The Rivers and Mountains

Chapter 465: postscript


It is often said that when seeing fallen leaves fall on the ground, people with rich emotions will feel lost.

I may not have such rich feelings, but when the last word of this book is typed out, I do have a feeling of loss, which is a kind of loss that goes deep into the bone marrow and comes from the heart.

Eleven months, 1.8 million words, "Jiangshan" finally came to an end.

"Jiangshan" has flaws, which cannot be denied, but at the same time, it also has some advantages, which cannot be denied. With the help of many friends, "Jiangshan" should be regarded as a passing grade.

This book can be completed, if I am grateful to someone, of course it is "Luo Yan", my beautiful editor, without her original insight and help along the way, "Jiangshan" would not exist , From the bottom of my heart, for "Luoyan", I am grateful from the bottom of my heart, at least with her help, I have fulfilled my dream of "Jiangshan". With her help, I naturally understood a lot of writing skills. I always thought that on the road of literature, she is not only my editor, but perhaps a "mentor" is more accurate.

If you want to thank the platform, it is naturally Zongheng Chinese website.

There is no doubt that Zongheng is an emerging original literature website, but its vitality is extremely vigorous. I am grateful to it for allowing me to plant a fruit tree on this fertile soil, and at the same time look forward to its fertile soil being more fertile .

Of course, it is essential to thank the book friends who have spent with me in the past year. Every encouragement from you makes me full of fighting spirit, and every criticism from you also makes me see my own shortcomings, so In this benign environment, I have grown up.

Thanks to every friend who encouraged me, gave me advice, and gave me criticism.

Going back to the book, as I said, it's flawed,

As some friends pointed out, some character creations were not very successful, which I agree with, so I have been thinking and learning from this experience.

I believe that I have learned a lot in this regard, which will be of great help to me in my future creations.

In fact, this book tells a story that I think is very good. Of course, I also respect different opinions. I will not belittle myself, but I will never think that I have any weight.

Just a writer who writes books with heart and writes good stories for readers.

For some loopholes in the book, there is no need to be too harsh. After all, I have done my best. For this book, I think I have completed it with a serious heart. Every chapter, I will It takes a long time to conceive, and then write, sometimes even think of an idea while sleeping at night, then get up immediately, write it on paper, so as not to forget.

This book was written bit by bit.

The flaws in this book, I believe there will be a qualitative leap in the next book.

Speaking of the new book, I don't think it will take too long before I can meet my friends, and it certainly tells a good story.

The new book started to be conceived and laid out in March. Under the guidance of the editor, it can be regarded as a hard work. I believe it will not disappoint everyone. There are some bridges in the middle. It is no bragging to say that it can be described as a "magic pen", hahaha!

Well, that's it, although the fallen leaves fall from the branches, but when spring comes, don't new leaves grow again

This book is an end, but soon there will be a new beginning!

Finally, I would like to thank my wife for her silent support to me all the time, I love you!

[Desert 2010.06.25 morning]

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