The Rivers and Mountains

Chapter 5: [gossip]


Everyone was eating so much, Xiao Pinshi suddenly asked: "Brother, is your business going well today? How do you have the money to buy so much food?"

Xue Poye is twenty-three this year, Xiao Pinshi is twenty-one, two years younger, so Xiao Pinshi called Xue Poye his eldest brother.

Xue Poye was stuffing a piece of beef into his mouth, eating deliciously, and replied: "I met a pig-headed young master today, you are so stupid, let me help him become a god, and give him some money."

"Becoming a god?" Everyone was stunned.

Xue Poye laughed and touched his nose: "Only pigs think there are gods."

A child shouted: "Brother Poye, you tell my fortune too, what can I do when I grow up?"

"You?" Xue Poye touched his head, and said softly, "You can be a general when you grow up!" The child's eyes lit up, excited, and he said excitedly, "Really?"

"of course it's true!"

"Brother Po Ye, what about me?" "And me, and me!"

The other children yelled.

"You, Prime Minister! You, Yushi, and you, you can be the governor...!" Xue Poye looked at these little guys lovingly.

The children were all elated and extremely excited, which made Yuezhu and Pinshi laugh.

"People were killed by the lake today, do you know?" Xiao Pinshi took a sip of wine, and suddenly said: "I heard that a woman was killed by an old man, and later a group of government agents came, and a man was arrested .”

The lakeside naturally refers to the West Lake.

Hearing Pin Shi mentioned this matter, Xue Poye was shocked, but his face looked like nothing happened, and he just let out a casual "oh".

With a worried look on Yue Zhu's face, he said softly, "Brother, do you know who it is?"

Xiao Pinshi's expression was a little gloomy, and he said in a low voice: "I heard that it's Qing Lianzhao's people, they seem to want to assassinate the old man, but they were injured by the old man instead."

"Oh!" Yuezhu sighed lightly, her small red lips moved, as if she wanted to say something, but she couldn't say it after all.

Hearing the words "Qinglianzhao", several children sang in unison: "Qinglianzhao, the sky is shining, the angry emperor is dancing!"

"My little ancestors, what are you singing nonsense about!" Yue Zhu hurriedly stopped, this is a rebellious ballad, how could it be sung at will.

Although Qing Lianzhao was regarded as a thorn in the flesh by the government, the people loved it because of her many good deeds of robbing the rich and helping the poor.

Of course, this kind of love can only be secretly. Anyone who supports Qinglianzhao publicly will naturally be labeled as a traitor.

"Who is that old man? Is he very powerful?" Yue Zhu asked again.

Pin Shi tore a piece of beef and put it in his mouth, shook his head and said: "I don't know, but it must be a high official, maybe it is a high official from the capital, those government officials will kneel when they see it." After a pause, Hehe smiled and said: "But I also heard people say it, I don't know if it's true or not!"

"Oh! By the way, Pinshi, how is your business over there?" Xue Poye changed the subject.

Xiao Pinshi helped a rice store with manual work, moving and delivering goods all day long.

"It's okay, but there is a strange thing these two days!" Pin Shi became interested, and approached him: "There is a Hongyan Pagoda in the south city, do you know?"

Yuezhu and the children nodded, Xue Poye had heard of it even though he had never been there, nodded and said: "I know!"

The Hongyan Pagoda is located in Funan City, Hangzhou, where the number of people there is already a little sparse, which is not comparable to the busy traffic in the center of the city.

In the year of the Later Weekend, the Marquis of Chu in the Northwest launched an army to attack the Houzhou Dynasty. The soldiers were invincible, but the generals in Hangzhou resisted desperately. Sixteen generals and deputy generals were all killed in battle. His deeds are still widely circulated. In order to appease the hearts of the people and commend the loyalty, His Majesty the Great Chu built the Hongyan Pagoda in the south city of Hangzhou, which is regarded as a sacrifice to the loyal soul.

Although the Hongyan Pagoda was built, there are not many people who really dare to sacrifice to it. Except for those who are very courageous and have an extremely righteous temperament, ordinary people seldom go there.

Who knows if this Hongyan Pagoda is a tool used by the court to identify good people, the court has many tricks.

"There is a small restaurant next to the Hongyan Pagoda. It has always bought rice from us. I gave it away several times. It didn't take long for it to open. It suddenly closed yesterday. I heard that the owner spent hundreds of taels of silver to buy it. This shop has not earned money now, but owed a lot of famine, today our shopkeeper brought us to the door to collect debts, unexpectedly there is already a large group of people around, all wanting debts!" Xiao Pinshi spat, a little frustrated and said: "We couldn't squeeze in."

Xue Poye's eyes suddenly lit up, and he asked, "Are you in debt? How much money do you owe?"

"It must be three or four hundred taels!" Xiao Pinshi took a sip of his wine: "The boss can't leave now even if he wants to. There are people guarding outside the shop."

"Oh!" Xue Poye became more and more interested: "The business is so bad?"

Xiao Pinshi shook his head, and said with some regret: "The layout of the restaurant is very beautiful, but the place is a bit remote. If a restaurant like that is in a prosperous area, you can't get it without a few thousand taels of silver. The owner is Tu It was cheap, so I bought it and spent a lot of money on decoration, but after it opened, the business was extremely poor, and the wages of those guys and the daily expenses of the restaurant could not be earned!"

"Then the boss is not going to do it?" Xue Poye moved his buttocks and moved closer.

"Do it again?" Xiao Pinshi said with a chuckle: "Those debtors said that if they don't pay back the money within three days, they will smash the store to get the things. The boss is now as scared as his grandson, hiding in the store and not daring to come out. Dare to do business."

"Okay!" Xue Poye slapped his thigh and yelled, so excited that everyone was shocked, and they all looked at him in surprise.

Xue Poye laughed and said, "This is our chance to make a fortune!"

"Brother Poye, you... what are you talking about?" Yuezhu asked suspiciously, "What are you getting rich for?"

Xue Poye got up and stretched for a while, touched his nose leisurely, and said to Xiao Pinshi: "Pinshi, take me to that restaurant tomorrow!"

Xiao Pinshi was stunned for a moment, opened his mouth, and asked, "Big...Brother, what are you going to do there?"

"What to do?" Xue Poye smiled inscrutably and profoundly: "Go take over the restaurant and make a fortune!"

"Take over the restaurant?" Yue Zhu and Pin Shi exclaimed in unison.

This is really a fucking great idea, but for the current Xue Poye, why should he accept the restaurant? Although the boss owes a lot of debt, the restaurant is genuine and worth a lot of money.

A little surprised, but Pinshi thought Xue Poye was joking, he was stunned for a moment, he laughed and said: "Brother, when we earn enough money, we will open a restaurant by ourselves. Now, hehe, now...!"

Now I'm poor and white, with food and clothing a problem, and I've even taken over a shitty restaurant.

Xue Poye didn't take it seriously, grabbed the wine jar and took a sip, saying: "Don't worry about it so much, just take me there tomorrow."

Only then did Xiao Pinshi realize that Xue Poye was serious, and frowned, "Brother, I will... tomorrow!" Xue Poye had already interrupted: "From tomorrow on, don't go to work, let's go get rich!" See you all With a look of surprise on his face, Xue Poye suddenly took out a few bank notes from his pocket and put them on the table.

The children didn't understand anything, they still ate meat in large chunks, Yuezhu and Pinshi were horrified when they saw the banknotes, and looked at Xue Poye in shock.

"There are a total of three hundred and forty taels of silver here, which is the bounty rewards of those pigs' heads these days. Although it is not much, but...!" Xue Poye smiled and said, "The restaurant under the plate should be about the same!"

Xiao Pinshi tried his best to shake his head, came to his senses, remained silent for a moment, and said: "Brother, although there are more than three hundred taels of silver, but the layout of the restaurant is extremely luxurious, if you want to sell the whole thing, you may not be able to get it without five hundred taels of silver .”

Xue Poye smiled mysteriously, stroked the little head of a child next to him, and said leisurely: "Maybe the boss will give us two hundred taels of silver?"