The Road to Kill the Gods

Chapter 162: Jianghu Road


Seeing the three people walking out of the doorway, Brother Dao suddenly felt like he was hopeless. Brother Dao had always thought that he was a strong-willed person, but he didn't expect that his nerves were so fragile. Fragile. wWW.qUAnbEn-xIaosHuo.cOM

Men who look strong on the outside are actually very fragile on the inside. Brother Dao is not afraid of death, going to jail, or even losing everything, but he is afraid of being defeated. Everything about him is built on his lightning-fast sword.

As long as he has a pair of hands and a knife, Brother Dao believes that no matter how down he is, he can prosper.

Indeed, Brother Dao has also done it. He is nearly forty years old and was imprisoned at the age of fifteen. In the past twenty years, he has spent almost half of his time in prison. Every time he comes out of prison, Dao Brother was able to regroup in a very short period of time.

In fact, this is what Brother Dao is praised for in the world. It is precisely because of this that the gangsters in Zhicheng all regard Brother Dao as their role model and idol.

Now, Brother Dao has been defeated, and Brother Dao's myth has been shattered.

Brother Dao was suddenly at a loss. If he didn't mix, what could he do

Should he continue his career as a chef? However, Zhang Yang's head stuck out from the broken door.

"No agreement, canceled..." Brother Dao looked blank.

"Haha, Brother Dao, you are Brother Dao from Zh City. No one can replace you in Zh City. I will proceed according to the original plan and I will wait for you!" Zhang Yang smiled and disappeared from the doorway.

Brother Dao!

I'm Brother Dao!

Brother Dao's eyes were a little hollow, as if the word "Brother Dao" had already left him.

There was silence in the warehouse, and more than 300 big men looked at each other in shock.

"Let's all disperse..." Finally, Brother Dao spoke, with a frustrated look on his face.

No one moved. More than a hundred men looked at Brother Dao silently, and no one made a sound. No one left either.

"Let's break up and let's go our separate ways. Brother Dao, I'm getting old." Brother Dao's body suddenly became a lot more rickety. Still no one left.

"Why don't you leave?" Brother Dao, who lowered his head in thought, looked up at a group of tough men in astonishment.

"Brother Dao, I would like to say a few words on behalf of the brothers, can you?" A gangster who looked more mature came out from the crowd.

Brother didn't raise his head, and gently stroked the kitchen knife that had followed him throughout the war.

"Brother Dao. Do you know what your brothers admire you for?" the gangster said cautiously.

Brother Dao didn't look up. He shook his head gently, it no longer meant anything to him, he was a man, a man who was once strong, but now, he is very fragile, and Zhang Yang completely tore up his pride and his capital. "Brother Dao, what you admire among the brothers is not the fighting, but the unyielding spirit of Brother Dao. Brother Dao has had many ups and downs in his life, but Brother Dao has never admitted defeat. Brother Dao's force is not important. It is important. The most important thing is Brother Dao’s spirit. We are all gangsters, and we may not understand those big principles. We only know that no matter how many twists and turns Brother Dao encounters, Brother Dao is still Brother Dao... "

"The young man just said it was right. There is only one Brother Dao in Z city, and no one can replace Brother Dao. Brother Dao may withdraw from the world due to age, but Brother Dao's influence is unmatched. I know Brother Dao is very unhappy, because Brother Dao lost today, but if he loses, he loses. There is nothing special about it. The important thing is that you have to get up when you fall. Brother Dao has fallen before, but not always. Are you scared?"

"In Zh City, who dares to confront Brother Dao head-on? Both Ma Pihu and Ruffian Cai are rich and powerful, but how many brothers do they have? Anyone who follows Brother Dao knows that Brother Dao doesn't have much money. Why? Are you still willing to follow Brother Dao? It’s not just Brother Dao’s golden sign. To say flattering, Brother Dao, the name Brother Dao is no longer just you, Brother Dao. It already represents a spiritual symbol. You have to remember, Brother Dao is not fighting alone. Behind you, there are thousands of brothers. You are not alone! Maybe you don’t know many of the brothers, and you have not benefited them. However, as long as you call, you can immediately make Zh city turbulent. , what kind of pimply tiger, ruffian Cai and the others are going to run away after hearing the news... "You are not fighting alone... These words sound familiar..." Brother Dao's brows suddenly frowned.

"Ahem... This... This... I don't have much education. I just learned it from the QQ group online..." the gangster said awkwardly.

"..." Brother Dao was speechless.

"Brother Dao, I just want to tell Brother Dao that we brothers will not give up Brother Dao just because Brother Dao wins or loses. Even if Brother Dao loses, Brother Dao is still our Brother Dao. As long as Brother Dao doesn't die, we will all I believe Brother Dao will stand up!" Another gangster stood up and said.

"Yes, Brother Dao, brothers support you. In fact, Ma Pihu and Ruffian Cai are rich and powerful. Why don't they dare to force Brother Dao? To put it bluntly, they are just afraid of your perseverance, Brother Dao. In Zh City Who is not afraid of Brother Dao? Even when Brother Dao is in prison, he can still make clouds and rain with his hands. We all know that Brother Dao has a good face and loyalty, so he doesn’t save much money. In fact, if Brother Dao If you really want money, just ask. Who among the rich people in Zh City dares not to give face? Brother Dao can become a billionaire overnight. It’s just that Brother Dao doesn’t bother to do so. I’m sure many people will flatter Brother Dao. It’s too late!” Another gangster stood up and said with pride. The tongue opened up.

"Haha, the eloquence of the brothers seems to have improved today?" The gloominess on Brother Dao's face slowly faded away, and the smile was obviously uncomfortable. Brother Dao, look at the brothers, who doesn't have a few scars on his body? , if Brother Dao thinks this way, wouldn’t there be no gangsters in Zhicheng? ! "

"Hahaha... That's right. I am Brother Dao. I am the only Brother Dao. There will not be a second one. Well, thank you brothers for your support. Brother Dao will not fall, never."

Brother Dao laughed loudly, so proud that his rickety body suddenly became upright again.

"Brother Dao, what should we do now?" The gangster immediately asked a very practical question. Although the gangsters are showing loyalty and not abandoning Brother Dao, the prerequisite is that Brother Dao will not fall and can give them something. Eat in one bite.

"Call all the brothers. Since you want to play, let's play a big one. Let the word go out. My brother Dao will call all the brothers today. Remember, as long as there is a reason to follow my brother Dao, and those who worship my brother Dao, they will all Notice, in addition, those who come are my Brother Dao’s friends, if they don’t come, they are my enemies!”

"Let's gather together at eight o'clock in the evening and be on standby. I will inform everyone!"

After Brother Dao said a word, he smiled wildly and walked out of the doorway, leaving more than three hundred sturdy men looking at each other.

Is Brother Dao crazy

This question is swirling in everyone's head. Ever since Brother Dao debuted, there has never been such a call to summon all the gangsters in Zh City. This is an extremely shocking statistic.

Of course, what shocked the gangsters the most was what Brother Dao said: Those who come are friends, and those who do not are enemies. This sentence includes many neutral forces. This sentence is too strong of gunpowder.

"Brother Niu, what big thing does Brother Dao want to play?" A gangster asked another gangster.

"How do I know?" Brother Niu seemed to be thinking about this question as well, and replied angrily.

"Brother Dao said he would summon all the people in Zh City. Does that include people from surrounding counties and towns?" the gangster asked, not giving up.

"Since we are going to play a big game, the more people, the better. Aren't you talking nonsense? Well, there are only more than four hours until eight o'clock in the evening. Everyone should inform their subordinates as soon as possible. Brothers in the countryside should also mention Guys, hurry up and leave, don’t delay Brother Dao’s important event.”

"Well, Brother Niu!"

"Okay, Brother Niu,"

More than 300 people hurriedly ran to a pile of boxes under the wall of the warehouse to find their clothes. It was already very cold in late autumn, and many gangsters' mouths were turned blue from the cold. When they were putting on clothes, a group of people who had just attacked each other with knives The gangster who was full of admiration for him immediately developed a deep resentment towards Brother Dao.

It's such a cold day, what kind of clothes should I take off for a show

Isn’t this just looking for fault

After getting dressed, many gangsters immediately started picking up the phone to summon their brothers and friends.

The warehouse became a vegetable market... Just as the phone calls in the warehouse were in full swing, Zhang Yang and Liu Biao Aze had already returned to the rental house. Of course, they were still very cautious when going home, for fear of being followed. (Quanben Novel Network