The Road to Kill the Gods

Chapter 170: The Jianghu of Aze


Brother Dao squatted on the ground, gently wiped the blood from the black awl in his hand on Ono Taro's body, and then kicked the body hard. w ww.q ua nbe nc om

"It's great if you have martial arts. Brother Dao can't kill you just like that!" Brother Dao looked at the people around him with a ferocious smile, and the pampihu even shivered all over. He just discovered today that Brother Dao and him are not at all like each other. Even as a person from two worlds, he also kills people, but he doesn't kill with the momentum of Brother Dao, nor the cruelty of Brother Dao, nor the character of Brother Dao who is willing to sacrifice one's life.

"Leave it to you!"

Brother Dao turned around and said to Zhang Yang and the others. After hearing these words, Zhang Yang suddenly felt inexplicably relaxed. With these words, Brother Dao had already regarded them as his own, so the situation he started to worry about would never happen again.

Whether it is Zhang Yang or Liu Biao Aze, they are now full of affection for Brother Dao, a bloody man. If they are made enemies of Brother Dao, they will have a very uncomfortable feeling psychologically.

There are two people left, Ma Pihu and the European. Saying that this person is European is entirely Zhang Yang's intuition. Zhang Yang has always believed in his intuition. So far, Zhang Yang's intuition has not been wrong.

At this time, the tall and mighty white man looked at Taro Ono, who was dead on the ground, and was stunned for a while. It seemed that he had never thought that such a master could die so easily.

"Idiot, you are mine!" Liu Biao strode away, as if he was afraid that Aze and Zhang Yang would steal his business.

The white man looked at the machete in Liu Biao's hand, murmured something in his mouth, kept gesturing with his hands, pointed at the machete in Liu Biao's hand, waved, and then made fists with both hands and kept gesticulating.

"What did this Japanese devil say?" Liu Biao, apart from being able to speak Mandarin and local dialects, was fluent in the languages of other countries but knew nothing about them.

"He was speaking French. He said he wanted to compete with you in boxing." Zhang Yang said.

" do you know he is speaking French? Do you know French?" Liu Biao looked at Zhang Yang in surprise. In his impression, Zhang Yang's English is still at the junior high school stage. When did he learn French

"Hurry up. Your challenge has been accepted."

Zhang Yang was stunned for a moment. He couldn't figure out the memory and thinking in his head, especially the language. It seemed that the martial arts knowledge in the memory was linked to the language. This is definitely not professional language knowledge, because he can't speak it out, but he can understand it completely. Especially sensitive to words.

Zhang Yang doesn't know. There is a martial arts genius in his memory bank, because to find some clues about ancient martial arts from books, one must be familiar with various languages and characters.

In fact, masters who can reach the level of General Stammer are language masters, and it is common to know seven or eight languages.

While Zhang Yang was thinking, Liu Biao had already handed the sharp machete to Aze, took off his clothes, exposed his flesh, and saw the muscles on Liu Biao's body. The European made a sound of admiration.

"Come on, foreign devil, today I'll beat you to the point where you're going to have teeth all over the floor!" Liu Biao laughed.

"..." The Frenchman obviously didn't understand what Liu Biao said, and looked back at Ma Pihu with a blank look on his face.

Mapihu hurriedly translated, immediately. The Frenchman's face was filled with rage. Curly like a lion, he didn't even speak. Suddenly he punched Liu Biao hard.

There was a loud sound of "Peng!"

What a fast fist!

What a fierce fist!

The power of this punch made Liu Biao immediately put away his contempt, because Liu Biao blocked the punch with his arm and actually knocked him back four or five steps before he could control his body.

"Professional boxer!" Brother Dao, who was bandaging a stab wound on his chest, suddenly changed color on his face.

"Are there any professional boxers in Zh city?" Zhang Yang was also surprised. If he is really a professional boxer, then Liu Biao's fight is not promising. Although Liu Biao was favored by the little monk and gave him some martial arts secrets, but The training time is still short, and the combat experience cannot be compared with that of a professional boxer.

"Yes, there are many. Ma Pihu has a black boxing organization. He has many channels to bring some underground boxers from Europe, America, and Africa to compete. I have seen it several times and want to participate because I am good at using knives. In the end give up."

Brother Dao looked at Liu Biao and the white man with a serious look on his face. The two were waiting for opportunities to find each other's weaknesses.

Zhang Yang suddenly felt inexplicably nervous. Although Zhang Yang had never seen real underground black boxing, there was a lot of information and knowledge about this on the TV network.

The feeling that underground black boxing gives Zhang Yang can only be described in two words: cruel!

Often, underground black boxing ends with the death or disability of one party. It is precisely the cruelty of underground black boxing that has created a huge gambling group. It is a truly exciting death game.

here we go!

The two figures suddenly intersected, and their fists hit each other like raindrops... In just a few seconds, the two figures immediately separated.

Seeing the blood on Liu Biao's face, the atmosphere in the hall became tense. In the brief confrontation just now, Liu Biao had been beaten to a bruised nose and face, with blood all over his nose and mouth. However, the French boxer was not hurt at all, and suddenly raised his fists. Suddenly, his body kept jumping, extremely flexible.

Obviously, Liu Biao suffered a loss in the first round, and he also realized that this opponent was not simple. His face was not as arrogant as before, but he had a solemn look on his face. He kept wiping the blood from the corners of his eyes with his fists. Just now, the corners of his eyes Beaten to pieces…

Many people found that Liu Biao was in a trance after receiving this punch.

Just as everyone was waiting for the next handover again, suddenly, a person attracted everyone's attention.


Aze put Liu Biao's machete on the ground, walked to Liu Biao, took out a tissue and handed it to Liu Biao.

"Thank you..." Liu Biao took the tissue and wiped the blood on his eyes, nose, and mouth.

"Idiot!" Aze cursed lightly.

"Ah! Aze... you, you... you bastard, tell me clearly why you are cursing people?" Liu Biao went crazy again and screamed angrily.

Unfortunately, Aze ignored him and already walked towards the French boxer...


As if a bolt of lightning flashed across the sky, Aze took action!

Aze's sword is always traceless and unconstrained. No one thought that he would use the sword, but he did, and that sword was like a ghost in the night...

The speed is so fast that even fast people can’t keep up.

The sword flashed in the air, engulfed the French boxer's neck, and then extended from the neck to the abdomen...

The French boxer looked at Azer blankly, and then looked down at his cut chest with an expression of disbelief. He didn't believe this was true, because the boy showed no sign of using the knife, but , the fact is, he has been stabbed.

He saw his heart, his internal organs, and the still moving intestines. He even smelled an unpleasant smell, which was the smell exposed after the intestines ruptured...

With a loud "Peng!", the French boxer's heavy body fell heavily to the ground. From beginning to end, the Frenchman did not make a sound, not even a scream.

Aze's knife is the most efficient and the most deadly!

Aze didn't look. In fact, when he took out the knife, he turned around immediately. He didn't need to look. For him, a huge, motionless target was too big. He didn't need to check the results to know. What kind of ending will his sword cause

"Tell me, are you a fool?" Aze handed Liu Biao another tissue.

"..." Liu Biao looked at Aze's face and opened his mouth blankly. He was stunned for a long time before he made a weak voice that most people couldn't hear: "I, I... I'm stupid."

"When you meet a boxer, compete with him in boxing. Well, when you meet a sniper, compete with him in shooting. If you meet an atomic bomb maker, don't you want to find an atomic bomb to bomb him?" A rare expression on Aze's face. A smile appeared.

"I... I'm so stupid..." Liu Biao's face turned red and he was so ashamed.

There was an extremely quiet moment in the warehouse, and everyone looked at the disemboweled corpse.

Even Brother Dao was stunned for a while. For the first time, Brother Dao felt like vomiting. The world became crazy. Aze Dao and Aze's style overturned the world in Brother Dao's mind. However, Dao Dao I have a feeling that my own world seems to be illusory, but Aze's world is the real world!

Iron blood, cruelty, killing... (Full novel website