The Road to Kill the Gods

Chapter 153: First partner


Brother Jiu put the phone to his ear blankly, and actually forgot to put it down. w ww.q ua n ben.c om

The complexity of the matter has far exceeded his expectations. Brother Ninth had never thought that there would be something wrong with Mr. Li in China. Hearing Mr. Li's accent just now, he was very sure that there was nothing he could do!

Is there an opponent who wants to attack him

"Brother Ninth, do you want to meet that person just now?" a bodyguard whispered.

"See you!" Ninth Brother said decisively. The atmosphere is very popular, and most of them are working people eating here. The hall is very crowded, and the sanitary environment is very poor. However, the atmosphere is very lively, with steam rising and the aroma overflowing.

Zhang Yang, Liu Biao, and Aze were sweating profusely while eating hot pot with sliced meat.

"Zhang Yang, do you think Brother Ninth will come?"

Liu Biao took a piece of fat meat and put it in his mouth. He chewed it until his mouth was full of oil. He saw that Aze frowned. Aze was very strange when eating. He liked to chew slowly and eat very carefully. He ate very carefully, as if , those grains are as if they are alive.

When Aze eats, he never wastes a grain of food, even a grain of rice and a glass of water. When Aze drinks water, he never drinks it in big gulps, but drinks it bit by bit, and he never drinks a lot of water at once.

Once Zhang Yang asked about it, he realized that Aze and his brother had been to a desert area. In that desert, food is life, and even a drop of water is very precious. After that desert trip. Completely changed Aze's living habits.

Zhang Yang didn't know what the desert looked like, but from the expression on Aze's words, he could imagine that the desert was definitely not as quiet and beautiful as the golden carpet in the landscape pictures. Behind the beautiful scenery, there was a cruelty that devoured life.

"He'll come, if he's smart. He'll come, of course. If he's stupid, there's nothing I can do about it."

Zhang Yang took a sip of tea gently, his movements very particular. The change in publicity comes from the words of the old man, the old man said. A superior. You must pay attention to every detail of life, even if you are eating, drinking, or moving, you must make others feel that you are exuding your own temperament. This is a kind of leadership temperament, not a disguise. It must be natural. So, you must remember it in the future. If you want to do great things, you have to learn a lot of things and pay attention.

Zhang Yang doesn't need to study, he just needs to strengthen his memory about etiquette and temperament. lei

"I'm here, I'm not stupid. So. I'm here." Brother Jiu gently pulled out a chair and sat on it, in front of him. There was a pair of bowls and chopsticks, and it seemed that the young man had already prepared them for him.

Zhang Yang smiled and said nothing.

"Well, it tastes good, haha, I haven't eaten in a place like this for a long time. I like this atmosphere very much." Brother Jiu picked up the chopsticks, picked up a piece of pork belly and stuffed it into his mouth to chew. "Okay, good man!" Liu Biao raised his thumb and laughed.

"Ah... ahem... what a good man?" Ninth Brother was praised by Liu Biao for no reason. He couldn't help but blushed and coughed.

"If I can eat meat, I am naturally a hero. Didn't you see that the 108 heroes in Liangshan are all the masters of eating meat in big chunks and drinking from big bowls!"

"..." Ninth Brother sweated profusely. He didn't expect that he just ate a larger piece of meat and got such praise.

Both Zhang Yang and Aze couldn't help but blush. Liu Biao had his own set of standards for how he behaved. He believed that a person who could eat big chunks of meat and drink a big bowl of wine could not be that bad no matter how bad he was. At least, he was a person. A generous and loyal person.

Of course, both Zhang Yang and Aze sneered at Liu Biao's theory.

Brother Jiu ate patiently and never mentioned the phone call. His two bodyguards stood far behind, looking out of place in this restaurant. After all, their crisp suits and ties were not suitable in this hall. Appear.

Finally, after finishing the meal, Ninth Brother raised his hand gently and bought the order. Zhang Yang didn't say anything, just waiting for Ninth Brother to ask.

After just a few dozen minutes of eating, Zhang Yang discovered that there is something special about a successful person. For example, Brother Jiu is very patient. Even if he is anxious now, he can still eat quietly. After the meal, I can even pay for the dozens of yuan meal naturally. In this world, success is not accidental, only inevitable. Jiu Ge's ability to gain a foothold in China's entertainment industry has proven his ability. It can be said that this industry is more complex than any other industry and involves a wide range of social aspects. If people who are established in this industry say they don't have some ability, that's pure nonsense.

"I want to take over all Brother Dao's territory in Z City." Zhang Yang went straight to the topic without any nonsense.


The atmosphere at the dinner table became solemn. Brother Jiu frowned. A person he had never seen before suddenly told a boss of the entertainment industry that he wanted to take over all the underground forces of Brother Dao in Zh City. This was simply a joke. , However, Brother Ninth knows very well that this is not a joke, this is a very serious topic.

Obviously, it was because Brother Dao had affected his career.

There was a long silence. Brother Dao has been following Brother Ninth for many years. Although Brother Ninth is not a gangster, if we say he is a real gangster, he is a gangster. Brother Dao is just a thug of a local force. Under Brother Ninth’s Below, figures like Brother Dao are all over China.

The biggest dream of a local power is to find a big brother with a background and career like Brother Ninth. To put it bluntly, everyone gets what they need. Although Brother Ninth is amazingly powerful, his business is spread all over major cities. He cannot Everywhere has to be taken care of. Naturally, he also needs figures like Brother Dao to charge into battle for him.

It is obviously morally unacceptable to abandon Brother Dao at this time. However, he is a businessman, a businessman values profits and is moral. How much is he worth per pound

"Are you sure?" Finally, Brother Ninth spoke.

"Haha, this is my problem. If I can't do it, with your ninth brother's ability, it won't be a problem to find ten or eight sword brothers." Zhang Yang said with a smile.

"Haha, what ability do I have? The bar has been closed down, I don't know..." Brother Ninth was most concerned about this young man's background.

"Just take it as a few days of rest."

"Okay, that's it!"

Hearing Zhang Yang's words, Brother Jiu immediately decided. Obviously, the bar was closed down because of Brother Dao. All the targets were Brother Dao and had nothing to do with him. Since the other party was powerful enough to seal down his bar, Brother Dao had already It's not something he can keep. Brother Ninth doesn't want this muddy water. Obviously, this muddy water has already involved the upper class. Brother Ninth is not stupid, but also very smart. He guessed it from Mr. Li's attitude.

"Happy cooperation! Zhang Yang."

Zhang Yang stood up and the two held hands tightly.

"Liu Biao!"


"Brother Ninth!"

There are no unnecessary words, and all unnecessary words are nonsense. This is just a verbal agreement, and the agreement only restricts Ninth Brother not to show his position to others for the time being. How to do it in the future depends on his true strength.

Now Ninth Brother really wants to see how these young people can take over all Brother Dao's territory.

Not only do underground forces have a political background, they can do everything. The two must be combined to be effective. Brother Dao's power in Zz City cannot be beaten to death with a stick just by having a political background. What's more, the dog is in a hurry. To jump over the wall.

"Zhang Yang, do you think Ninth Brother will play any tricks and tell Brother Dao about us?" Liu Biao asked Zhang Yang while looking at Ninth Brother who got into the car and left.

"Haha, it doesn't matter. If he told us, we would be just an enemy like Brother Duojiu. I think there will be many people in Zz City who would be happy to see Brother Jiu fall. However, Brother Jiu is a smart man. Smart people don't He would do such stupid things, so we don’t need to worry. What we have to do now is to get rid of Brother Dao and Mapihu as soon as possible. We don’t have time. Ten days have passed and there are still twenty days left. These two In ten days, we must kill the three largest forces in Zh City!" Zhang Yang's eyes shot out with a sharp look.

"Why a month?" This was the first time Liu Biao heard Zhang Yang mention a month.

"Because I have an agreement with someone."

There was a hint of emptiness and mist in Zhang Yang's eyes. He kept thinking, who is that ordinary old man

Why can he influence the politics of Z city

"I will provide you with all the political support. In one month, no matter what means you use, you can win Zh City!" This was a promise the old man made to Zhang Yang.

A smile appeared at the corner of Zhang Yang's mouth. He was also very curious about the old man's identity, so he decided to play a big game to see how capable the old man was.

The worst thing is, just run away again! (Quanben Novel Network