The Road to Kill the Gods

Author: 罗霸道

Latest: Chapter 525

Status: Completed


Genres: Urban, Fantasy

Tags: killing machine  magical 

A dirty and wretched young man encountered a mysterious big explosion while working during the summer vacation. This explosion gave the young man the knowledge and memory of dozens of world elites. He changed. His heart became cold and changed. Get iron blood and become like a killing machine. His thinking has turned into a machine, an extremely meticulous machine, and everything is within his calculations! A magical and murderous world opened the door to him...

一个龌龊猥琐的年轻人在暑假打工的时候,遇到了一次神秘的大爆炸,这次爆炸,让少年拥有了数十个世界精英的知识记忆,他变了,他的心,变得冷酷,变得铁血,变得如同一个杀人机器。 他的思维,变成了一台机器,一台缜密无比的机器,一切,都在他的计算之中! 一个神奇而杀戮的世界向他敞开了大门……

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