The Road to Kill the Gods

Chapter 164: Bullying


There are many kinds of gangsters. w w w .q u a n b e n .c o m

Those who wear strange clothes, have tattoos all over their bodies, dye their hair in colorful colors, and wear as little muscle as possible. Most of these gangsters are graduates and current students who have just made their debut. They have no ability, but they want to be different. , being shy in his pocket, he can only do these gimmicks to attract attention.

The other type of gangster is of a higher class, is more well-dressed, and likes to show off. Even if dinner is not yet available, he will spend all his money on buying a pack of good cigarettes to decorate his appearance. Although this kind of gangster has no ability , but he has a wide circle of friends and a few contacts, so he can be regarded as an old gangster who has been around for a while.

There is also the boss level. Of course, it is not a boss like Brother Dao, but a boss in his own gang. He has a group of people under him. This kind of gangster has a certain financial ability, and it is natural to be pompous. , I usually don’t carry anything, and if I have a wallet or something, I have to let my younger brother Ma Zai hold it. However, most of these gangsters are just mixed up. They are so ambitious. They want everything they see others have, even if they need a loan, they want to buy a car. , Of course, this is understandable. The most despised thing about a gangster of this level is that he likes to get a thick gold necklace and wear it around his neck, just like a nouveau riche wearing a dog chain.

When it comes to the first categories, we have to talk about characters like Brother Dao. Brother Dao relies on killing to get to the top. Therefore, people like Brother Dao are very real gangsters. People like him have established a certain psychological status in many people. Prestige, many things do not require his intervention, and others have to give face to anyone he arranges for.

Brother Dao is already the embodiment of terror in the eyes of ordinary people. When many people heard that he was one of Brother Dao's subordinates, although they spoke tough, they were frightened in their hearts.

Having reached the point like Brother Dao, there is actually no need to kill him. His influence alone is enough to handle things.

Undoubtedly, Brother Dao is the gangster among gangsters and the big brother among gangsters. but. There is also a kind of fake gangster to mention here, such as Ma Pihu and Ruffian Cai. They have never spent a day among gangsters. However, the business they run is related to gangsters, so they will know each other. Many gangsters will also raise a group of first and second type gangsters, and then hand these people over to the third type of gangsters to lead them.

Actually. They are not real gangsters. It is more appropriate to describe them as gangsters, which I would like to explain here. There is an essential difference between gangsters and underworld. Many gangsters do not come out to make a living, some do it for fun, and some do it for excitement. Some of them yearn for the days when they are big brothers.

And the underworld gangs. Generally, they have certain financial resources and are highly organized.

Of course, Brother Dao is actually a gangster, but he is different from Ma Pihu and the others. He went from being a real gangster to his current position. Therefore, Brother Dao has become the idol worshiped by all gangsters.

No matter what kind of gangster they are, they all have a few things in common, or they are unruly. Either his eyes are higher than his head, or he has a look of disdain, or he has the best expression in the world...

And most of the people Zhang Yang meets on the street now are this kind of people, chatting with each other. They don't seem to know each other.

It was this expression of mutual ignorance that made Zhang Yang very confused.

Did something happen in Z city

The most surprising thing for Zhang Yang is. There were so many clearly armed gangsters that some armed police patrols did not arrest anyone. However, Zhang Yang immediately understood that there were too many of these gangsters, they came too suddenly, and the police force was not enough. If they were arrested, it would probably cause chaos. After all, these were not individual gangsters, but a large group. There are large groups of gangsters. Obviously, the police now mainly serve as a deterrent to prevent the gangsters from acting rashly.

Moreover, Zhang Yang was even sure that if all of these gangsters were caught, the entire prison and detention center in Zz City would not be able to accommodate them.

"What should I do?" This was the first time Liu Biao saw so many gangsters with him, and he was a little panicked.

"Act according to the original plan!"

Zhang Yang gritted his teeth. Today was the day he had made an appointment with Mapihu. If he didn't seize the opportunity, it would be impossible for him to bring the underground forces in Zhicheng under his control in the remaining days.

Whether it succeeds or not, it’s today!

"Will Brother Dao come?" Aze suddenly asked.

"have no idea."

Zhang Yang shook his head. Now, Brother Dao has become a key figure. Without Mao Yunhua, Zhang Yang can be sure that Brother Dao will definitely be fooled. But now, Brother Dao already knows that the matter is no longer under Zhang Yang's control.

However, whether he comes or not, Zhang Yang is already on the verge of riding a tiger and is now on the verge of death. He has no choice but to do so!

Now, Zhang Yang really hopes that Brother Dao will be the legendary man who never gives up.

Target: Bathing in Red Coral Sauna

This is Brother Dao’s place. This is a large-scale leisure club that integrates entertainment and fitness. In Zh City, Red Coral is considered a top entertainment consumption place. It not only has a series of sauna bathing projects, but also fitness massages. Billiards, bowling and other entertainment activities.

It is said that before Mao Yunhua came to Zh City, the owner of Red Coral Entertainment City was the biggest boss behind Brother Dao.

This season, this time, is the most popular time for sauna bathing. There is a lot of traffic at the entrance of Red Coral Entertainment City, and the pink neon light shines on the face, making it look like a drunken person.

"Let's not scatter. Remember, smash!"

The three of them walked directly to the third floor. Zhang Yang did not make excuses to cause trouble like he did at the bar. Instead, he chose the most direct and primitive method, smashing all the way from the third floor to the first floor!

Whether Brother Dao comes or not, the fate of this red coral has been decided by Zhang Yang!

Brother Dao is here. He doesn’t know if he is a friend or an enemy, but Zhang Yang is sure that if Brother Dao doesn’t come today, then the two of them will become mortal enemies!

After Zhang Yang shouted, the three of them immediately took action. The sharp blades scratched across the wallpaper, leaving shocking traces. The tea sets and tea leaves on the bar counter were thrown to the ground, and the bar counter was kicked over by Liu Biao.

Various lamps and furnishings in the hall were smashed to pieces by the three of them like the autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves. The precious calligraphy, painting and porcelain were scattered all over the floor like garbage. Some fabric sand and leather sand were also scratched out by three sharp blades. The sponge inside…

Zhang Yang's mission is very simple. It doesn't have to be damaged to that extent, as long as it is damaged to the point that it cannot be restored in a short time.

When the three people started smashing, the hall had not yet reacted, but fierce resistance began immediately. The young waiters immediately moved flower pots, chairs, and ashtrays and began to attack Zhang Yang and the three...

However, this momentum was immediately suppressed by Liu Biao. As long as anyone had an object in his hand, Liu Biao would definitely chase and kill him. He would not let go until he slashed the opponent's hand a few times. Soon, the sound of smashing things started to change again in the hall. There were screams and blood splattered, like hell on earth.

The three of them didn't pause and smashed directly from the third floor to the second floor, and then to the first floor in one breath.

Now, time is life. If one end gives the other party a breath of relief, whether they can escape or not is still a question.

Liu Biao is most familiar with things like smashing things. This thing is all about speed. You have to retreat before your opponent can react and the police arrive. Otherwise, you will be in big trouble! Quite early on, didn't Uncle Biao often do such dirty things just for a cigarette or something? Now, it’s just a matter of getting back to the old business!

After a burst of smashing, the three people immediately ran out of the door. Fortunately, at this time, there were many customers getting off the car at Red Coral. After all, the consumers did not know that Red Coral had been smashed into a mess. The three quickly Got into a taxi and fled.

However, even though the three of them were executing Hitler's Blitzkrieg, Azer still suffered some minor injuries. An ashtray hit his head and blood flowed to his neck.

"Are you okay?!" Zhang Yang asked.

"It's okay." Aze gently wiped the blood on his face with a tissue, and suddenly said lightly to Liu Biao beside him: "Thank you!"

"Well... Hehe, we are partners. If you are injured, I will naturally have to avenge you."

"Yes, we are partners!" Aze nodded with certainty.

Liu Biao's face turned red and he was a little embarrassed. Zhang Yang looked at the two of them and couldn't help but smile. Although he was slashing like crazy just now, he had eyes and ears in all directions. Aze was hit by an ashtray just now. At that moment, Liu Biao immediately caught up with the young master and slashed the young master on the arm...

"Brother driver, No. xx, xxx Street, don't drive so fast." Zhang Yang looked back at the back of the car. Now, Brother Dao must be given time to react. (Quanben Novel Network