The Road to Kill the Gods

Chapter 136: track


"Go back to the provincial capital!" Zhang Yang said. ww w.qu an be m

"Go back to the provincial capital... Where is Maimaiti?" Liu Biao immediately realized what Zhang Yang was thinking.

"It's hard to say, but we don't have the slightest target now, and no matter where we go, we will encounter endless pursuit. Since we are being hunted, why not turn our backs and settle it once and for all. As long as we kill Maimaiti, what kind of rewards are there? The hidden flowers will be cancelled, and even if they are not cancelled, some people will not work so hard."

"But, we can't trace Maimaiti's whereabouts."

"They can track us, and we can track them. Big figures like them are easier to track than ordinary people like us. It's just that they stay in the best hotels, drive the best cars, fly on planes, etc. , there are still a number of bodyguards following, and the target is much bigger than us, but I am a little worried now..." Zhang Yang said thoughtfully.


"According to the information obtained, Maimaiti is suppressing the Communist Party. Although he is a man who accepts both black and white and commits all kinds of evil, he plays a very important role in Xinjiang. Therefore, we must also see clearly, if he None of his subordinates can suppress the evil forces, we are really in a dilemma..." Zhang Yang sighed.

"This... what should we do?"

Liu Biao couldn't help but scratch his head. Liu Biao never considered himself a good person, but he regarded himself as a fanatical patriot. Generally speaking, those who like to read online novels have an extreme spirit of patriotism. It is not an exaggeration to describe them as angry youths.

Liu Biao's slogan once was. "Why am I an angry youth? Breaking the law?!"

In fact, generally young people who understand history and have received patriotism education have some ideas of angry youth. The difference is that some express it strongly and some express it implicitly. In terms of patriotism, men are much stronger than women in this regard. Women tend to have a stable family, which is enough for them.

Liu Biao Zhangyang has never denied that he is an angry youth, but their theories of angry youth are different. Angry youth do not necessarily want to boycott Japanese or French products. The current world economy has become globalized, and boycotts can only hurt each other. After all, consumers will think about price and quality when purchasing, and will not reject Japanese or French goods. If the quality and price are the same, I believe that, Ninety-nine percent of Chinese people will choose products from their own country.

Producing products that Chinese people trust is the root cause for Chinese people to support domestic products. It's impossible for Chinese people to buy and eat poisonous milk powder in order to support domestic products even though they know clearly that Sanlu milk powder is poisonous, right

Strength does not depend on boycotting, but on learning advanced technology and management experience. Boycotting will only create monopoly giant companies such as petroleum, petrochemicals, electricity, and mobile phones. Such monopolies are beneficial to the country, but they are not beneficial to the people. , just as global oil prices plummeted by two-thirds in the early years. Domestic oil has been belatedly dropped by a few cents. At this time, I believe that all Chinese people hope that Japanese, French and American oil companies will enter the Chinese market...

The road to a strong country is useless relying on angry youths, and it is useless relying on some elites. It depends on the efforts of every Chinese!

Closing the country is not the way to a strong country. While opening up the market, we must occupy the market. Obtaining advanced technology and management experience from the market economy, naturally, it is not difficult to recreate the glory of the Han Dynasty.

After Zhang Yang learned about the importance of Maimaiti's identity as a young monk, the first thing he thought of was the role Maimaiti played in Xinjiang. The country's powerful organs are not decorations. Since they can tolerate Maimaiti, a Xinjiang native, becoming more powerful. Naturally it has its meaning.

If Maimaiti is killed rashly, a power vacuum for underground forces in Xinjiang will definitely be created. If those ** minutes take advantage of them, then they will really become sinners for the ages.

This is an irreconcilable contradiction. Maimaiti wants to kill them, but they have all kinds of scruples in killing Maimaiti. Let’s not talk about the powerful force behind Maimaiti. Just the status of Maimaiti in Xinjiang This makes it difficult for Zhang Yang to choose.

"Now, when we want to evade pursuit, we also need to investigate some of Maimaiti's human resources, including his men and his son. If he has a suitable successor who has the same political philosophy, then we You can kill Maimaiti without hesitation!" Zhang Yang said. What if he doesn't have a suitable successor? Then won’t we be hunted by him forever? "Liu Biao was a little depressed. This was the most useless thing he had ever encountered. His enemies were chasing him all over the world, and now he had to consider whether to kill his enemies or not.

"Of course there is a way. If we can't kill the other party, then we must replace his power and then kill him!"

"Replace him, kill him..."

Liu Biao stared blankly at Zhang Yang's domineering face. He once again suspected that Zhang Yang was a person from the future who had traveled through time.

"Come on, get in the car, I'm not from time travel."

"Ouch... Brother Yang... I don't have as good recovery power as you..."

As soon as Zhang Yang saw Liu Biao's dull expression, he immediately knew what was going on in his head and pushed Liu Biao's wound with a fierce palm. The pain made Liu Biao jump away as if he had been electrocuted...

The two of them changed trains again. They didn't dare to take the train or take a taxi. After several counterattacks in a row, the other party must have taken precautions. Now, Zhang Yang and Liu Biao could only take that kind of short-distance bus, stopping one stop at a time. closer to the provincial capital.

Zhang Yang and Liu Biao have been in Changsha for half a month. This half month has been calm. The death of a few people last time seems to have had no impact on this city with a population of nearly 10 million.

Indeed, it is common for a few people to die in a city with a population of nearly 10 million, and no one will pay attention. No matter how good the public security is, people die every day for various reasons.

Murder, car accidents, robberies, illness, drug abuse, the fighting of underground forces... In a city, it would be a miracle if no one died on that day. No matter whether it was a dead high-ranking official or a dead beggar on the street, it would not have any impact on people's lives. It will cause impact, you still have to eat what you need to eat, you still need to sleep when you need to sleep, the earth will not stop rotating because of the death of a certain person...

In the past half month, the two of them had monitored almost all the luxury hotels in the entire provincial capital, but found nothing. In fact, the two of them even took those high-end villas to monitor with binoculars, but still found nothing.

No one in particular!

Nothing special!

There is no special fleet either…

All signs indicate that Maimaiti has left the provincial capital. If a big shot like Maimaiti is active in the provincial capital, it is easy to find him. First, he must entertain friends, hold parties, or inspect some of his entertainment industries. , however, Zhang Yang and Liu Biao visited almost all entertainment venues and found no trace of his activities.

The past few days have been a torture for both Liu Biao and Zhang Yang. They really want to go to Noble City, but they dare not go. Aunt Yan made it clear last time that she and Maimaiti know each other. If you still go to Noble City now, it will definitely cause some conflicts between Aunt Yan and Maimaiti.

Although Zhang Yang judged that Aunt Yan would not be afraid of shopping, Zhang Yang still did not want to cause unnecessary trouble to Aunt Yan.

"I'm exhausted, Zhang Yang, this is not the solution. We have searched almost the entire provincial capital these days and still can't find him. In fact, we can't find him even if he hides in a hotel... You see, the ten of us I wore out three pairs of shoes in many days..."

When Zhang Yang and Liu Biao walked to a relatively grand entertainment city, Liu Biao sat on the flower bed. They now walk at least dozens of kilometers a day.

"Well, if we stay in the provincial capital for a few days and then leave here, we can't just sit back and have nothing." Zhang Yang took out the peach stones in his mouth. He and Liu Biao never dared to throw away these two things. In this provincial capital, they knew each other. There are quite a few of them. If you are not lucky enough, there will be a crazy pursuit.

"Hmm, if I stay in this place any longer, I'll die. If I'm still hiding like this, I'd rather be caught by him. After one shot, I'll be done with it. It's much better than wandering around on the street all day." ... I'm hungry... It smells so good... I'll grill some mutton kebabs later..." Liu Biao stood up and walked towards a Xinjiang kebab stall in the entertainment city.


Zhang Yang's eyes lit up as he watched Liu Biao walk to the barbecue grill under the street lamp next to the entertainment city. He actually forgot the most important piece of information the little monk told him.

Maimaiti controls the national kebab market!

Maimaiti controls all the sales channels for local specialties in Xinjiang!

Eighty percent of those who come out of Xinjiang to work with Maimaiti to make ends meet...

Only then did Zhang Yang realize that he had made a stupid mistake from the beginning. The targets of his pursuit should not be those hotels and entertainment venues at all. Xinjiang people are very united and xenophobic. They hardly interact with the locals, just like the world Like Chinatowns everywhere, Xinjiang people have their own gathering places across the country and rarely live together with locals... (Quanben Novel Network