The Road to Kill the Gods

Chapter 128: The deep love between father and son


The fright this time was more serious than the last time he was stared at by a sniper. You know, where the sniper is lurking, at least Zhang Yang knows, and has a little bit of psychological preparation, and is even very sure that the other party will not fire. Guns, and now, the five gunshots just now were too sudden and unexpected, without any warning signs. wWW.QUanbEn-xIAoShUo.cOM

Zhang Yang was making crazy calculations in his head. Looking at the ground that was riddled with bullets in the moonlight, Zhang Yang was already sure that the five shots just now were fired from the second floor of that building.

Looking at his watch, Zhang Yang felt a little anxious, because if the sniper really moved from the shooting position of the gap to this place, there would only be nine minutes left, and from here to the upstairs, even if there is no No matter how hard it is to run wildly, it still takes three minutes...

"Liu Biao, there is no time. Wait for me here. Remember to take my bag when you leave... Be smart..."

As soon as Zhang Yang finished speaking, he threw the backpack he was carrying outside...

"..." Three more shots were fired, shooting around the backpack.

Sure enough, just as I had guessed, this was not a killer, or even a gunman. His shooting skills were terrible. If he were a real killer, he would never have fired five shots in a row at the beginning. He just threw a backpack. The other party actually fired three shots. A good killer would never waste every bullet. Just like the killer he met at the gap at the beginning, he only fired two shots.

In his thoughts, Zhang Yang's body ran wildly in the alley following the sound of gunshots hitting the ground. The running route took on a snake shape, and afterimages appeared behind him. At this time, Zhang Yang had no reservations. His body The potential has been maximized. And from behind, I saw Liu Biao, who was like a wisp of smoke, with his mouth wide open and a look of disbelief on his face, grandma. Why didn't this guy take the first place during the school sports meeting


The bullet made a violent cracking sound when it hit the cement floor. Obviously, the quality of the cement floor was not up to standard or it was aging.

Zhang Yang counted the number of bullets, ran with his body high, and started shooting five times. When he threw the bag, it was three shots. He fired three shots just now, so to speak. The other party had fired eleven shots.

Is it a domestically produced 92-type 9mm pistol? The gun has a double-row magazine supply and a capacity of 15 rounds. It can be equipped with a laser sight and a muzzle silencer.

The pistol is composed of bolt assembly, shooting assembly, magazine assembly, grip assembly, barrel, barrel sleeve, recoil spring, recoil spring guide rod and coupling seat. It is not only light in weight, but also simple in structure... This kind of gun is very popular among some killers because of its large ammunition capacity.

Zhang Yang slowed down his running pace.

Sure enough, as Zhang Yang expected!

The other party seemed to think they had seized the opportunity, so they swept away again, but it was a pity. The opponent's shooting skills were so bad that some bullets actually left his body as far as ten meters away. Zhang Yang believed it. If this person doesn't aim, he may pose a great threat to him, and he may still have a chance to hit him. However, the other party has no such idea. He fires so intensively just to kill him.





When the last shot was fired, the gunfire seemed to pause. Zhang Yang was immediately sure of this pause. This was a Type 92 9mm pistol. However, this made Zhang Yang very confused. Since the other party was able to pause, it meant that this person also knew a lot about firearms. If it is really the first time someone comes into contact with a gun, it is impossible to remember how many bullets are in the magazine under such violent shooting conditions.

Why, Zhang Yang was confused, it seemed a bit unreasonable

However, doubts remain doubts. At this time, Zhang Yang had already arrived under the bell tower. His body flew towards the bell tower like lightning. As long as the other party is really not familiar with guns, he is sure to get to the ancient bell tower before the other party changes the magazine...

certainly. All calculations have errors, but Zhang Yang has no choice now. If he doesn't capture the bell tower, Liu Biao will not be able to come over. Moreover, the killer with the sniper rifle must be on his way. That is the real danger. characters.

The door of the bell tower has been severely damaged. There is no paint on the wooden boards, only the peeling and cracked wood skin. The bell tower is actually a hollow hole on three sides, which is just a shelf with a door on one side, probably to prevent the clock from falling. After being stolen, Zhang Yang didn't hesitate at all. At this time, he couldn't tolerate hesitation and kicked the small wooden door suddenly.

With a loud bang of "Peng!", the wooden door was kicked to pieces by Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang's body relied on the inertia and rushed in. The blade in his hand exuded a heart-stopping light under the moonlight. Zhang Yang's whole body was filled with murderous aura. Either the enemy died or I died!


He was furious and stunned when he saw a trembling old man. The old man was holding a 92-type pistol in his hand. His hand was trembling desperately, and he was holding a magazine in his other hand. He desperately tried to stuff the pistol inside, but unfortunately, his trembling hands couldn't stuff it in no matter what.

Is this the shooter

Zhang Yang had a slight misunderstanding, and at this time, the old man who was desperately stuffing the magazine seemed to be desperate. He stopped stuffing the magazine and stared at Zhang Yang closely.

Looking at the old man's trembling hands, Zhang Yang understood why those bullets couldn't hit him. It shouldn't be a pair of hands holding a gun.

Suddenly, just when Zhang Yang was about to ask, an extreme danger spread in the space. This dangerous aura was so close that he could almost feel it. Zhang Yang's body suddenly rushed towards the old man, his movements were like wind and lightning. , the machete flashing with a sharp and cold light was placed on the old man's neck.

"Let him go!"

A stern young man held a sniper rifle in his hand. The heavy sniper rifle seemed weightless in his hand. It was as steady as a mountain and did not move at all. The muzzle of the gun was pointed at the old man. At this time, Zhang Yang's whole body was bent. Behind the old man, only one eye was exposed.

Obviously, the other party is the paranoid killer!

This is definitely an excellent killer, calm, steady, and meticulously calculated. Zhang Yang doesn't understand why such an excellent killer would choose such a bad old man as his partner

Of course, Zhang Yang didn't have time to think about this at this time.

"Put the gun down and I'll let him go!" Zhang Yang stared closely at this young man with a cold and expressionless face. He didn't dare to be careless. In fact, he didn't even dare to blink. He wanted to Observe his murderous intention from the young man's eyes. Eyes are the window to the human soul. Whether it is evil or pure, it will leak out from that window. The only difference between people is that it is difficult for others to detect people with deep intentions. , however, there are still clues to be found.

The young man shook his head, with a determined look on his face, and the sniper rifle in his hand was still pointed in Zhang Yang's direction.

"Otherwise, would you like to retreat first?"

"No!" The young man said firmly.

Suddenly, Zhang Yang discovered that it was now a dead end just like in the alley. He didn't dare to kill the old man, and the young man didn't dare to shoot, and neither of them gave in.

"Kuang'er, let's go, leave me alone, they are very powerful, let's go quickly..." The old man's voice was hoarse and trembling, and Zhang Yang's blade pressed against his neck, which had pierced the skin and shed blood.

The young man looked at the old man and shook his head expressionlessly.

"Kuang'er, he is also a killer. He is the real killer. You are no match for him. Leave quickly. I am just a dead man and I am tired of living. Leave quickly..." The old man's anxious appearance and words showed.

"No matter how powerful he is, I will never abandon you, you are my partner!" The young man's eyes lit up after hearing the old man's words, but in the end he shook his head.

"Kuang'er... I know... I was the one who dragged you down, I was the one who hurt you, I didn't listen to you anymore... If I only fired one shot, they wouldn't dare to rush up at all. You go, I'm old, I can't do it anymore , I am no longer a killer... I will take the first step..." The old man burst into tears. Zhang Yang, who was standing behind the old man, felt his heart tightening. He felt the old man's will to die.

"No!" the young man said sternly: "There is no reason in this world for a son to abandon his father and run for his life!"

"Father..." The old man was about to wipe his neck with Zhang Yang's sharp machete. He suddenly stopped after hearing the young man's words, and stared blankly at the young man opposite him with a pair of cloudy eyes.

"Yes, you will always be my father, not my master, and not my partner!" The young man was obviously not good at words, but every word he spoke made people feel a certain power.

"Kuang'er, it's enough for me to hear your words. You can leave. After you leave, stop being a killer. Find a wife and have a child. You are not suitable to be a killer..." The old man looked pleased. (Quanben Novel Website