The Rivers and Mountains

Chapter 83: [Gift from Liu Tuo]


Seeing Xue Poye's composure, Xiao Suzhen turned pale when talking and laughing, and finally showed a smile on her face, looking at Xue Poye with admiration.

Mr. Chen Yin had been staring at Xue Poye coldly. Hearing his words, his expression was slightly relaxed, but he still said coldly: "The profit of business is nothing more than collecting money and gathering things, but it has no great contribution to the community. You keep saying It is said that merchants have great achievements, but this old man doesn’t think so, how much merit do merchants have when the world is stable?”

Xue Poye glanced at Mr. Chen Yin, seeing that his eyes were no longer as contemptuous as before, and he was quite puzzled, obviously wondering why Xue Poye had such insight.

"Mr. Chen Yin, all talented and learned seniors, Xue did not want to defend the merchants. It is just that there are hundreds of industries in the world, each performing its own duties, and each has its own achievements. Although there are not many merchants who directly dominate the society, there have been many in history. A few great merchants with extraordinary achievements!" Xue Poye opened the chatterbox, and immediately felt extremely clear-headed, and said seriously: "The ancestor of merchants is naturally Tao Zhugong who has made countless achievements. Tao Zhugong is naturally the most successful person, Tao Zhugong is proficient in business, sincere and shrewd, and has earned tens of thousands of wealth, do you think Tao Zhugong is a lowly businessman?"

Tao Zhugong was Fan Li who helped Goujian to build a great cause. He was a good businessman and was chased by merchants as the ancestor of Shang.

As soon as these words came out, everyone felt embarrassed.

Xue Poye glanced at the crowd, all the scholars lowered their heads and covered their faces, but Liu Tuo was calm and calm, holding the wine glass, tasting the wine lightly, as if he didn't put Xue Poye's words in his ears.

Xue Poye also took a sip of the wine, the wine in today's banquet is not bad, although it is not as strong as the burning fire, but it has its own fragrance of wine.

Xiao Moting stared at Xue Poye, and slowly asked: "Who else is there?"

"Lu Buwei!"

Xue Poye put down his wine glass, looking very comfortable, and said leisurely: "The other one who has made great contributions to the country is Lu Gongbuwei!"

Lu Buwei was a jeweler in the Wei state during the Warring States period. The biggest business in his life was the sale of King Zhuang Xiang of Qin. Chess piece, soaring to the top, prominent for a while.

"Duke Lu was the last official to worship Xiangguo, and the first emperor would respect him as Zhongfu. When the first emperor first became emperor, Duke Lu had the power for a while, and the state of Qin was in charge of all the state policies. Qin finally swept the six countries and unified the eight barren lands. Although it is the great talent and strategy of the first emperor, it cannot be separated from the cornerstone achievements of Lu Gong!" Xue Poye said slowly, touching his nose: "Of course, you all know that the "Lu Shi Chunqiu" compiled by Lu Gong is our article. It seems that none of you present here, or even the literati in the entire Great Chu, have such merits. Presumably you will not forget that he started as a businessman and finally embarked on the road of politics. Could it be that everyone thinks that he Is it just a cheap businessman?"

The sound is loud, although the voice is soft and calm, the words are sonorous and powerful.

The venue was extremely silent for a while, Xue Poye wanted this kind of effect, and sneered in his heart: "Damn, I'm still well educated and Confucian, I choked them up with these two words!" Instead, he felt disdain for these people in his heart feel.

Outside the painting boat, Qing songs and Yanyu are still on the surface of the West Lake, and many gentlemen recite loudly. It is nothing more than some poor and poor words, which are much worse than the poems recited by these few eminent Confucians just now.

These sounds drilled into the cabin, like mosquitoes and flies.

"Tao Zhugong? Lu Buwei?" Liu Tuo suddenly laughed, and his expression was also extremely peaceful. Seeing that everyone turned their eyes to him, he said calmly: "These two people were eventually abandoned by their lord. The reason is that I'm afraid It must be due to the profit-seeking nature of businessmen!"

As soon as Liu Tuo opened his mouth, all the Confucian scholars echoed, only the father and daughter of the Xiao family remained silent, Xiao Moting remained calm, while Xiao Suzhen was suddenly surprised and joyful.

Xue Poye smiled leisurely, pretending to be puzzled and said: "It turns out that the two of them were expelled because of the profit-seeking nature of businessmen. This is the first time I have heard of it today. I would like to thank Mr. Liu for your guidance." After a pause , sighed: "Wealth and glory will eventually return to the dust. Who can guarantee a peaceful life? As long as you have really lived and done it, you don't have to regret it in that life. I think the life journey of these two great businessmen is wonderful. Since There is a brilliant process, so why care about the vulgar results!"

These emotions were expressed extremely sincerely, and Xiao Suzhen's beautiful eyes shone with a scorching brilliance.

Although these Confucian scholars can’t be said to be quiet and noble, they are still the best in literature and Taoism. Although they are old now, everyone has a time when they were young and had those glorious years. Xue Poye’s words are just talking about In the depths of the hearts of the people, each showed a sigh of relief, recalling the glory of the past.

Xiao Moting actually nodded his head slightly, his gloomy face slowly showed emotion, he stroked his beard and said: "That's right, since you've lived and done it before, why should you care about the result? How many people are there!"

Seeing him agreeing with his point of view for the first time, Xue Poye was quite excited. After all, all the people present here are scholars, and it is really a great thing that he can persuade them.

There was a haze on Liu Tuo's face, and a murderous intent flashed in those beautiful eyes. He stood up slowly and looked at Xue Poye. Everyone was puzzled, but Liu Tuo saluted slightly, and his voice was somewhat humble: "Xue Poye! The young master is talented and intelligent, Liu Tuo admires it, it is really a lucky three lives to be able to drink and chat with Mr. Xue today!" After speaking, he picked up the wine glass and raised a glass to Xue Poye.

Xue Poye was not happy but surprised. This Liu Tuogui was the servant of the Ministry of Punishment. He was young and energetic, but he was very delicate. He was quite disdainful of him before, but now he suddenly treated him politely. Outsiders would see him as naturally open-minded, but From Xue Poye's point of view, it was really weird.

Since Liu Tuo took the initiative to toast, Xue Poye was not arrogant enough to refuse the courteous reception from the servant of the Ministry of Punishment, although it might be just a superficial show.

Xiao Moting was even more happy to see that Liu Tuo lowered his figure and respected the virtuous corporal, with a smug smile on his face, this Liu Tuo has greatly improved his face, and Xiao Suzhen also showed admiration.

"Lord Liu is really a talent among young people, a pillar of the imperial court, I have such a good official in Dachu, the country is prosperous and the people are safe, and eternal peace!" A Hongru praised openly.

As soon as he finished speaking, the rest of the people praised each other. They have read poetry and books, and their vocabulary is rich.

Liu Tuo drank the wine in his glass, smiled at everyone's praise, kept being polite, and suddenly shouted: "Come on!"

Immediately, a person came in from the outside, but it was a guard, very respectful, but holding a sandalwood tray in both hands, covered with red gauze, so it was impossible to see what was inside.

Xue Poye squinted his eyes and watched coldly, not knowing what the hell Liu Tuo was doing.

Liu Tuo stepped forward, lifted a corner, took out a small jade box from inside, walked slowly to Xiao Moting with a smile on his face, knelt down, and respectfully said: "Student is ashamed, let the teacher go to prison, he deserves everything!" Die!" He presented the small jade box to him, and said softly, "This is a gift from the students, please accept it!"

Xiao Moting reached out to take it, opened the jade box, took out a brush from inside, looked at it, showing joy.

Liu Tuo lost no time in saying: "This is given to the student by His Majesty the Emperor. The bosom is made of tiger hair, and the pole is made of sea bamboo on the island to the south. It is very comfortable to write on."

When all the Confucian scholars heard this, they were filled with admiration, and Xue Poye laughed inwardly: "If you want to give something, you should do it privately. At this time and this place, it's nothing more than a show to be so courteous!"

Xiao Moting is knowledgeable, but he has a gentle personality. At this moment, when he sees his favorite disciple giving him the gift from His Majesty the Emperor in public, his face is full of brilliance, and he can't hide his joy, but he said: "This is the Holy Majesty How can the old man accept what is bestowed by the emperor!" He wanted to return the gift.

Liu Tuo smiled and said: "Teacher, Your Majesty is the most benevolent and filial person. If you know that I dedicate this tiger brush to Teacher, I'm afraid you will be even more happy. Your Majesty is so benevolent and virtuous, you will not blame me!"

Immediately, a scholar smiled and said: "Mr. Chen Yin, Mr. Liu is filial, you just accept it. Mr. Liu is extremely benevolent and filial, it is really your glory!" Everyone echoed.

Xiao Moting didn't refuse anymore, and accepted the Hubo pen.

Liu Tuo took out another thing from the sandalwood tray. The green light was faint, but it was a string of necklaces made up of green gemstones. Thinking about it with his butt, he also knew that this string of necklaces was extremely precious. Xue Poye Naturally, he knew that this string of emerald necklaces was dozens of times more expensive than the coral necklace he gave to Little Fairy.

Liu Tuo stared at Xiao Suzhen, walked slowly over, Xiao Suzhen met Liu Tuo's fiery gaze, and immediately became uneasy.

Xue Poye felt a chill in his heart, and said, "Damn it, something is wrong!"