The Road to Kill the Gods

Chapter 139: Strategy


Of course, this only refers to ordinary fighting masters. A real master can judge the position of a person's sword. No matter how fast you are, he only needs to wait. Therefore, the masters who cannot compete with the boy here refer to ordinary masters. As a master, Zhang Yang believed that even if this young man had a speed of a hundred dollars per second, he would not be able to defeat the master he met in the park last time. wWW.QuANbEn-XiAoShUo.cOM

Because, he had no chance to get close to the opponent, and the disparity in strength was too great, and there was no comparison at all.

In fact, Zhang Yang is sure to deal with this young man. His speed is fast, and Zhang Yang is not slow either. Although Zhang Yang's speed cannot be compared with this young man, Zhang Yang's computational thinking ability is more rigorous. He can do it in the lightning and flint. He could quickly tell where each young man's sword was coming from, and all he needed to do was wait...

"Let's go!" The young man waved to a few people squatting on the ground, pulled out the sheets, and a brown sheet covered the body.

The squatting people glanced at the young man with grateful expressions, wrapped the body in a sheet, and then wrapped it in a quilt to prevent the blood from soaking and dripping on the ground. After that, they didn't even lift the body's head. Went back.

"You want to kill Alimu?" Zhang Yang said with a smile when he saw several people carrying the body away.

"What can you do?" The young man's eyes lit up.

"Well, let's not talk about that for now. I want to know, how do you feel about your boss?"

After Zhang Yang saw the young Kuai Dao, a crazy and bold plan began to slowly form in his head. Judging from the initial meeting, the boss here had a deep hatred for that Alimu, but the boss here seemed a little afraid. Alimu, who was supported by Maimaiti, did not dare to fight head-on, otherwise, he would not be killed and brought to his lair.

"He is not my boss." A cold light flashed in the young man's eyes, and a violent aura overflowed.

"Then who is your boss?"

"Abdu. Brother Chun!" The young man said every word. It seemed that he valued his Brother Chun very much.

Brother Chun, amazing! Zhang Yang was overjoyed. I vaguely heard this name during the meeting just now, because it seemed to be that very strong young man. It seemed that my plan was one step closer again.

"Someone is coming." Liu Biao, who was standing at the door, said suddenly.

"Brother Chun..." The young man named Aze walked to the door, took a look, and shouted quickly.

"Yeah. You're not hurt, are you?"

It was the man in the meeting, about twenty-seven or eight years old, with sharp features and a figure that rivaled Liu Biao's. Seeing this tall and powerful man, Zhang Yang suddenly had the urge to want Liu Biao to fight him. impulse.

If in ancient times Liu Biao and this man must have been pioneers and fierce generals on the battlefield.

"It's okay, Brother Chun, you're injured too." Aze looked at the big man's shoulder and saw a deep wound on his shoulder. It hadn't been bandaged yet, and a jacket was half soaked in blood.

"It's okay, it's just a minor injury. Who are these people?" Brother Chun glanced at Zhang Yang and Liu Biao. When he saw Liu Biao, his eyes couldn't help but light up. Liu Biao was laughing, and he didn't know why he was laughing. I don't know when, this guy actually hid the gun.

"... I... don't know..." Aze was stunned and said, "But if it weren't for their help, Amu wouldn't have been killed by me."

"Amu is dead?" The man looked shocked and surprised. He seemed to have some surprises and some regrets.

"Well, I killed him, but one of his arms was chopped off before." Aze said.

"Who chopped it off?" Brother Chun subconsciously glanced at the sharp machete stained with blood in Liu Biao's hand.

"Uncle Biao chopped it off. He was very arrogant in front of our Brother Yang. Uncle Biao was very unhappy, so he chopped off an arm to teach him a lesson." Liu Biao said with an arrogant smile.

"Well, he is a man. I didn't expect that the first man under Ali Mu was easily defeated. If it weren't for your help, Azze would not have been able to kill Amudi. Thank you."

How does Brother Chun know? Amu was forced by Zhang Yang's pistol to have his arm chopped off by Liu Biao.

"It's easy to talk about." Liu Biao's face was thicker than the corner of the city wall. Naturally, he would not tell the true situation.

"Haha, we look familiar to each other. It seems that we are destined to be together. Alimu came for a sneak attack today, but unexpectedly he ended up hurting himself here. Haha, okay! Our eldest brother is upstairs, why don't we invite you two to come up and talk about it? "Brother Chun invited warmly.


Just when Liu Biao was about to refuse, he knew that Zhang Yang immediately agreed. Liu Biao couldn't help but be stunned. This was a tiger **. Although these guys didn't know them, the boss might have seen their photos. This one just now Brother Chun said it looked familiar, and he had probably seen the photo of Maimaiti’s reward.

Of course, it is impossible for ordinary people to recognize Zhang Yang and Liu Biao. After all, the photos of Maimaiti Nong were all taken by them in school. The photos are completely different from the current people. After recent hardships, the two of them have long been gone. When I was in school, it was impossible to rely on a photo if I wasn't familiar with it.

"Please!" Brother Chun smiled.

"Well, you guys go up first and I'll have a few words with Aze." Zhang Yang waved his hand.

"Good job!" Brother Chun patted Aze on the shoulder, greeted Liu Biao warmly, and the two of them walked upstairs.


"Huh?" Aze was looking at Zhang Yang, a little uneasy. The eyes of this young man, who was not much older than himself, seemed to have magical powers, making him feel like he had no secrets.

"My surname is Zhang and my courtesy name is Yang. Just call me Zhang Yang." Zhang Yang said with a slight smile.

"Zhang...Brother Yang..." Aze hesitated for a moment, but after all, he still didn't call Zhang Yang's name.

"I only have one thing to say to you." Zhang Yang smiled.

"What words?"

"Today is the best opportunity to kill your eldest brother's eldest brother. If you kill him, you can kill Alimu!" Zhang Yang whispered in Aze's ear.

"ah… "

Aze looked at Zhang Yang in surprise. Although he only recognized Brother Chun as his boss, he had never thought of killing Brother Chun's boss.

"Let's go and think about it."

Zhang Yang patted the young man who was muscular but not tall and walked out first. At the end of the corridor, Liu Biao and Brother Chun were chatting happily. It seemed that the two of them were very attached to each other.

"Please...Aze, hurry up..."

Brother Chun called out to the young man in the distance, but he didn't appear at all. The young man was lost in his thoughts, his face was uncertain, one moment he was filled with murderous intent, and the other he was hesitant.

Zhang Yang was on the second floor, and he heard painful and suppressed humming sounds all the way up. It seemed that this raid had also dealt a serious blow to them.

Zhang Yang has always wondered why people in Xinjiang fight with each other without alerting outsiders. Today he discovered the real reason. In fact, the people in Xinjiang are mainly Han, but most of the people doing business across the country are Uighurs. These Xinjiang people who are doing business outside have almost no contact with the locals. If anything happens, they have to deal with it themselves. Even if someone dies, they have to deal with it themselves. Across the country, almost no Xinjiang people have reported a crime. This is a fact.

In the corridor, from time to time, people encountered serious injuries and were sent to the hospital. Among them, there were actually many women... Everything was very quiet and quiet, making people suspect that the raid just now was an illusion.

Finally, we arrived at the seventh floor.

Obviously, the opponent's raid encountered strong resistance before it reached the seventh floor. Of course, the biggest reason was that there was an iron door on the stairs of the seventh floor. Obviously, this iron door was the main reason that prevented the opponent from reaching the seventh floor. .

There were several tough Uyghurs waiting behind the iron gate. When they saw Brother Chun coming, they all nodded and opened the iron gate with great respect. It was obvious that Brother Chun was quite influential.

After reaching the seventh floor, Zhang Yang felt Aze striding up to catch up with him, with a cold look on his face. Apparently, he had made up his mind.

Zhang Yang smiled slightly. This was the result he had expected. From the young man's martial arts practice, it can be seen that he is a strong-minded person. Moreover, this is also a young man with terrible ambitions. It can be seen from his lack of respect for Brother Chun's boss that this young man has already buried ambitions in his heart.

The boss who asked the boy to kill Brother Chun could drive a wedge into Maimaiti's influence. It can be imagined from the fact that Maimaiti favors Alimu. Neither Aze nor Brother Chun is very fond of Maimaiti. Of course, the most important thing is that Aze's brother died at the hands of the Japanese forces, which eliminated the possibility of the Japanese forces interfering with Brother Chun's influence. Now, it’s up to Aze!

This is a suite with simple decoration, which can even be described as simple. Compared with the rooms on the second floor, the only difference is that it is much cleaner, the walls have been painted, and although the furniture is not luxurious, it is still comfortable and refreshing.

A tall, thin middle-aged man was sitting on the sofa, smoking a cigarette. His face was ashen, and he seemed to be in a bad mood. (Quanben Novel Network