The Road to Kill the Gods

Chapter 173: A state that is too appalling to behold


Zhang Yang, A Ze, and Liu Biao returned to the rental house in silence. w Ww/Quan Ben/c om

From beginning to end, neither Aze nor Liu Biao spoke.

When the three of them sat on the sofa, there was another long silence. Zhang Yang couldn't sit still. He had been waiting for Aze and Liu Biao to ask, but neither of them spoke.

It would be understandable to say that Aze didn't speak. After all, Aze was a taciturn person. However, it was a bit unreasonable for Liu Biao not to speak either.

Liu Biao is always a man who can't keep his words secret.

"You have nothing to ask?" Zhang Yang found that he no longer had the patience he had before, and felt an inexplicable anxiety in his heart.


Liu Biao glanced at Zhang Yang, and still gently wiped the sharp machete in his hand with a tissue. The blade of the machete already had several gaps. Although it did not affect the fighting, it was very unsightly.

"Why don't you ask?" Zhang Yang was stunned.

"I know, you must have a reason. If you are willing to tell us, you will naturally tell us. If you are not willing, you will not tell us if we ask..."

Zhang Yang had the urge to vomit blood. When did Liu Biao say such wise words

"Tell me! I see you're in pain too." A Ze said something that made Zhang Yang vomit blood.

"Ahem... Let me ask you something, do you like Brother Dao?" Zhang Yang asked after coughing awkwardly.

"Yes, he is a very bloody man." Aze played with his waist knife.

"Well, yes, he is a real man, a real big brother." Liu Biao nodded in agreement.

"Haha, it seems that everyone has the same opinion. So, let me ask. If you were asked to kill Brother Dao now, would you kill him?" Zhang Yang asked.

Suddenly, there was silence in the room again. This is a very real question. Zhang Yang has thought about this question for a long time, but he has no answer.

Regarding this question, Zhang Yang remembered the words of the killer Li Bo.

"Never try to understand the target you are about to kill!"

then. Zhang Yang didn't take this sentence to heart. After all, the more you know about a target, the better. Now. Zhang Yang understood the meaning of this sentence. For a killer, knowing his target is a very painful ordeal.

Just like now, if Zhang Yang didn't understand Brother Dao, he would not have any psychological burden in killing Brother Dao. However, now, in his mind, Brother Dao is already a man of flesh and blood, a man who values love and justice. A principled man, it is with this understanding that Zhang Yang can no longer take action.

Every target of the killer is a living person of flesh and blood, and they have their own lives. own family. Moreover, most of the people who can make people pay for killers have extraordinary charisma. The more you get to know this kind of person, the harder it is to kill him. It is easy for the killer to feel conflicted and unable to kill him. In order to prevent this situation from happening, usually the killer will only remember the life patterns of his own target and rarely probe into the target's life. ***, avoid knowing too much about the target person’s personality.

"Will kill!"

Suddenly, Liu Biao and Aze said in unison.

"Ah... why?" Zhang Yang was stunned for a moment. This answer didn't seem to come from Liu Biao's mouth. You know, Liu Biao admired people like Brother Dao the most.

"There is no reason. I naturally don't have so many scruples when I come out to hang out. If I can't take action when I meet an opponent I like to admire, then I'm just messing around. However, if I kill Brother Dao, I will be unhappy for the rest of my life. Dao Brother, he is a real gangster. He represents the dreams of countless gangsters. In fact, he is also my dream... "

"I agree!" Aze's answer is always concise.

"Yes!" Zhang Yang suddenly felt extremely pleased: "I left just now because I didn't want you to be sad. Although Brother Dao has surrendered now, it is not a real surrender, but a helpless surrender. If this situation develops, If this continues, there will be a strong resentment, and the final result of the resentment is that we have to eradicate Brother Dao. Since we can predict the occurrence of this kind of thing, I simply give up. I don’t want to let Brother Dao let us down because of Brother Dao. The three brothers will be unhappy all their lives..."

"What I want is Brother Dao's heart, not Brother Dao's people. I hope to turn Brother Dao into a brother like you, instead of Brother Dao who is always on guard. I respect Brother Dao as a person, and I respect Brother Dao's Bloody, so I am willing to give up my recent efforts for Brother Dao!" Zhang Yang's voice was extremely deep, giving people a depressing feeling. After all, it is not easy to get to this point in Zh City, and where is the old man? It's also very difficult to deal with, but Zhang Yang thinks it's worth it. He doesn't want to plant a time bomb now.

Liu Biao said nothing, walked up to Zhang Yang, stretched out his hand and held Zhang Yang's hand tightly.

Aze was silent for a moment and then stood up, placing his hand on their hands.

Three hands, tightly held together.

Suddenly, the distance between the three of them became much closer, especially Aze. If the friendship between Liu Biao and Zhang Yang could withstand any blow, then the relationship between Aze and them was more like a cooperation.

Recently, Zhang Yang clearly felt that Aze had slowly integrated into their small group. This problem was illustrated when he killed the boxer for Liu Biao with a knife.

However, Liu Biao is indispensable here. Many times, Zhang Yang has to admire Liu Biao's style. It is easy for people to feel close to him. From a young monk to a general, to Brother Dao, Aze, these characters are very important to him. Liu Biao has a good impression of him. Perhaps it is Liu Biao's carefree and never-pretending personality that makes people feel close to him easily.

"You guys wait for me at home first. I'm going out to meet someone. Although I haven't fulfilled my promise, I still have to give an explanation." Zhang Yang walked to the door painfully.

"Zhang Yang." Suddenly, Aze shouted.

"Huh?" Zhang Yang, who had already opened the door, looked back at Aze. At this time, Aze's face was serious.

"Among the three of us, you have the highest martial arts skills, your quickest thinking, and your more profound considerations. You have always been the one doing things, and you are in charge. It's natural. Therefore, you don't have to consider our feelings, no matter how you do it. We will all support your decision, you don’t need to explain everything to us!”

"I agree!" Liu Biao nodded affirmatively.

"Thanks… "

Zhang Yang didn't stop and immediately closed the door and left, because he felt his eyes getting hot. What is a confidant? Support even when you are right, support when you are wrong, unconditional support, this is the true confidant.

It was already late at night, and there was a hint of chill on the road.

Brother Dao... Thinking of Brother Dao, Zhang Yang couldn't help but sigh. If it hadn't been for Mao Yunhua's appearance, Brother Dao would have become a dead soul under the sword. Although the entire Zz City cannot be said to have completely fallen into his hands, it is not that far away. It is a pity. Those human resources of the elderly.

The villas were quiet, with occasional security patrols passing by.

When Zhang Yang walked to the old man's door, he found that the old man's door was open. When Zhang Yang walked in, he immediately saw the smiling face of the hostess, who was very kind and made Zhang Yang feel very friendly.

Zhang Yang discovered that he had never called the hostess.

"Auntie, good evening." Zhang Yang bent slightly. For this virtuous hostess who was full of classical charm, he felt that bowing was more appropriate than shaking hands and nodding.

"Good evening, I've been waiting for you for a long time. The tea has been brewed in the study on the second floor." The hostess patted Zhang Yang's arm with a loving look on her face.

"Thank you, aunt."

"Go ahead, the old man is not happy, please be patient."

"oh… "

Suddenly, Zhang Yang felt a huge pressure. This pressure was just because of the hostess's words. Why was the old man unhappy

Could it be that he already knew his decision

Or was there another accident

Zhang Yang felt very uneasy. Every time he faced this old man, he felt like everything was being penetrated. It seemed that he had no secrets in front of him...

The whole villa was quiet. Although there were a few servants, the servants seemed to be deliberately trying not to make any noise. Obviously, the old man liked a quiet environment.

The door of the room was open, and the old man was writing calligraphy. The old man's calligraphy made Zhang Yang feel miserable, without any sense of beauty, and the words were crooked and had nothing to do with art.

However, although the old man's calligraphy made Zhang Yang vomit blood, the old man's concentration and devotion still moved Zhang Yang a little. Being able to practice calligraphy to such a horrible point and still practice persistently is worthy of admiration. .

At least, Zhang Yang has not reached this level yet! (QuanBen Novel Network