"

Mr. Tan closed his eyes, pondered for a moment, and finally said: "To tell you the truth, the old man has been thinking hard for the past few days, and even sent his subordinates to search for evidence everywhere, but it is really difficult to find Wang Shizhen's criminal evidence. Mr. Chen Yin is detained this time. It's definitely not a whim, but a careful design, if you want to find evidence, I'm afraid it will be even more difficult."

Xiao Suzhen's eyes were full of tears, she was extremely anxious, her voice was already crying faintly: "Well, what should I do?" She gritted her teeth firmly and said, "If there is really no way out, I will sue the capital and ask the emperor to rule!"

Old Mr. Tan caressed his beard and sighed: "Mr. Chen Yin has a daughter like this, what more can a husband ask for!" He patted the table and said, "Niece Suzhen, I have a way, but there are some rules, why don't you give it a try?"

Xiao Suzhen showed joy, and hurriedly said: "Uncle Shi, if there is any way, please tell me, even if I let Suzhen go up the mountain of swords and down into the sea of fire, I will not hesitate!"

Xue Poye saw Xiao Suzhen's firm expression, and the indescribably firmness of her delicate and charming face, Xue Poye couldn't help secretly admiring: "Sure enough, she is not an ordinary woman, she has the aura of Hua Mulan!"

Old Mr. Tan remained calm, and slowly took out a big ball from his arms.

Old Mr. Tan held the thing in his hands and called Xue Poye: "Poye, come and help me open it!" Xue Poye lazily stood up, walked to the side, and the two opened the thing together. On the long silk cloth, on the right side was densely written with a group of handwriting. Xiao Suzhen stepped forward to look carefully, and saw hundreds of words written on it, to the effect that Wang Shizhen was the magistrate, but for his own selfish desires, he made up crimes and brought disaster to Hangzhou. He even detained and imprisoned the great writers of the Chu State indiscriminately, which aroused great indignation in Hangzhou and even the scholars in Jiangnan, and everyone was in danger. Not only that, but also filled their own pockets, colluded with giant businessmen, controlled economic circulation, and made a lot of dirty money.

At the end, it reads: "Alas, with such an evil official, how can Hangzhou be prosperous, and how can Dachu prosper?" This piece of proclamation was not signed.

Xiao Suzhen was startled for a moment, her eyebrows frowned slightly, and she looked at Mr. Tan, her red lips moved slightly: "Uncle Shi, this...!"

Old Mr. Tan rolled up the silk cloth slowly, and said slowly: "This is a thousand words. If you want to save your father and restore his innocence, you must count on this."

Xiao Suzhen looked at the roll of silk again, full of doubts.


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