The Rivers and Mountains

Chapter 69: [Tea]


Xue Poye went to look at Yuan Buyi again, only to find that his deep-set eyes were unusually deep and hazy, and he couldn't see the shrewdness and murderous aura possessed by those powerful people. She doesn't care about anything, but she seems to be nostalgic for the world, unable to guess the emotion hidden behind those eyes.

A businessman who only knows the smell of copper will never have this kind of look. Xue Poye faintly feels that this Yuan Buyi must have a lot of background, but judging from his words on tea, he is also a man who has read poetry and books and has a lot of experience. characters.

"You are very rich and jeweled, but you choose to be named Commoner, I am puzzled!" Xue Poye asked in confusion as he watched Yuan Buyi pour half a cup of tea from both purple sand cups.

"Wealth is destiny, people don't know it!" Yuan Buyi sat cross-legged across from the tea table, and said calmly, "I didn't know that I would be able to become rich today, otherwise I should call it rich!"

Xue Poye was also sitting cross-legged like him at this time, but he was not used to it.

"Please!" Yuan Buyi made a gesture of invitation.

Xue Poye picked up the purple sand cup, took a sip, and after drinking it, the sweet fragrance was overflowing, the lips and teeth were fragrant, and the fragrance flowed into the throat along the tea juice, and spread to the whole body.

Seeing that Xue Poye was full of admiration, Yuan Buyi showed a look of satisfaction on his face. Of course, this kind of satisfaction was expressed from his eyes and the corners of his mouth. Same as perception.

Yuan Buyi picked up the purple sand cup, took a sip lightly, revealed a look of complacency, and opened his mouth and muttered: "I am busy with my leisure, and the space in my leisure is as wide as the sky. Blissful life has no emptiness, and longevity has never been more than a hundred years. Let go of Dingpan and knock on the pines and the moon, and boil the stone root spring with tea to relieve sleep. Although I am not like a master, I understand this principle with my master."

Xue Poye heard the word "tea" in his poem, it is obviously a poem related to tea, this Yuan Buyi is really proficient in the tea ceremony, obviously he is also addicted to it.

"Ordinary people drink tea and taste wine. The vulgar ones are like cows. A little better is just to taste the taste, but how many people just taste the meaning!" Yuan Buyi suddenly sighed, and stretched out his hand to ask for tea: "Please!"

Xue Poye took another sip and asked curiously, "Is it still about artistic conception when drinking tea?"

Yuan Buyi lowered his head, rolled his eyes up, looked at Xue Poye, and said calmly: "Of course, drinking tea, tasting wine, playing chess, painting, writing poems, playing the piano, it's all about artistic conception. It is a thing that is good at the elegance of Ou and Fujian, and the spiritual endowment of Zhong Shanchuan. .”

Xue Poye was sweating profusely, and Yuan Buyi was really immersed in it. I came here today to do business, not to listen to him drink tea and talk about Taoism. Just as he was about to speak, Yuan Buyi asked, "Apart from these twenty horses, How much more can you get?"

Xue Poye was startled, and immediately understood that he was naturally asking about Beihu Baomao. Although he had already agreed with Wu Lachi, there would definitely be a large number of Humas coming over in the future, but he still didn't know the real identity of the other party. Putting it on, he smiled and said: "I heard that Mr. Yuan offered to buy me twenty-one horses at a price of one thousand taels of silver each?" But he didn't answer Yuan Buyi's question.

Wu Lachi brought twenty-eight BMWs this time, including his and Zhe Dun's mounts, a total of thirty horses, all of which were good horses from the Barhut tribe. He gave Xue Poye a golden lion, and the rest Twenty-nine horses, twenty-one were sold, and the rest were used to transport silk back to the grassland.

Yuan Buyi pulled the soft pillow beside him and leaned on it, looking very lazy, and repeated lightly: "How many more horses can you get?"

Xue Poye felt that although his speech was very flat, there was an aura exuding from him, which belonged to the type of non-anger self-prestige.

Xue Poye may be afraid of being raped by a woman in the middle of the night, but he is absolutely not afraid of this kind of power, so he still didn't answer: "If you want to buy these twenty-one horses, let's have a good talk. If you don't want to buy, then immediately Farewell, this is an easy thing to talk about, you just buy and sell!"

Yuan Buyi grinned, and made another gesture of inviting tea.

Xue Poye is not too polite, but the tea leaves are fragrant and intoxicating. When you drink it, the fragrance is overflowing, and you drink it from the cup.

"I am from the southwest. Although the southwest is a land of sweet-scented osmanthus and beautiful women, it is the place where the source of horses in the Great Chu is the most scarce. Except for the rich and rich, even the nobles and princes are also thirsty for horses. There are only twenty-one horses in the area. If shopkeeper Xue can raise more horses, I will spend more money to buy them!" Yuan Buyi stared at Xue Poye closely, as if he wanted to remember Xue Poye's appearance firmly. , with a gentle voice: "I hope that the business with shopkeeper Xue is not just this time, we can continue to do it, it will be of great benefit to you and me."

Xue Poye smiled calmly, said "Oh", and said, "There are many benefits?"

"Shopkeeper Xue should understand that the best price for Huma in my Dachu is only 900 taels of silver. My price of 1,000 taels per horse is sincere. Ma, I will charge at this price. To put it bluntly, I am shopkeeper Xue's connection, and it is an excellent connection. I think shopkeeper Xue doesn't want to lose me as a business partner!" Yuan Buyi's voice was not high, but Appear very confident.

In good conscience, Xue Poye also knows that this is a rare buyer, not only because of the high price and huge profits, but also because of the concentration of horses, the province's northeast and west, looking for retail investors, it is naturally inferior to being bought by Yuan Buyi , save a lot of trouble and energy.

However, Yuan Buyi claimed that he wanted to buy horses and sell them to wealthy merchants and nobles in the southwest. Xue Poye felt that it was just an excuse. I'm afraid the profit will not be too big, but the nobles and princes are extravagant and corrupt, and it is unknown to fight for wealth to buy Huma.

The fragrance of tea floats in the air and permeates everywhere.

Xue Poye squinted his eyes, and suddenly asked: "Since Your Excellency is in urgent need of horses, why don't you personally lead a caravan to buy horses in Beihu? In that way, not only will the number of horses be large, but also the price will be cheap. At that time, the horses will be shipped back to the southwest, and the profits will be huge. There are many, you bought my Huma at a price of 1,000 taels, firstly because the quantity is small, and secondly because the profit is small, don’t you feel like losing money?”

Yuan Buyi let out a strange laugh, took a sip from the purple sand pot, and said calmly: "Beihu has ten million good horses. I have said to the great general that Beihu has ten soldiers and twenty riders, and the Great Chu has a thousand soldiers. The horses of the Hu people are tall, their stamina and speed are far superior to those of my great Chu, they are really the heroes of the horses, and the only ones we Chu people admire are the Hu horses."

Xue Poye agreed with this sentence, deeply agreeing, thinking of his golden lion that gallops like lightning, Da Chu really has few horses, nodded, "Beihu's horse is really a treasure!"

"Everyone knows that Beihu has a lot of horses and horses, and buying horses in Beihu is extremely cheap. The huge benefits in the process make many businessmen flock to them, and they all want to drive horses southward and earn that white money!" Yuan Buyi squinted at Xue Po. Ye, said softly: "I'm afraid shopkeeper Xue also has this kind of heart?"

Xue Poye laughed: "People in the world strive for fame and fortune, and I'm just one of the common people. Naturally, I can't avoid these worldly intrusions. However, I'm powerless, but I really don't have the ability to start such a big business."

A strange look flashed across Yuan Buyi's eyes, and he said calmly, "Actually, shopkeeper Xue is very capable. These twenty or so horses are not owned by anyone!"

Xue Poye smiled smugly, but did not answer, and took tea from the purple sand cup to cover it up.

"Although countless caravans want to do business with Huma Nanyun, they are lucky to survive and return to Dachu!" Yuan Buyi's voice was very calm.

When Xue Poye heard this, he was inexplicably surprised and puzzled, and couldn't help asking: "What did you say?"

Yuan Buyi said indifferently: "Although the benefits of Huma Nanyun are amazing, it is a life-threatening business. If the luck is not good, not only will the horse's property be lost, but its life will also be lost in a different place."

Xue Poye was extremely shocked, he couldn't figure out what was going on, his expression changed slightly, and he asked, "Could it be that the barbarian didn't keep faith and slaughtered my big Chu businessman without authorization?"

Yuan Buyi shook his head, "If we really go to the Beihu area of the prairie, then it will be safe. The people of Beihu are also in great demand for my Dachu's silk porcelain and medicinal tea. Our merchants have gone to the hinterland of the prairie, and they are very popular. , even those princes and nobles in Beihu will give a reward!"

Hearing what Yuan Buyi said, Xue Poye was even more puzzled.