The Rivers and Mountains

Chapter 44: [Debate]


"You mean that Mr. Chen Yin went to prison because he informed Mr. Wang?" Kong Xiucai asked immediately after the crowd calmed down, "You all came to Hangzhou to investigate Mr. Wang?"

Zhang Hu nodded, and said loudly: "That's right!"

Kong Xiucai laughed, and said loudly: "You keep saying that the evidence has been sent to the capital, and I haven't seen it in person, so it's up to you to say yes. That's all, I want to ask, since it is said that Mr. Who is the giant merchant? Now that Mr. Wang is being pointed at, why is the figure of the giant merchant not seen? If it is really necessary to submit a letter, since Mr. Wang is named and submitted, why not include the real identity of the treacherous giant merchant write down?"

Seeing that the old scholar was aggressive, Zhang Hu was a little unhappy, and said calmly: "Don't worry, everyone, this giant businessman is ignoring the law, the Ministry of Industry will naturally send people to investigate, and he can't escape."

Kong Xiucai stroked his beard and smiled, seemingly relaxed: "In the final analysis, some of the crimes in the thousand-character statement are still not true. Although the old man has a meritorious reputation in the letter, he would never dare to write his name on it. If it is finally It has been found out that Mr. Wang’s crimes are not true. If the court finds out, I’m afraid that I’ll wait until I’m dismissed. After decades of hard study, I’ll be done! Hehe, I dare not sign... dare not sign...!" He waved his hands again and again with an old face. With a weird smile.

These words are actually a reminder to all talented scholars who have achieved fame, if they sign their names in a daze, their future may be ruined here.

There was a moment of silence in the arena.

Xiao Suzhen showed helplessness on her beautiful face, and slowly said: "In any case, it is always a fact that my father was wronged, can't you all act out of righteousness? There are hundreds of talents in Hangzhou, and no one has pity on the little girl?"

The young and the talented were in a bit of a dilemma. Seeing the lovely and pitiful Xiao Suzhen, many people wanted to rush forward to write their names and press them with their fingerprints, but they were quite hesitant when they thought that their future future might be ruined by this.

Hearing the applause suddenly, a refreshing voice said leisurely: "Well said, well said!" But they didn't know who was speaking well, and everyone looked at the speaker, but it was the shopkeeper of Lanyuexuan.

Xue Poye clapped his hands and walked forward slowly, and said in a loud voice: "Everyone, everyone, what Kong Laoxiu said is really good and makes sense, even I, a small shopkeeper, admire it very much!"

Both Xiao Suzhen and Zhang Hu were taken aback for a moment, and then frowned immediately. Is this Xue Poye confused, how can he cheer up for outsiders

There are a lot of talented people on and off the court, and they are all very dissatisfied. We have learned and respected gentlemen who are discussing big things, and you, a humble little businessman, come out and do ass.

That Kong Xiucai was a little happy to see Xue Poye coming out to support him, and said with a smile: "The shopkeeper seems to agree with the old man's words!"

Xue Poye nodded repeatedly, and said: "Of course I agree, of course I agree." Touching his nose, he asked slowly: "However, Kong Laoxiu, I have some doubts, I wonder if I can give you some advice?"

Kong Xiucai didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Xue Poye's gourd, so he became cautious, nodded and said, "Please tell me!"

Xue Poye walked to Xiao Suzhen's side, looked at the thousand-character words on the table, and said leisurely: "Everyone who has read poetry and books, you naturally know etiquette, righteousness and shame. Confucius old scholar, since you don't believe that Wang Zhifu colluded with others to enrich his own pockets, but you don't know Do you believe Mr. Chen Yin colluded with Qing Lianzhao?"

Kong Xiucai was taken aback for a moment, not knowing why he suddenly asked this question, but the talented people around him were already shouting: "I don't believe it, I don't believe it. Mr. Chen Yin is my great literary hero. It is absolutely unbelievable to be able to collude with Qinglianzhao's rebels."

Kong Xiucai put away his smile, feeling a little embarrassed, shook his head and said, "If you don't believe me, Mr. Chen Yin must be innocent."

"Oh!" Xue Poye sat down at the table leisurely, and asked again with a relaxed look, "That is to say, Kong Laoxiu was the one who confirmed Mr. Chen Yin's innocence, right?"

Kong Xiucai was silent for a moment, and finally nodded.

Xue Poye laughed and said: "Now you trust Mr. Wang's innocence, and you also believe Mr. Chen Yin's innocence." He glanced at the crowd and said, "Will you be there that talented girl Xiao defended her father's justice in front of the government office in Hangzhou? "

Xiao Suzhen and Zhang Hu looked at Xue Poye in confusion, not knowing what he was going to do.

Kong Xiucai nodded and said, "I was indeed present that day."

"That's good!" Xue Poye immediately said: "My lord Wang announced Mr. Chen Yin's charges to the public that day. I wonder if Kong Laoxiu still remembers it?"

Seeing Xue Poye's calm expression, Kong Xiucai's star-like eyes twinkling, full of weirdness and traps, he felt very uncomfortable, and replied: "I remember."

Xue Poye chuckled, and said loudly: "Just remember." He got up and clasped his fists around, and said loudly: "I'm afraid you all remember that Mr. Wang's right-hand man, Mou Xunjian, said that with red lips and white teeth. Mr. Chen Yin colluded with Qing Lianzhao to write an article for them, Mr. Wang did not deny it, and since he did not deny it, Mr. Chen Yin's charges were naturally fulfilled."

Everyone stared at Xue Poye intently, waiting for him to speak.

Xue Poye coughed twice, looked at Kong Xiucai, and said in a compelling voice, "Mr. Kong Xiucai said just now that he firmly believes in the innocence of Mr. Wang and Mr. Chen Yin. But now Mr. Wang is the one who has committed Mr. Chen Yin's collusion with Qing Lianzhao. No matter what, one of the two is not innocent, either Mr. Chen Yin is indeed guilty and Mr. Wang is just and honest, or Mr. Chen Yin is innocent, but Mr. Wang fabricated a crime to frame him!" Both eyes A cold light flashed, staring at Kong Xiucai's eyes, and said coldly: "But I don't know whether Kong Xiucai thinks Mr. Wang is innocent, or Mr. Chen Yin?"

Kong Xiucai immediately broke out in cold sweat on his forehead, unexpectedly, a small businessman was so sharp-tongued, he forced himself into embarrassment, opened his mouth a few times, "Ah, ah", but did not say a word.

Talented scholars, young and old, thought for a while, and most of them felt that Mr. Chen Yin was innocent, while Wang Shizhen made up crimes to frame the good guy.

A few words from Xue Poye immediately changed the form, Xiao Suzhen looked at Xue Poye gratefully, and Zhang Hu nodded with a smile, showing admiration.

Xue Poye smiled lightly, and said slowly: "From my point of view, I would rather believe that Mr. Chen Yin is innocent. Think about it carefully, if Mr. Wang is really honest and upright, then why did the Zuodu Censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate refuse to say goodbye?" I worked so hard to come here from the capital, is it to come here to slander Mr. Wang for colluding with giant merchants to enrich his own pockets? Since even Mr. Tan is here, the middle things are naturally not easy. If Mr. Wang is not tricky at all, I am afraid that no one will believe it."

What he said made a lot of sense, and talented people, young and old, all nodded involuntarily.

Kong Xiucai wiped his sweat, and finally said: "Even if Mr. Wang is guilty and Mr. Chen Yin is innocent, that old man would not dare to sign and seal this thousand-character statement. No one can tell clearly about the affairs of the officialdom. Bet on this thousand words."

Xue Poye sneered and said: "It's useless for you to keep saying that you read sage books since you were a child. The sage books don't teach you to do things without conscience. Scholars should not only worry about the world's worries first, and enjoy the world's joys, but also hold high The banner of morality and the maintenance of justice in the world, if scholars don’t care about fairness and conscience, then who cares? Now that Mr. Chen Yin has been wronged and wronged, it is a great shame for scholars. Not only are you not ashamed, but you care about your own future and dare not uphold justice , I despise you, I despise you thoroughly. Besides, you are a person who has half a foot in the coffin, and you are just a scholar, so there is no future!"

Kong Xiucai rolled her eyes from being scolded, covered her chest, and collapsed.

Xiao Suzhen was both pleasantly surprised and grateful, and chanted in a low voice: "Worry about the world's worries first, and enjoy the world's joys later, thanks to him... thanks to him for having this ambition!" , but no one heard.

Xue Poye raised his hands high and said loudly: "Mr. Chen Yin has been wronged now. Think about it, if you are charged and detained for no reason, do you want someone to come out to uphold justice? Mr. Chen Yin is wronged today, if If you can't come out to defend justice, then who will come out when you suffer wronged yourself?" Coughing twice, he said in a loud voice: "Mr. Chen Yin is a great writer in our great Chu country, and also the face of great Chu scholars. , now that your face has been torn, don't you all want to get it back!"

These words were extremely provocative, and using the analogy of the people themselves, they immediately gained support, and some people shouted: "Recover your dignity, recover your dignity, and uphold justice!" The shouts were like thunder.


Save it if it looks good, it will be more exciting later!