The Rivers and Mountains

Chapter 53: [Beihu friends]


"But I don't know what kind of business Brother Wulachi is looking for from the Lu family? If it's inconvenient, you don't have to answer!" Xue Poye smiled kindly and asked gently.

Wu Rachi got angry when he heard "Lu's family" and said: "I want to exchange horses for silk --- King Khan's wedding --- my family will present a lot of silk --- so I exchange BMW --- Lu's family But they didn't meet ---!"

Xue Poye was a little surprised. Horses are extremely valuable items in Dachu. They trade horses for silk, but they don't know how to exchange them. He couldn't help but ask, "Brother Wu Lachi, how do you plan to exchange them? How much silk is exchanged for a horse?"

"Twenty pieces of silk for one horse!" Wu Lachi looked at Xue Poye and said, "If you are sincere---you can still discuss it!"

Xue Poye broke out in a cold sweat.

The price of silk in Dachu is extremely cheap. A piece of high-quality silk is only five taels of silver, but a high-quality horse in the Central Plains costs nearly a thousand taels, and an ordinary one costs four to five hundred taels. The source of Dachu horses is scarce, so the price Expensive, in other words, this Urachi was going to exchange nearly a thousand taels of silver for silk of a hundred taels of silver, and the profit in the middle was astonishing.

Apparently, the Lu family didn't know that Wu Lachi would exchange at such a price, and hadn't received an interview yet, but Wu Lachi didn't know how to change it. He only knew that the Lu family was the richest man in Hangzhou, so he went to find the Lu family. , Suppressing his beating heart, he said relaxedly and indifferently: "Oh, brother only found Lu's, and didn't try to find other businesses?"

Wu Lachi was stunned, and said: "The head of the Kubahai clan said—the best silk in the Central Plains is Hangzhou——the neighboring department has done business with the Lu family—so let me go to the Lu family—to exchange two Ten fine horses for five hundred bolts of silk——!"

Beihu is divided into dozens of tribes, and each tribe has its patriarch, who is the highest leader.

Exchanging 20 high-quality horses for 500 pieces of silk is equivalent to exchanging nearly 20,000 taels of silver for more than 2,000 taels of silk.

This Wulachi tribe obviously has very little business contacts with Dachu, so they don't know the price.

For Da Chu, silk is not a rare thing, but for Beihu, it is indeed very precious, and Beihu naturally does not think horses are so precious. In their opinion, twenty horses can be exchanged for five hundred pieces of silk , that's an excellent deal.

Xue Poye rolled his eyes and asked, "Brother Wulachi, is silk very expensive in the grassland?"

Wu Lachi said, "In the grassland --- three horses can exchange for twenty bolts of silk!"

Xue Poye was ashamed, he didn't expect this ordinary silk to be so tight in the grassland, he tentatively said: "Brother Wulachi, the Lu family won't accept it, have you thought of other ways?"

Wu Lachi was a little embarrassed, shook his head and said: "I'm not familiar with the Central Plains --- I don't know ---!" His eyes lit up, and he looked at Xue Poye with full expectation: "Good friend --- you help me --- --I'll give you a fine horse!"

A good horse is nearly a thousand taels, and this Wu Lachi is not stingy.

Xue Poye smiled and said, "Brother Wulachi regards my younger brother as a friend, and my younger brother will naturally regard you as a friend. My name is Xue Poye, and you can call me brother Xue!"

Wu Lachi stretched out his hand, spread his palm, and looked at Xue Poye. Xue Poye knew what he meant, and stretched out his hand to hold it. Wu Lachi nodded solemnly and said, "Wu Lachi will treat you as a friend from now on---never betray!"

Seeing that he was very serious, Xue Poye saw that this matter seemed very sacred to him. He took a deep breath, held it firmly, and nodded fiercely: "Xue Poye will treat you as a friend from now on, and will never betray you!" Xue Poye was a little excited to make a Beihu friend. It seems that he has a good character and even Beihu people like him.

Wu Lachi stood up and even stretched out his arms to hug Xue Poye, seeming very intimate. The golden bow hugged Xue Poye. Although Xue Poye was not used to this kind of intimacy, the other party had no choice but to stretch out his arms and hug him from the bottom of his heart. hug.

After sitting down, Xue Poye smiled and said: "Wu... Brother Wu, the Lu family doesn't care about you, and you just ignore him. There are so many merchants in Dachu, why bother hanging in his family!"

Wu Lachi hurriedly said: "I want 500 bolts of silk --- bring 28 BMWs --- exchange 20 bolts for silk --- send the rest of silk --- good brother --- -Exchange for silk for me—for twenty-one bolts——!”

Xue Poye shook his head and said with a smile: "Brother Wu, you are at a great disadvantage if you exchange 20 BMWs for 500 silks. If you give me three high-end BMWs, I will exchange 500 silks for you!"

Wu Lachi suddenly stood up, his face turned pale with shock, "Three---three horses---?" He couldn't believe it.

Xue Poye nodded affirmatively, and said: "Brother Wu, silk is valuable on the grassland because the grassland is scarce, but silk produced in Hangzhou is like horses produced in the grassland, so the price is naturally much cheaper. Twenty pieces of silk in the grassland If you need three horses, in the Central Plains, in Hangzhou, even twenty pieces of silk can’t buy a horse’s leg!”

Wu Lachi couldn't believe it, shook his head, opened his eyes wide, and said in surprise: "Three horses can really be exchanged for five hundred pieces of silk?"

Xue Poye nodded and said, "If elder brother Wu can trust me, I will leave this matter to younger brother."

Wu Rachi raised his arms and said excitedly: "Thank you Changshengtian for giving me a good friend!" Holding Xue Poye's hand, his rough and dark face was full of gratitude: "You are Wu Rachi's good friend--- Ulrachi believes in you like I believe in Changshengtian---begging my best friend to help me---!"

Xue Poye knew that "Longevity Heaven" should be the belief of Beihu people, so he smiled and said: "Brother Wu, don't worry, I will try my best to help!" Then he said: "Brother Wu, if you don't dislike it, you can go to my restaurant to rest for a few minutes. My God, Brother Wu will be lucky enough to go back to the grassland when he gets the silk in exchange."

Wu Rachi asked suspiciously: "A good friend has a restaurant?"

Xue Poye nodded and said: "Ashamed, ashamed, I opened a restaurant to make a living!"

Wu Lachi laughed and said, "Okay. Okay, let's go to your restaurant for a drink!"

Dang even put on his clothes and went out to call for Jerdon.

Xue Poye breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that the Beihu people are not as cruel as the rumors. This Wu Lachi looks rough and savage, but he has a good heart and is very easy to get in touch with. In a daze, the two unexpectedly became good friends.

"Things in the world are too wonderful, and life is so unpredictable that you can't figure it out!" Xue Poye smiled and said to himself, and walked out the door, only to see the green lady leaning on the wall not far away, with her arms around her, and her sexy figure Bi Lu, undulating, with a smile on her delicate face, and a pair of eyes like autumn water are looking at herself affectionately.

Xue Poye walked over with a smile, and the green lady said softly: "You dead man, what kind of rhetoric did you use to subdue this reckless savage?"

Xue Poye approached, smelled the fragrance, and said with a smile: "I can even clean up you, how can a Beihu man not deal with it!"

The green lady winked and smiled, and scolded with a smile: "Since when did you take care of me? Don't be shy to boast about your beauty!"

Seeing her seductive appearance, Xue Poye wanted to stretch out his hand, but thought that every time he made a move before, the green lady would dodge her strangely, and this time he might fail, so he gave up this idea.

Seeing his appearance, Lady Lv giggled and said, "Are you trying to mess around again?"

Xue Poye smiled wryly and said: "I didn't even move my hands, how can I be so foolish? You are the lotus that emerges from the mud but is not stained, and is clean and not demonic. You can only watch it from a distance, but you can't play with it!"

The green lady sighed quietly, and said softly: "Actually, you are a... good person!"

Xue Poye smiled, stretched out his hands, and pretended to pounce on him, "I don't want you to treat me as a good person. A good person is restricted, and many things cannot be done! I don't want any restraints, hehe, come on, Let me hug and kiss...!"

The green lady dodged away like a ghost again, Xue Poye was about to chase after her, but Wu Lachi shouted from behind: "Good friend---we can go!"

Xue Poye turned around and saw Wu Lachi wearing fur clothes, a golden bow, and a short knife at his waist, striding over, followed by Zhe Dun, who also had a short knife on his waist, and was carrying a large package.