The Rivers and Mountains

Chapter 95: [Old house]


Seeing that he was about to reach the foot of the mountain, the rain gradually became lighter. The torrential rain just now turned into sparse light rain in a short while, and the rain fell like jade silk and pearl chains.

Seeing that the lotus girl was still sprinting forward like a light black butterfly, Xue Poye finally shouted: "Heroine, heroine...!"

The lotus girl stopped walking, her curvaceous body stood still, without looking back, she asked softly, "What's the matter?"

"This...!" Xue Poye ran all the way, expending a lot of energy, panting, and said in a low voice: "Where are we going? We have already descended the mountain, you... You really don't need to send it away!"

The lotus flower girl pondered for a moment, and finally said: "I want to take you to a place!"

"Take me to a place?" Xue Poye wondered, "Where do you take me? Do you know me?"

The lotus girl seemed a little impatient, and said softly: "You and I will go, there is so much nonsense."

Xue Poye blinked, but still asked: "Where do you want to take me, you must let me know. Is it possible that you take me to the ends of the earth, and I want to go with you to the ends of the earth."

The lotus flower boy snorted coldly: "Who wants to take you to the ends of the earth, you frivolous person, if you continue to mess around, believe it or not, I will kill you."

Xue Poye was still wearing a monk's robe at this time, with a cloth scarf wrapped around his head, and said with palms together: "Amitabha, the heroine is joking, I am the most serious and honest person in the world, how can you say that I am a frivolous person, wrong Yes, you are wrong, you are very wrong!"

The lotus flower boy sneered and said, "You fake monk, you don't know where you got the monk's skin. Stop talking nonsense, it's not suitable to stay here for a long time, you come with me."

Xue Poye was even more surprised, why did this little girl know that she was a monk in disguise? Seeing her urging, she knew that this place was not a place to stay for a long time, so she hurriedly said: "I still have a horse, I will go with you after I get the horse, and you will wait for me at the foot of the mountain." Then I went into the nearby woods to find it. golden lion.

He was inexplicably rescued by the lotus girl, and he really couldn't figure out her purpose, so it was better to dodge earlier, as an excuse to find the golden lion, and when he found it, he would gallop away. I can only be grateful in my heart.

"Do you have a horse?" The lotus flower boy said lightly, "That's great, I'll go get it with you."

"No, no, I'll go by myself, you just rest here!" Xue Poye didn't want his wishful thinking to be destroyed, if the lotus flower boy followed, he would run away.

The lotus flower boy said coldly: "Don't talk nonsense, don't take me there yet."

Xue Poye knew her martial arts were strong, and he was absolutely no match for him. Unexpectedly, he was coerced by a woman today. It was a difficult time in the world, and he was very wronged. He had to take the lotus boy to find the golden lion.

Walking through the forest, the rain splashed on the branches and leaves, and the already soaked clothes were dripping with rain. Hearing the lotus flower boy sneezed slightly, it was obvious that he had caught a cold. Xue Poye hurriedly said: "Heroine, you Are you sick? If so, go back to the monastery first, and let those monks cook you a bowl of ginger soup, which can dispel the cold. Leave me alone, I can do it by myself, the place you take me to , we will go after you recover from illness."

The lotus girl was angry and funny, snorted coldly, and said softly: "You just talk a lot of nonsense, if you talk too much, I will really pull out your tongue."

Xue Poye pretended to be shocked and said: "No, no, I rely on my tongue to make a living. If I lose my tongue, I won't be able to spit out many witty words. That's a great pity." He smiled and said: " You are a big beauty, you kill people and cut your tongue at every turn, it's too bloody, that's not suitable for you, you should embroider and cut grass in the house."

The lotus flower girl said softly: "How do you know that I am a beautiful woman? To tell you the truth, I am ugly."

"No---yes!" Xue Poye said in a long voice, "A woman with such a good figure like you must be amazing in appearance."

The lotus flower boy followed him, shuttled through the forest, and said lightly: "Oh, so you have been paying attention to my body."

Xue Poye's old face was embarrassing, he said this, hehe, unexpectedly this woman was so forthright, and said awkwardly: "That... hehe... such a beautiful body in front of my eyes, I wouldn't be a man if I didn't look at it."

The lotus girl sighed quietly and asked, "Do you say this to every woman?"

Xue Poye was taken aback for a moment, not knowing why she asked such a question.

He quickened his pace and walked through the forest for a while. Although it was very dark, he still saw the golden lion through the faint light. It stayed quietly in the forest, very calm. Same as usual, with wind and rain, thunder and thunder, unexpectedly neither arrogant nor impetuous, much stronger than ordinary people.

"Is this your horse?" asked the lotus girl.

"Yes!" Xue Poye proudly walked over, stroking the golden lion's mane, which was soaked in rain and wet.

The lotus girl was silent for a moment, then said: "Your horses are better than your people."

After Xue Poye thought about it, he realized that he was scolding himself, that he was not as good as a horse, so he was not as good as a beast, and he didn't know her, so he pulled the horse out of the woods, and the rain was even lighter at this time.

"Only one horse?" The lotus flower boy asked suddenly.

Xue Poye almost vomited blood, he couldn't laugh or cry: "Heroine, do I have to come out alone and bring horses with me?"

The lotus flower girl said: "There is only one horse, how can we ride it?"

Xue Poye laughed and said, "What do you think? You can't ride a horse alone and run underneath it alone." Hastily added: "This is a Beihu BMW. It's so fierce. If it's a stranger, then But you can't teach it."

"You mean I can't deal with a beast!" The lotus flower boy said coldly.

Xue Poye giggled and said: "Of course not, the heroine is so strong in martial arts that even I am afraid of you, so my horse will naturally be tamed by you, but this is not an ordinary horse after all. It's hard to clean up, and you are in a hurry now, so you can't delay here, right?"

"Ah!" The lotus flower boy seemed to be reminded by Xue Poye, and said, "Quick, let's go."

Seeing that she was anxious, Xue Poye seemed to be going to a very important place. She was a little strange and asked, "Where are we going? Is it very important?"

The lotus flower girl said indifferently: "You... you get on the horse, I... sit behind you...!"

Hearing her calm voice, Xue Poye didn't say any more, got on the horse, and saw that the woman didn't seem hostile to him, and didn't know where he was going to take him.

After holding the reins, Xue Poye stretched out his hand, the lotus girl pondered for a moment, grabbed Xue Poye's hand, got on the horse, and sat in the back.

Xue Poye laughed and said: "Hold tight, this horse has a strong temper, don't let it throw you off."

The lotus flower boy sneered, but still hugged Xue Poye's waist, and approached him, Xue Poye immediately felt two soft lumps leaning towards him, rubbing against his back, which was very comfortable.

Just now I saw the tall and plump breasts of the lotus flower girl under the tights, now when I approached her, I almost cried out in delight.

With a flick of the rein, the horse was urged forward, and the golden lion spread its hooves and galloped forward.

The freshness in the forest is mixed with the muddy smell in the rain, and it is indescribably pleasant. Xue Poye feels that one of the biggest benefits of coming to this era is to suck in such a fragrant breath all the time.

But it's strange to say that although the body fragrance of a woman exuding from the body of the lotus flower girl is faint, it is extremely elegant, not only that, but there is another kind of smell mixed in that fragrance, which is quite pungent, it seems to be some kind of potion, Xue Poye was puzzled: "Could it be that this little girl is afraid that others will smell her scent and remember her fragrance, so she sprayed her body with water to cover up the scent that can't dissipate?"

The horse is galloping, but Xue Poye's mind is fluttering, and the two soft but extremely elastic chests are rubbing against his back, even a man will feel extremely comfortable.

"If you think wildly, I'll kill you...and your horse...!" The lotus flower boy approached Xue Poye's ear and said softly.

Xue Poye smelled the fragrance she blew out, and he really responded to the sentence "exhale like blue".

"Heroine, you are too confident, you know what I'm thinking?" Xue Poye sighed, pretending to be wronged: "I have always kept myself clean, and although my moral sentiments are not noble, I am also very loyal. Are you insulting my personality by saying that?"

The lotus flower girl burst out laughing and said, "Are you still loyal? If you were loyal, there would be no romantic people in the world." After speaking, she sneezed again.

The clothes of both of them were soaked, Xue Poye knew that the lotus girl must have caught a cold.

"I... I'm a little dizzy...!" The lotus girl leaned forward completely, resting her forehead on Xue Poye's shoulder.

Xue Poye returned his hand and touched her forehead which was not covered by the mask. In the cold rain, she felt a little hot, and said in surprise: "You have a fever. You... you are so skilled in martial arts, can you get sick too?"

Damn, it's too exaggerated to have a fever so soon after being drenched in the rain.

"I... I am not made of iron, I have martial arts but also a body of flesh and blood...!" The lotus flower boy said angrily: "I am most afraid of rain...!"

"Afraid of rain?" Xue Poye was very surprised. He had heard that people were afraid of ghosts and fire, but he had never heard of anyone who was afraid of rain.

"En...!" The lotus flower girl hummed lightly.

Xue Poye felt that her body seemed to be weak, and said anxiously: "You are really sick, I will take you to the hospital."

"No!" The lotus flower boy said decisively: "Someone is waiting for me there, hurry up."

Xue Poye urged the horse to speed up, and the lotus girl put her arms around his waist, hugging him very tightly, as if she was afraid that Xue Poye would leave in a short while.

Abandoning Sunflower Boy and the others, but bringing himself out to meet someone, Xue Poye was extremely puzzled and couldn't figure out the key point.

The lotus flower girl pointed to the road, and Xue Poye ran wildly in the direction she pointed, passing through the woods, crossing the small river, and even inserted into a reed bush. After an unknown amount of time, he gradually walked to a remote area.

There is a small lake in front of it. The surface of the lake is splashed by the rain. From time to time, fish jump out of the water, draw a beautiful arc in the air, and then fall back into the water.

"Carp jumping over the dragon's gate!" Xue Poye murmured in his heart, the rain had slackened for a while, and it seemed that it was not enough, and it started to fall again. Looking at the situation, it seemed to be another torrential rain.

Running along the small lake, I saw a faint black shadow appearing in front of me in the hazy drizzle.

The horse passed by, but it was a small thatched hut. This place is extremely far from the urban area. It was unexpected that there was such a small lake, and there was also a thatched hut by the lake.

"It's here...!" The lotus flower boy heaved a sigh of relief: "It's here."

"Oh!" Xue Poye reined in his horse and said: "This is the place, it's very good, it looks like the rain is going to get heavier and heavier, we just went in to shelter from the rain." Then he said: "By the way, didn't you say Is there anyone waiting for you, there seems to be no one in this room." After finishing speaking, he straightened the lotus flower boy, rolled over and got off the horse.

The lotus flower boy seemed to be struggling, and said softly: "He may be delayed, you... you help me down...!"

Xue Poye wondered: "You don't even have the strength to dismount?"

"Hurry up... don't talk nonsense... I'll kill you...!" The lotus girl's delicate body was limp, lying on the horse's back, her clothes were soaked, the tights outlined her graceful body like a portrait, beautiful in the rain, sexy and enchanting, black The clothes were close to the skin, revealing the white and tender skin like snow.

Xue Poye laughed and said: "You can't even kill an ant now, and you want to kill me a big man, you really like to joke!" Seeing that the lotus boy's body is weak, he really has a fever, so he stretched out his hand without hesitation. Hug, the lotus girl said anxiously: "You... don't touch me...!"

Xue Poye said helplessly: "It's not that I want to touch you, but if I don't touch you, how can I help you down?" Shaking his head, he pretended to say: "You should know that I have never been close to women, and I am upright. It will take advantage of people."

The lotus girl spat and said: "Ghosts will believe... you... you come and help me in...!" Obviously agreed that Xue Poye came to hug her.

The corners of Xue Poye's mouth turned up, and he stepped forward to embrace the lotus flower girl. When he touched her body, he immediately felt amazing elasticity. Every piece of skin in her body seemed to contain strength, and he could even feel the strength trembling, so that the body had Different from the tenacity and elasticity of ordinary women, it is unbelievable that such a woman would be wetted by rain.

Supporting her back with one hand and her tight and round buttocks with the other, he lifted her off the horse and carried her into the house.

"You... your hand...!" The lotus flower child screamed from inside the house.

Xue Poye's voice came out shamelessly: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I took it as a steamed bun and squeezed it accidentally, don't take it wrong, I've always been just and awe-inspiring, punishing evil and promoting good... ouch... don't hit...! "

"Shameless...!" Lotus Flower Tong scolded.

The house was in chaos.