The Rivers and Mountains

Chapter 46: [Missing]


Amidst the crowd, a person hurriedly walked in from the door, the person looked around, and a person in the room called out loudly: "Brother Gao, here you are!"

Brother Gao hurried over and sat down at the table.

There were six people at this table including him, and after some polite exchange, one person asked: "Brother Gao, when you came, you appeared to be in a hurry, why?"

Brother Gao took a sip of his wine, his expression already a little panicked: "I just met a group of officers and soldiers who were looking for someone everywhere, and they stopped me to ask a lot of questions."

"Oh!" Everyone was a little surprised: "Looking for someone?"

Xue Poye happened to be nearby, so he immediately paid attention.

Brother Gao nodded and said, "I've inquired about it, and it turns out there's a big story behind it."

Several people immediately became interested.

"Who is the Taoist government looking for?" Brother Gao asked out of control.

"Could it be rebels and rebels? Or traitors and thieves?" Someone immediately speculated.

"No and no!" Brother Gao said unpredictablely and profoundly: "I thought it was a rebel party before, but after I inquired about it later, it turned out to be quite unexpected."

Several people said in unison: "Who is it?"

"Did you all see the young general of the Suzhou Horse Army yesterday?"

"Remember, it seems to be called Ye Tianxiang, a deputy inspector!"

"That's right, he is the one missing!" Brother Gao said in a low voice, "The officers and soldiers are looking for Deputy Inspector Ye."

Xue Poye heard it and frowned.

"What's going on, Brother Gao still needs to explain in detail."

Brother Gao cleared his throat, and finally said: "I also heard from people that Deputy Inspector Ye went to Qinghefang last night to listen to music for fun. They disagreed, and even started bickering in Qinghefang."

"It turns out that Mu Xunjian is also good at this!" Someone next to him immediately laughed.

"The Deputy Inspector Ye seized on this and ridiculed that Inspector Mou was also a decent person. When Inspector Mou heard it, the two sides almost fought." Brother Gao took another sip from the wine cup and continued: " At that time, he was persuaded, and Mou inspector claimed that he wanted Deputy Inspector Ye to look good, but Deputy Inspector Ye dismissed it. Unexpectedly, early this morning, people from Suzhou Majun went to the government office to ask for important people. It turned out that Deputy Inspector Ye did not return overnight. , People from the Suzhou Majun searched Qinghefang and found no one, suspecting that Mou Xunjian found the government office because of hatred and ghosts."

"The government office didn't hand over anyone?"

"Naturally not. The Deputy Inspector Ye is the son of the prefect of Suzhou. He is in command of the horse army in the camp in Suzhou. He is young and vigorous. It may be true that he offended Inspector Mou, but it is unlikely that Inspector Mou complained privately." Gao Brother slowly said: "This time, Deputy Inspector Ye has an accident on the ground in Hangzhou. Naturally, Wang Zhifu did not dare to neglect, and made people search everywhere. He also issued a notice that anyone who found Deputy Inspector Ye would be rewarded with a hundred taels of silver."

Xue Poye was startled: "It turns out that Ye Tianxiang is the son of the prefect of Suzhou, no wonder he is so arrogant. But why did he disappear for no reason? Could it be that Mou inspector really got rid of Ye Tianxiang in a whim?"

There was a lot of applause upstairs, and it was naturally Bai Zhi's singing that played a role.

There were many customers on this day, and a lot of money poured into the store. Bai Zhi sang beautifully and won a lot of rewards. Some people even asked about Bai Zhi's origin. Xue Poye naturally let everyone know that it was Piaoxiang. The elder sister of the pavilion.

Although Ye Tianxiang's sudden disappearance was a bit strange, but the matter had nothing to do with him after all, Xue Poye was just curious and didn't take it to heart.

Sure enough, the government sent officers and soldiers to search, openly and unannounced visits, and some people even came to Lanyuexuan to inquire, but still found nothing. Notices were posted all over Hangzhou, and there were many rewards for finding Ye Tianxiang. The reward was still one hundred taels in the morning. It has risen to five hundred taels.

At the end of the day, Xue Poye asked Yuezhu to hand in the statistical form, and the figures on it surprised him. In the whole day, he actually earned nearly a hundred taels. For the remote Lanyuexuan, it was really amazing income.

After the door opened, Lanyuexuan was full of joy.

The next day was full of guests again.

In the evening, someone pushed several carts of vegetables over, and the leader was Old Man Fan. Fan's Village heard that Lanyuexuan bought vegetables, and the price was fair, so they all brought them here.

Xue Poye asked Lao Song to arrange to accept it. Wen Yan talked with everyone and gave a good price. Everyone was very grateful, and they patted their chests and promised to grow good vegetables and send them to Lanyuexuan.

Xue Poye even prepared a table of food and wine for several people alone, and made a big win over them. The farmers were so grateful that they didn't know what to say.

Everything seemed to be peaceful, but the officers and soldiers who were looking for Ye Tianxiang suddenly stopped work the next day, and the posted notice was torn up by someone, which made everyone confused. So, could it be that Ye Tianxiang has been found

In the evening of this day, Xue Poye was conceiving a bigger marketing strategy when Zhang Hu came suddenly and asked Xue Poye to go to the Hangzhou government office, saying that Lao Tan invited them to meet.

Xue Poye was a little puzzled, but Zuodu Yushi invited him, so he had to go, tidy up, and follow Zhang Hu on the road.

Zhang Hu came on a horse, and the two rode together.

"Brother Zhang, have you been tired these two days?" Xue Poye asked with a smile on the way, "Is the business very busy?"

Zhang Hu is very familiar with Xue Poye now, and they call him brothers, and they don't hide it: "It's really a terrible situation. That kid from Suzhou suddenly disappeared. Mr. Tan was very furious and ordered a search. I lead people to search around every day. It seems to have disappeared, and I have searched Hangzhou city without seeing a trace."

Xue Poye said "Oh", and said with a smile: "I will never fall in love with any sister, let's elope together."

Zhang Hu shook his head and said: "That kid is so unruly, he even went to several brothels in one night. This woman is probably just a plaything in his heart. It is absolutely impossible for him to let go of his glory and wealth and elope. I heard that this kid is in Suzhou. I bought a few houses, and at a young age, I raised several houses before I got married."

Xue Poye rubbed his nose and said: "If the upper beam is not straight, the lower beam is crooked. Like a father, like a son, Deputy Inspector Ye is so absurd, I'm afraid his father will not be any better."

Zhang Hu hurriedly said: "Brother, it's okay for you and me to talk about it, but you can't talk nonsense. This Deputy Inspector Ye is the son of the Governor of Suzhou. If people know that you say this, I'm afraid it will cause trouble."

Xue Poye smiled lightly, and said again: "By the way, Brother Zhang, I heard that the notice seems to have been withdrawn this afternoon, and the people from the government stopped searching. Could it be that Deputy Inspector Ye has been found?"

Zhang Hu shook his head and smiled wryly: "I found a fart. Hangzhou Xingying and Suzhou Majun plus us searched for two days, but we didn't find even a hair. In my opinion, it might be that someone surnamed Mou secretly clicked on him." .”

Xue Poye was startled and said, "Namu inspector really dare to do this?"

"I heard that the two had a big fight in the kiln. Although they didn't do anything, they had already forged a big feud. I know the temper of a warrior. Some things can't be solved, so I have a good time in secret. That's the time for the inspection. Well, maybe he killed that kid!" Zhang Hu said softly, "Hangzhou is his territory, so it's easy to kill Ye Tianxiang!"

The night wind blew past, blowing up the buns of the two of them, and their long hair fluttered.

Zhang Hu sighed lightly, and said in a low voice: "If it's really Mou Zhizhan's hands, I really admire him a little bit, if he wants to be kind to you, then he's a man."

Xue Poye suddenly asked: "Brother Zhang, if it were you, would you kill him?"

Zhang Hu was stunned, thought for a moment, shook his head and said: "Even if you want to kill, the time is not right. If it is me, you have to delay the time to kill. There was a dispute that night, and Ye Tianxiang disappeared that night. Anyone would suspect Mou Zhizhan's head." superior."

Xue Poye nodded, and said slowly: "That's right, unless Inspector Mou is really crazy, he won't do it easily." Then he asked: "Since we didn't find it, why did you take down the notice and stop searching?"

"This is the meaning of Lord Yushi. We can only follow orders, but we don't know why!" Zhang Hu shook his head, shook the reins, and urged the horse to go fast.

It was already dark when we arrived at the government office in Hangzhou. Two stone lions stood guard in front of the government office door like ghosts in the dark night, and six guards with knives stood on both sides.

Zhang Hu directly took Xue Poye to the hut in the east courtyard, knocked on the door, Mr. Tan said in a low voice, "Come in!"

Zhang Hu signaled Xue Poye to go in, Xue Poye nodded, pushed the door and entered, Zhang Hu pulled the door from the outside.

The lamp was on in the room, and Lao Tan was writing on the desk on the right, without raising his head, he said, "Po Ye? You wait a moment." He continued to bury his head in writing.

Xue Poye didn't restrain himself, sat down on the chair, took a bunch of grapes in his hand, picked them and ate them.

I don't know what Lao Tan is busy with? You're not busy killing people, are you