The Road to Kill the Gods

Chapter 169: Brother Dao’s trick!


Brother Dao’s character is unyielding!

Brother Dao’s style is to never give up!

Brother Dao's sword is a sword that he has learned by himself and gained from experience in countless battles. w wW\QuanBeN-XiaoShuo\c om

Suddenly, Taro Ono felt a boundless pressure, which came from mental pressure.

Notaro's pupils were constricted, it was such a strong mental pressure. This man has not studied martial arts and is nearly forty years old. He actually has such strong mental pressure. This man's talent is terrifying! If you have someone to guide you since you were young, your future will be limitless...

Notaro couldn't help but feel a little lucky. If this person could meet Master Dahe's guidance, even the three Ono Taro would not be his opponent.

It's a pity that Brother Dao has no one to guide him. He doesn't have Zhang Yang's adventures, Liu Biao's stupidity, and Aze's luck.

Even as a waiter, Liu Biao could inherit the memory and thinking of several people. Liu Biao could win the favor of a young monk even when he played backgammon. Aze could actually get personal guidance from an admiral. Brother Dao spent half of his life in In prison, he spent half of his time as a gangster. It must be said that Brother Dao was able to achieve what he is today entirely due to his own talent and hard work.

There are a lot of talented people in this world, but there are very few who can truly tap into their talents and use them to become talents.

Brother Dao's movements were very slow, and his body was getting closer to Ono Taro little by little. There seemed to be an intriguing mockery in his eyes, mocking Ono Taro for overestimating his capabilities...

Looking at this look, Ono Taro felt inexplicably irritable.

Undoubtedly, Brother Dao's momentum dispersed through sweat glands is much stronger than that of Ono Taro. Although Brother Dao does not know martial arts, Brother Dao is the leader of the truly powerful sect. Although Ono Taro is good at martial arts. However, he never took power, let alone gave orders. This is a huge gap, just like the gap between Brother Dao's martial arts and his.


Brother Dao shouted loudly, his body was like an arrow leaving the string, and he suddenly swung his knife and charged wildly. The kitchen knife actually drew two-color shadows in the air. One is the edge of the blade, which is silvery white, and the other is the black blade, which looks like a gray curtain in the air.


The echo of metal on metal. This time. There was not a ball of sparks, but a flash of fireworks. Apparently, the long and short weapons had passed by...

At this moment, in the flash of lightning, Zhang Yang suddenly had an extremely strange feeling. He believed that Brother Dao's move must have a certain meaning, because. Brother Dao's kitchen knife does not have a hand guard. If the weapons are rubbed apart, it is easy to hurt your fingers.

Brother Dao can't be so stupid!

This was just Zhang Yang's thinking for a moment, and the results came out immediately.

At the moment when the weapons were staggered, Ono Taro's katana suddenly floated away as if without any force. The katana that was supposed to cut off Brother Sword's finger suddenly and inexplicably lost its center of gravity...

"Ah..." he screamed. Brother Dao's kitchen knife hit Ono Taro's chest like a thunderbolt. Even though Ono Taro retreated in time, he was still scratched with a bloody groove. When the war started, Ono Taro took off his purple suit and wore a white shirt. Now, the shirt was immediately stained red with blood, making it extremely bright and eye-catching.

What happened

Zhang Yang and Aze were both stunned. They didn't understand why Taro Ono suddenly lost his focus.

Zhang Yang's brain was frantically calculating the flash of lightning just now, like a slow-playing movie, the moment when the long sword and the kitchen knife intersected. According to the trajectory of the samurai sword, it was impossible for the samurai sword to suddenly float away. .

Suddenly, Zhang Yang’s eyes lit up!

He understood, he finally understood why the blade of the kitchen knife was irregular. It was because the kitchen knife itself was irregular.

Zhang Yang's brain is comparable to a computer. His guess is good. Brother Dao's kitchen knife is specially made because the kitchen knife does not have a hand guard. If you fight with others, two situations will occur. First, the enemy's weapon will follow the blade and slide down. The wooden handle of a kitchen knife. Second, the enemy's weapon slips into your hand.

Whether it is first or second, this is absolutely impossible.

Therefore, Brother Dao put a lot of effort into this kitchen knife. He thickened the back half and added two ripples in the front. The enemy's weapon at one end followed the kitchen knife and slid down. When it encountered the first ripple, it would When the hand jumps, the person will definitely hold his weapon tighter and attack harder at that moment. Then, at this time, he encounters the second ripple. The arc of this ripple is much larger than the first one. When the force of the impact is increased, the ripples will lead the weapon outward. At this time, the attacking enemy's body will temporarily lose its center of gravity...

Although the time is short, it is enough for a person like Brother Dao who wins by speed!

People discovered that Taro Ono's wounds were surprisingly similar to Brother Dao's, even though they were in the same location.

This is a man with a strong vindictive mentality!

Seeing the wound on Ono Taro's chest, Zhang Yang couldn't help but feel palpitations. If things went wrong today and he couldn't become friends with Brother Dao, Brother Dao would be a very threatening enemy.

The most important thing is that Zhang Yang suddenly found that he was becoming more and more fond of this bloody man. Zhang Yang doubted that if he was asked to kill Brother Dao now, would he still be able to do it

"Come on, continue, I don't believe that you, a small Japanese, can still be so arrogant in our land of China. Now, it is no longer the 1930s!" Brother Dao was full of arrogance and domineering.

"Today, it's you but not me!" Ono Taro said every word with a gloomy expression.

"Okay, just what I want. With you or without me, come and kill...!"

Brother Dao's body moved again. This time, Brother Dao's attack made everyone dumbfounded, because Brother Dao opened and closed without any defense at all. It was completely a life-for-life posture.


Zhang Yang watched Brother Dao rush forward with his kitchen knife high, and felt a strange feeling again. He believed that Brother Dao this time, like last time, must have a certain meaning.

However, Zhang Yang really couldn't think of any other tricks this action could play. However, Zhang Yang believed in his intuition and believed that Brother Dao would definitely give him another surprise.

Notaro looked at the sword brother who was rushing over. His body did not move. The samurai sword was hanging on the ground. The tip of the sword was backward and the blade was forward. In fact, it was a dragging posture. This is a very unpredictable offensive posture. , it is difficult for ordinary people to predict the direction of the katana sword from this posture.

Getting closer, closer...

There seemed to be flames beating in Notaro's eyes, revealing a ferocious light. He had decided not to give his opponent any chance and kill him with one move!


Notaro's heart palpitated, and an extreme danger spread throughout his body. Why did he feel this way

There was no time to think, because behind the kitchen knife, there were countless remnant shadows rushing over...

"Boom!" Ono Taro looked at the kitchen knife in the air with fear on his face. He felt the breath of death.

That kitchen knife was actually released!

Yes, let go! Why would you let go!

The spinning kitchen knife kept expanding and expanding in Ono's pupils...

There was no time to think. Xiaoye tilted his body suddenly, barely avoiding the sharp kitchen knife. In fact, the kitchen knife had already cut off the hair on his face. He felt the cold air, and death was so far away from him. So close.

Unfortunately, Ono Taro didn't know that death had already followed his body.

Brother Dao's body jumped forward like a cheetah. In his hand, he held an awl-like weapon. The weapon was completely black and extremely depressing. This was a completely different weapon from a kitchen knife. The only thing they had in common was that , that handle is still the handle of a kitchen knife...


With a heart-piercing scream, the dark-skinned awl was completely immersed in Ono Taro's heart.

Notaro felt the power in his body flow through his heart crazily, and he saw a grinning face. This face was so close, and the man's body was so close to him, making him look extremely intimate.

The white snow of Mount Fuji and the woman with jade-like skin are slowly leaving...

At this moment, Ono Taro felt as if all his decades of memories were playing in his head like a movie.

He is very unwilling, very unwilling!

However, the tearing of his heart had taken away his life, and the katana, which was more important than his life, fell to the ground with a pleasant sound.

"Dahe..." Ono Taro uttered two words, and his body slowly collapsed on the ground. Four chapters will be released today. Brothers who still have monthly tickets, please ask for fire support. There are only two days left for double monthly tickets! (QuanBen Novel Network