The Road to Kill the Gods

Chapter 147: The real road of Jianghu


"Okay, I'll go with you. If I know which of you will start work first, I'll find him!"

Aze's eyes flashed across the faces of a group of drivers. The eyes of the group of drivers seemed to be stabbed by needles. Aze's light tone was full of oppression. WWW.QuanBen-XiaoShuo.COM

This was a naked threat. If it were the beginning, no one would take Aze's words to heart. However, the situation is different now. Aze's cruel performance just now made every driver terrified.

Aze handed the belt knife to the old policeman and stepped into the police car very cooperatively. A group of policemen couldn't help but wipe their sweat. For the police, what they fear most is this kind of calm suspect. Often violent criminals are easier to control. , and this calm suspect is more destructive.

The old policeman glanced at the group of gangsters with low eyebrows and snorted heavily. Generally, these gangsters have something to do with them.

The old policeman was a little angry. This was the second time the police were dispatched to this place today. For the police officers in charge of the divisions, this would affect their assessments such as professional titles and salaries at the end of the year.

"Be honest, you bunch of losers!"

A group of gangsters keep silent. The police and gangsters are friends and natural enemies. Even an ordinary policeman is equivalent to a local emperor in the eyes of gangsters, unless he is the kind of gangster who is particularly open-minded. In the eyes of the police, ordinary gangsters are There are no human rights.

After the old policeman helped the ambulance get some injured people into the car, he sent two policemen to follow the hospital to take notes and then sounded the siren and left.

After seeing the police leave, the group of gangsters breathed a sigh of relief. It was a great honor not to take them away. No one wanted to go to the police station, let alone people like them who were full of stinking smell.

Soon, someone made another call. After some chattering, several gangsters gathered around to discuss it. They seemed to choose a gangster who looked more stable and sat behind the shabby desk.

"Check out, check out, start work immediately after checking out!" The more steady gangster first opened the account book and took a look. After roughly counting the money in the drawer, he shouted to a group of onlookers.

A group of drivers, look at me, I see you hesitated for a moment and didn’t even walk over. The boy’s warning just now is still fresh in my mind. Whoever checks out first at this time will naturally get out of the car first. The boy must have been the one after he came out of the police station. Find the first exit point. lei

"What's wrong! You don't want the money anymore?" the gangster slammed the table and stood up angrily.

The drivers looked at each other. If they said they didn't want the money, it would be a lie. It was just that no one wanted to take the lead.

Just when everyone was hesitant, suddenly, a young man walked over from a distance. The young man is about 1.78 meters tall and a bit thin. They may have fair faces, but everyone has a very special feeling, as if. This young man could get violent and hurt someone at any time.

The young man looked cold. Walking to the desk in the work shed, he gently opened the items wrapped in newspapers in his hands. Several gangsters who were standing behind the desk retreated. It was a sharp crescent-shaped machete, and the machete shone brightly. Heart palpitating metallic sheen.

"!" With a sound, the sharp machete struck the table.

The air was extremely heavy and oppressive, as if it had reached the critical point of burning. Everyone's eyes fell on the young man.

"If you don't see my brother come out tomorrow, you will stop working on this construction site!"

The young man's calm voice made people believe. If those two people really don't come out tomorrow, he will definitely take revenge at all costs. After the first two lessons, a few gangsters don't dare to act rashly. They have a feeling. Feel it. This young man is more difficult to deal with than the first two, which is like the instinct of animals.

Many people don’t trust their intuition. However, intuition is indeed a thing, and it has a certain scientific basis.

Intuitive understanding is actually the sixth sense of human intuition. Intuition is like the air in nature. When you want to catch it, it will disappear without a trace. When you don't care, it will give you unexpected surprises and surprises like a stroke of God.

Intuition emerges from the logical thinking mode of the left hemisphere of the human brain. It can quickly identify, keenly and deeply penetrate into things, new phenomena, new problems and their relationships that suddenly appear in front of them, provide direct essential understanding and comprehensive overall judgment. In short, intuition is one of human instinctive perceptions.

Human beings are the most sensitive to danger.

Obviously, this young man gave people a feeling of extreme danger. That feeling spread like air and was all-pervasive. The guy at the beginning was just arrogant and ferocious, and the one with the knife was just murderous. Only this young man gave him a sense of extreme danger. Everyone has a different feeling, that is, extreme danger, as if this danger has invaded their bodies and nerves from the pores...

After Zhang Yang finished speaking, he took out the machete, wrapped it carefully, and then slowly left the construction site.

No one dared to move, no one even called. The young man's every move and every move put a heavy pressure on people. It wasn't until he disappeared that people let out a long breath.

Some drivers have already begun to leave secretly. They are not afraid of not getting the transportation fee. As long as the construction site starts, they will be able to get it. Now, it is better to wait until the construction party solves the trouble. Chinese people have a habit of not being able to stand out. idea.

"What should I do?" The gangster sitting behind the desk was a little confused. He was originally a small gangster. He usually followed the pillars to show off his power and could not get on the stage.

"What can we do? Brother Dao's construction site earns at least tens of millions, and we can't get even a few. We can't fight for him. It's not worth it." A young gangster said.

"Yes, yes, what happened is that we rushed to the front, and he made the money all by himself. So many brothers were picked on their hamstrings just now. Although medical technology is advanced now, it is equivalent to a useless person who cannot do physical strength. Even if he is alive, Brother Dao will not care about him for the rest of his life..."

Everyone was talking about finding a way out for themselves, and they seemed to be very dissatisfied with the knife brother.

This is the difference between superiors and inferiors. A true superior will consider far and far away, while some inferiors consider three meals a day. The living environment is different, and the results of thinking about problems are definitely different. These The gangster never thought that without Brother Dao, they wouldn't be able to see even hot pots, let alone drink soup...

"I think it's better to report the matter to Brother Dao. Lao Ba and Zhu Zhu have both entered the hospital. They are responsible for the earthworks here. We are just running errands. Now many people have entered the hospital... The police have also intervened. Already…”

"What a report. Do you still need us to report it? The police must have informed Brother Dao a long time ago." A gangster interrupted.

"That's right, come on, we can't start work today..."

Zhang Yang was naturally unaware of the discussion among the gangsters. He was waiting for his target. Liu Biao and Aze were causing trouble to delay time, mainly to attract a target.

I don’t know if it’s Ma Pihu or Ruffian Cai

Zhang Yang couldn't help but smile, the target appeared...

Not far behind Zhang Yang, there were two luxury cars slowly following Zhang Yang. Slowly, another car came and stopped twenty meters in front of Zhang Yang. Two big men got out and waited for Zhang Yang. The car behind was still more than ten meters away from Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang squeezed the newspaper-wrapped thing in his hand, and a cruel sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth. He remembered some of the old man's words.

"In City Z, as long as you don't kill people on the street, there's no need to be afraid!"

"It's very simple to be a gangster. Those who have money will fight for more money, and those who don't have money will fight with their lives. If you don't have anything now, just fight with your life!"

"If others are cruel, you should be more cruel than others. If you are afraid of wolves in front of you and tigers in the back, you will not achieve great things. You have to make everyone who knows you be afraid of you, and everyone who knows you will be afraid when they hear your name, no matter it is Be fearful of your partners or your enemies, except, of course, your friends.”

"If you want to rise to the top, stop making friends for the time being. If you make friends, how do you replace them? People are all animals with emotions. To achieve great things, don't be emotional."

"Zh City, there are three major forces. This combination has been formed for many years. It's too chaotic. The general and I support you. If you can't take Zh City in a month, you can find a wife in the deep mountains and old forests. Forget it for the rest of your life."

"No money? If you are given money to replace them, what is your ability? Since it is a martial arts world, follow the rules of the martial arts world. When you really enter the martial arts world, you will find that making money is really easy..."

"Well, I'll wait for you for a month. One month later, go to Beijing with me. Someone wants to see you. Wang Yan is also waiting for you. She wants to see you, but she doesn't know your identity. Don't tell him. If she knows you You and Maimaiti are enemies, haha... Things are very troublesome. You can't kill Maimaiti, but she can be killed. You are a man, you should rely on yourself, not on women, that's it, go ahead!" (Full version) Novel Network