The Rivers and Mountains

Chapter 43: [Trouble]


Seeing Xue Poye's suddenly enlightened look, Xiao Suzhen smiled: "Little sister is showing off, brother don't mind!"

Xue Poye sighed: "It's a pity that Shimei is a daughter. If it is a man, this beautiful thing of winning three yuan is naturally within reach."

"Even Zhong Sanyuan is just asking for an official for salary. If the younger sister is a man, she may be as free and easy as the senior brother. She does not seek fame and fortune, but seeks to be idle and wild." Xiao Suzhen blushed slightly, and said softly: "Brother's talent is ten times better than mine. , it must be a piece of cake to get fame!"

Xue Poye smiled indifferently, and said leisurely: "Brother Yu can handle small poems and words, but just now my younger sister said that the emperor's old man's palace examination has to deal with current policies, and Brother Yu will never pass it!"

What Xiao Suzhen wanted to say, Xue Poye already said with a smile: "The front and back of this door are full of people, if Shimei doesn't go down and say a few words, I'm afraid this Lanyue Pavilion will be trampled by them!"

Xiao Suzhen covered her teeth with a smile, and said in a low voice: "Then I will ask Brother Shi for advice some other day!"

The downstairs was already full of people, and a table was specially vacated in the lobby, and Zhang Hushen was standing at the table in awe-inspiring manner.

Seeing Xiao Suzhen coming down, there was thunderous cheers again.

Seeing this scene, Xue Poye secretly sighed in his heart: "Talent beauties are always welcome. I'm afraid that all of them will have dreams when they go back tonight."

Zhang Hu said in a loud voice: "Everyone, please be quiet, Miss Xiao has something to say, please be quiet!" His voice was powerful, deep and powerful, and it spread among thousands of people.

Hearing that Xiao Suzhen had something to say, the voices of all the talented scholars gradually weakened, and for a moment, they were extremely calm.

"Brothers and uncles, my little girl invited everyone to a banquet today. You all came here at my appointment for my father's sake. My little girl is very grateful, thank you!" After finishing speaking, Xiao Suzhen gave a salute.

All the talents, young and old, were quite ashamed. Although there were indeed old Confucians who came because of Mr. Chen Yin's injustice, most of the talents still came for Xiao Suzhen's beauty.

Sitting nearby, the talented young man who spent money to buy a seat stared greedily at Xiao Suzhen up and down, his eyes seemed to eat Xiao Suzhen up and down.

Xiao Suzhen's eyes were calm, her temperament was like blue, and she said slowly: "You brothers and uncles also know that my father suffered an injustice, and as a child, he must seek justice and clear his innocence."

"That's right, the talented girl Xiao has great benevolence and great filial piety, she is really a hero among women!" Someone immediately shouted, and immediately there was praise from behind.

Xiao Suzhen smiled lightly, waited for everyone to calm down, and continued: "Now my father is in an unjust prison, but the little girl can only watch. It's really embarrassing." Her beautiful eyes flowed, and her voice raised: "Today, the little girl is hosting a banquet for your brothers and uncles. Just to ask everyone to help the little girl get justice!" Under the gaze of everyone, he took out a thousand-character statement from his sleeve, "This is a thousand-character statement written by the little girl, and I plan to write it to the court, but the little girl is weak and weak. , I also hope that all uncles and brothers will jointly write a letter, and the little girl thanked you here!" It was another salute.

She is generous and reasonable, gentle and elegant, and everyone sees her and admires her secretly.

Zhang Hu took the Thousand-Character Yan, looked left and right, and happened to be Hu San who was behind him, stepped forward cleverly, and the two slowly opened the Thousand-Character Yan together.

The people nearby rushed forward to take a closer look, but the talented scholars and young people behind and outside were very anxious, and they all shouted: "What's written on it? What's written on it?"

Seeing this scene, Xiao Suzhen hurriedly said: "Which elder brother with a loud voice can help me read a thousand words?"

Immediately, a burly talented scholar shouted, "Xiao Ke is willing to help!"

He is tall and burly, very different from those weak scholars who have no strength to restrain chickens. He calls himself "Xiao Ke", which is quite nondescript, but he can call himself "Da Ke"!

Immediately after receiving the thousand-character speech, he recited it loudly, the talented man's voice was indeed extremely loud, and in the silence, everyone could hear it very clearly.

Everyone understands the meaning, although Xiao Moting's grievances have been stated, but the most important thing is to condemn Wang Shizhen for various crimes.

After reading a thousand words, there was silence.

Xue Poye stood on the sidelines at the counter, this kind of scene was what he expected, although everyone watched Mr. Chen Yin's face and Xiao Suzhen's beauty, but these thousand words were related to the ups and downs of a magistrate. But there is much to say.

To put it bluntly, if Shun Shun Dang proves that Wang Shizhen's guilt is true, then everyone will naturally have made great contributions, and the Xiao family has also greatly appreciated everyone's favor. But if Wang Shizhen's backstage is tough and doesn't overthrow him, there will be a backlash at that time, and he will select a few talents who have jointly signed a letter to be investigated and punished. If he fails, his fame will be removed and he will not be hired for life.

The laughter of the gifted scholars was replaced by silence at this time.

Xiao Suzhen asked people to put the thousand-character statement on the table, inspected everyone, and said loudly: "All the uncles and brothers have heard it too. The little girl wrote the thousand-character statement to clear my father's innocence. Now there is no justice, and there is no distinction between right and wrong. In desperation, I can only take this thousand-character statement as my sustenance and write to the imperial court, hoping that the imperial court will send someone to thoroughly investigate after seeing the thousand-character statement, or it will be out of the world!"

In the silence, an old man behind stood up, trembling.

Xue Poye broke out in a cold sweat. This old man is over half a century old, with a gray beard, but dressed like a scholar, he is an old man!

"Kong Xiucai, this is Kong Xiucai!" someone shouted immediately.

Over half a hundred years old, he is still a scholar, this old guy is good enough.

Kong Xiucai saluted all around, coughed twice, opened his mouth and said: "There is an old saying that the people don't sue the officials. I wait for a scholar, and I have read a lot of sages' books in ten years, so that one day I will be named on the gold list and become an official in the court." , so as to do a little bit for the Great Chu. There are thousands of people today, and there may be many people who will become officials in the future. How does it feel to write a letter of impeachment for a scholar of the same root?"

The crowd immediately sighed.

Xiao Suzhen frowned, but her voice was still respectful: "Uncle, the implication of your words is that the little girl should not invite you to write a joint letter?"

Kong Xiucai stroked his beard and said, "Ms. Xiao, I would like to ask, you keep saying that Mr. Wang colluded with big businessmen and committed corruption. Is there any evidence for this crime?"

Xiao Suzhen was at a loss for words.

Kong Xiucai smiled, and continued: "Your Excellency Wang is an official, and everyone has seen it. He is a good official who makes decisions for the people. You have no evidence to accuse Mr. Wang of corruption. It seems inappropriate. Let's If you rashly sign your name on this matter, wouldn't it be ridiculous and generous, right and wrong will not be distinguished!"

Xue Poye squinted his eyes and rubbed his nose to look at the old scholar, but he was a little puzzled. Is this old guy's sudden attack really for the sake of righteousness, or is there something else hidden? Could it be Wang Shizhen's pawns who stepped out at this critical moment and messed up the joint letter

Seeing that Xiao Suzhen was in a bit of a dilemma, Zhang Hu suddenly said loudly: "Zhang Hu, the fifth-rank guard of the Iron Third Battalion in the Lower Capital Procuratorate, has something to say here, and I invite everyone to learn from it. Your Excellency Wang Shizhen is the prefect of Hangzhou, but he doesn't want to serve the court. Making decisions for the people, but colluding with giant businessmen to enrich their own pockets, this is a fact that our procuratorate has carefully investigated, and the evidence is solid! Now the evidence has been sent to the capital procuratorate, and transferred to the Ministry of Criminal Justice for verification." After a pause, everyone saw that Staring at himself, he said again: "Everyone knows that Mr. Chen Yin is an upright person, and it is very sad to learn of Mr. Wang's dirty deeds. The Metropolitan Procuratorate learned that Mr. Wang's pockets were also informed by Mr. Chen Yin. It is precisely because Mr. Chen Yin Mr. Wang gave us the news of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and Mr. Tan, Zuodu Yushi of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, will come to Hangzhou to check in person. However, Mr. Wang Shizhen was angry at Mr. Chenyin's integrity and ordered him to be detained. If such an unjust case is caused, the next sentence is true, but also Please be discerning!"

As soon as the words fell, the crowd suddenly realized that Mr. Chen Yin was detained, but there was something hidden in it.


Save it if it looks good, it will be more exciting later!