The Road to Kill the Gods

Chapter 167: Taihe's War Sticker


"Ma Pihu, do you know why I haven't done anything to you all these years?" Brother Dao stared closely at Ma Pihu on the wooden platform. w w wq u a n b e nc o m

"Brother Dao, no... I don't know..."

Ma Pihu is not a real gangster, and has almost never rushed to kill. Although he has the same status as Brother Dao, his power is entirely due to money. He lacks Brother Dao's decisive killing, and his momentum is naturally incomparable. Fight against Brother Dao, who rose to the top through hard work from the bottom of society.

"Because, I know you have a foreign power background. Of course, this is only one of the reasons. Brother Dao wants to do things without so many scruples. The main thing is that this city is big enough to support you and me. I have never touched you. , because although you have money, power and background, you have never used your background to put pressure on me. Of course, I also know that you disdain, you disdain to use your power to suppress a rough guy like me. Haha, now you finally can't hold it in any longer, I know, because behind me there is a boss with a net worth of billions, and you are beginning to be afraid, afraid that I will start to deal with you when I grow stronger... "

"I don't..." Ma Pihu's confidence was very low. It seemed that he himself felt a little lack of confidence and his voice was weak.

"Haha, you dare to say not? What can you hide from me in Z city?" Brother Dao laughed and said: "The Japanese arrived at Zz city at three o'clock in the afternoon the day before yesterday. That bear-like European They arrived this morning, and they are all staying at the Heyue Hotel. I would like to ask, did your brother Hu call them all the way here just to ask them to come to Z City for prostitution?"

Ma Pihu wiped the sweat from his face again. Seeing Ma Pihu's embarrassment, Zhang Yang couldn't help but feel ashamed for this man. He didn't even know how he got to the top

"I'm Ono Taro. I didn't come here just for you. You're not worthy!" The Japanese looked at Brother Dao with a cold face. What everyone didn't expect was that the Japanese actually spoke fluent Chinese.

"Hahaha... I don't deserve it... Who does?" Brother Dao laughed.

"General!" Ono Taro still looked blank.

"General..." Brother Dao looked confused. There seemed to be no gangsters nicknamed General in Zhicheng, so he naturally didn't expect it. The general the Japanese talk about is a real general.

"General!" Zhang Yang was also shocked and asked, "What do you want from the general?"

"You don't deserve to know."

"I think you can't find him because he is no longer in the gZ military region. If it's not a secret, I can tell you!"

"Well, in that case, I'm sorry to bother you, but I'll tell you, Your Majesty the General. Mr. Dahe will be waiting for the General at Mount Fuji on Tomb Sweeping Day next year, fulfilling the promise made eighteen years ago!"

"The agreement made eighteen years ago?" Zhang Yang was stunned.

"Give this to the general, he will understand." The Japanese walked down the wooden platform with a blank expression, and respectfully took out a red gold-gilded post from his body. "Yes. I will tell you the truth!"

Zhang Yang nodded. He was full of curiosity about the general, and now, Zhang Yang's curiosity became stronger. What agreement would a Chinese general have with a Japanese? and. It was the agreement made eighteen years ago. In modern society, with advanced communications, it is impossible to make agreements that last for decades or even a lifetime as described in martial arts novels.

Battle sticker!

Suddenly, Zhang Yang tensed up because he saw two big black words on the red post. The two words "War Post" were particularly eye-catching.

Who else in this world is qualified to challenge General Stuttering

Seeing this battle post, Zhang Yang felt an inexplicable palpitation in his heart. The word "war sticker" was written with a brush, full of a sense of killing. Obviously, the Japanese who dared to challenge the general was a very mentally strong person who could express his thoughts through handwriting. This is enough to explain the problem.

It seems. There are some unknown secrets hidden in the world of martial arts, at least. Before Zhang Yang inherited those memories, whether it was the strange man in the park or the stuttering general, they were characters he could not imagine.

Undoubtedly, there are many general-like figures in this world, but ordinary people don't know about them.

Of course, there is another possibility that these people rarely interfere in ordinary people's affairs, so ordinary people have no way of knowing the existence of these people.

While he was expressing his thoughts, Brother Dao interrupted his train of thought.

"Haha, it turned out to be just a lackey who reported the news." Brother Dao also saw the word "war sticker" and laughed immediately.

"I am willing to be Master Dahe's dog!" When Dahe's name was mentioned, Taro Ono looked respectful and pious.

"Okay, that dog in Dahe will be left to be slaughtered by that general. As for your dog, I'll handle it myself to see if I'm worthy or not!" Brother Dao took a step forward with a maniacal smile on his face, his murderous intent clearly revealed.

"You dare to insult Master Dahe?" Ono's pious look suddenly became fierce and cruel.

"I'm insulting dogs, no! Comparing you with dogs is an insult to dogs. Dogs still know how to be loyal, dogs still know how to repay kindness, and dogs still know how not to bite their owners. You, as dogs, are all Not worthy!"

As Brother Dao spoke, he glanced at Ma Pihu intentionally or unintentionally, with a look of disdain on his face. For a Chinese gangster, he has a subconscious dislike for the Japanese. This kind of disgust is deep-rooted and no longer needs a reason. In fact, this is also the reason why Japan's Yamaguchi-gumi can cultivate power all over the world, but can never find a spokesperson in mainland China.

Obviously, the appearance of this Japanese person indicates that the Japanese have intervened in Ma Pihu's background.

Ma Pihu didn't dare to look at Brother Dao and kept wiping the sweat from his face. He suddenly regretted letting this Japanese appear here. Even if he shows up, at least he can't take the katana. Ono Taro had a ferocious look on his face. He didn't speak any more, and slowly walked down from the wooden platform. His arms moved slowly. Slowly, the cold light in the scabbard was like a stream of autumn water, icy and bone-chilling.

This is an extremely sharp knife!

"This knife, called Dragon Slaying, took three months and seven days to make. It was made through water beating, small cutting, making a burning platform, accumulating weight, accumulating boiling, turning and tempering, core iron tempering, edge making, plain extension, and cutting. , Fire-made, Burn-in, Conjunction, Blacksmithing, and Qieming forging, forged with seven battles and seven wins, since you want to die, then come on!" The Japanese slowly distanced themselves from Brother Dao.

"Brother Dao, let me do it." Zhang Yang stared at the sharp samurai sword and said softly to Brother Dao beside him.

"Haha, no need. Since you call me Brother Dao, you know what kind of person Brother Dao is." Brother Dao smiled faintly at Zhang Yang and took a step forward. Full of determination to move forward.

"My knife originally had no name. Now, let me make a temporary one, um, Dog Slaughter! From now on, this knife will be called this name!"

"What a name!" Aze suddenly applauded.

"Hahaha, yes, what a good name..." Brother Dao was stunned, glanced at Aze, and laughed up at the sky.

Suddenly, Brother Dao, who was laughing, stretched out his hand holding the kitchen knife, and his body actually walked over like the Japanese...

Zhang Yang couldn't help but sweat. Obviously, this Japanese is a master of swordsmanship. If he and Aze are allowed to take action, Zhang Yang feels more confident. Although Brother Dao's sword is as fast as thunder and lightning, Brother Dao has no master at all. , His sword skills were basically explored by himself, just like Aze before.

This kind of sword technique may not be a problem against a few gangsters, but it will be a bit difficult to deal with a master of sword art who has learned systematically.

After all, this Japanese master is probably on the same level as the general. If he is really the disciple of a person of the general's level, Zhang Yang doesn't think Brother Dao will have any chance of winning.

Zhang Yang felt helpless.

He couldn't stop Brother Dao's challenge. Brother Dao had the character of a character in a martial arts novel. When he clearly had all the advantages, he actually gave the opponent a choice of "single combat" or "group fight". If it was Zhang Yang, It was very likely that the order had been given a long time ago, and all the guns and swords and sticks were deployed.

It's a pity that Brother Dao is Brother Dao, Brother Dao is not Zhang Yang, and Zhang Yang is not Brother Dao. Therefore, Brother Dao had thousands of brothers standing outside, but he was holding a kitchen knife and fighting an inexplicable Japanese.

Perhaps, this is the reason why no one in Z city can replace Brother Dao!

Zhang Yang sighed... Since it can't be stopped, let's just watch the battle!


Brother Dao's body tightened. Almost at the same time, the Japanese raised the samurai sword on his chest and started to tighten his body too!

Within a distance of less than fifteen meters, the two of them rushed like crazy!

This was definitely a ground-breaking blow. Looking at the cold samurai sword, Zhang Yang felt like the pores in his body were being squeezed. This Japanese has such a strong mental power.

Brother Dao’s knife is too short!

It was only then that Zhang Yang discovered a very serious problem. Undoubtedly, compared with the samurai sword, the kitchen knife in Brother Dao's hand seemed a little too small... (Quanben Novel Network